Языковые особенности произведений Акселеуа Сейдимбек
В статье исследованы языковая специфика, особенности словоупотребления в произведениях
Акселеуа. Подробно изучены стилевые приемы, используемые писателем, описаны особенности
создания произведений. Проанализированы высказывания писателя с точки зрения их языковой и
эстетической окраски. В результате исследования определены наиболее специфичные словоупотребления
в произведениях Акселеуа Сейдимбек, раскрывающие лексическое богатство казахского языка.
Ключевые слова: слово, языковой разбор, писатель, стиль, стилистика, словарный запас, лексико-
грамматический, язык автора, морфология.
Ақселеу Сейдімбек шығармаларының…
Серия «Филология». № 2(86)/2017
Sh. Mazhitaeva, A.Y. Seytim, N.B. Zhanuzakov
Language features of the works of Akseleu Seydimbek
The article considers the language features of the works of Akseleu Seydimbek. There is a division from the
point of view of the language, as well as an analysis of the peculiarities of the verbal consumption of the
works of Akseleu. Various features of the writer are described in writing a work, as well as its artistic style.
The statements of the writer's judgment and the manifestation of his linguistic-aesthetic colors are analyzed.
Exploring the language of the writer is determined by his verbal use of the Kazakh language, as well as the
ways of developing linguistic wealth. Linguostylistic analysis is carried out to the language structure-the
author's system. Also, a review of the author's research on the analysis of the work from a linguistic point of
view is conducted.
Keywords: word, language analysis, writer, style, stylistics, vocabulary, lexical-grammatical, author's
language, morphology.
1 Mazhitaeva, Sh. (2004). XX hasyr basyndahy kazak adebi tіlі [Kazakh literary language in the beginning XX Centuries].
Karaganda: KarMU baspasy [in Kazakh].
2 Sybanbaeva, A. (2002). Metaforanyn tіldіk bolmysy zhane kontseptualdy metaforalar [The linguistic essence of metaphor
and conceptual metaphors]. Almaty: Sanat [in Kazakh].
3 Seidymbek, A. (2002). Akkyz [Аkkyz]. Almaty: Atamura [in Kazakh].
4 Isaev, S. (1996). Kazak adebi tіlіnіn tarikhy [History of the Kazakh literary language]. Almaty: Ana tіlі [in Kazakh].
Вестник Карагандинского университета
UDC 81-139
G. Altenbek
, X.L. Wang
School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, China;
College of Information Science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, China;
The Base of Kazakh and Kirghiz Language of National Language Resource Monitoring
and Research Minority Language Centre, China
(E-mail: gla@insun.hit.edu.cn)
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