Обними меня крепче. 7 диалогов для любви на всю жизнь

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Обними меня крепче

ЧАСТЬ ТРЕТЬЯ. Сила, преображающая мир
Любовь исцеляющая
1. Fraley, Chris, David Fazzari, George Bonanno, and Sharon 
Dekel. Attachment and psychological adaptation in high 

Обними меня крепче
exposure survivors of the September 11th attack on the 
World Trade Center. Personality and Social Psychology 
Bulletin, 2006, vol. 32, pp. 538–551.
2. Johnson, Susan. Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy 
with Trauma Survivors: Strengthening attachment bonds. 
Guilford Press, 2002.
3. Matsakis, Aphrodite. Trust After Trauma: A guide to 
relationships for survivors and those who love them. New 
Harbinger Press, 1997.
4. ———. In Harm’s Way: Help for the wives of military 
men, police, EMTs and Firefighters. New Harbinger Press, 
5. Resnick, Heidi, Dean Kilpatrick, Bonnie Dansky, Benjamin 
Saunders, and Connie Best. Prevalence of civilian trauma 
and post-traumatic stress disorder in a representative 
national sample of women. Journal of Consulting and 
Clinical Psychology, 1993, vol. 61, pp. 984–991.
6. Shay, Jonathan. Odysseus in America: Combat trauma and 
the trials of homecoming. Scribner, 2002.
Мир во всем мире: любовь как последний оплот
1. Cohn, Deborah, Daniel Silver, Carolyn Cowan, Philip 
Cowan, and Jane Pearson. Working models of childhood 
attachment and couple relationships. Journal of Family 
Issues, 1992, vol. 13, pp. 432–449.
2. Conger, Rand, Ming Cui, Chalandra Bryant, and 
Glen Elder. Compe tence in early adult relationships: 
A developmental perspective on family influences. Journal 
of Personality and Social Psychology, 2000, vol. 79, 
pp. 224–237.

3. Mason, Bill, and Sally Mendoza. Generic aspects of 
primate attach ments: Parents, offspring and mates. 
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 1998, vol. 23, pp. 765–778.
4. Mikulincer, Mario, Phillip Shaver, Omri Gillath, and 
Rachel Nitzberg. Attachment, caregiving and altruism: 
Boosting attachment security increases compassion and 
helping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 
2005, vol. 89, pp. 817–839.
5. Mortenson, Greg, and David Oliver Relin. Three Cups of 
Tea. Pen guin, 2006.
6. Simpson, Jeffry, Andrew Collins, SiSi Tran, and Katherine 
Haydon. Attachment and the experience and expression 
of emotions in romantic relationships: A developmental 
perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 
2007, vol. 92, pp. 355–367.
7. Sturge-Apple, Melissa, Patrick Davis, and Mark 
Cummings. Impact of hostility and withdrawal in 
interparental conflict on parental emotional unavailability 
and children’s adjustment difficulties.
8. Child Development, 2006, vol. 77, pp. 1623–1641.

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