Владеть навыками решения научных и практических
проблем в сфере правового регулирования результатов
творческой интеллектуальной деятельности.
Выпускники будут владеть углубленными знаниями во всех
областях юриспруденции и уметь осуществлять критический
анализ состояния современных научных исследований,
сформируют системные навыки, связанные с решением
проблем, критической оценкой первоначальных данных, и
собственности. Овладение практическими навыками;
Discipline code
The name of discipline, the
number of credits
prerequisites, the distribution
by type of occupation
The goal, objectives, an outline of the module (course)
Learning Outcomes
(knowledge, skills)
HK 1101
History of Kazakhstan
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: To familiarize the students with the historical bases and periods
of formation of the independent Kazakhstan statehood through the study of
specific sources and historical facts from the standpoint of new theoretical
and methodological views.
Content. The historical bases and periods of formation of the independent
Kazakhstan statehood. Historical and comparative analysis of the current
achievements of the Kazakhstan statehood compared to various periods of
the past.
- knowledge of historical bases and periods of establishment of
the independent Kazakhstan statehood in the context of the global
- the ability of comprehending objectively and thoroughly the
inherent advantages, features and value of Kazakhstan's
- analytical skills and skills of axiological analysis in the study
of complicated historical processes, phenomena and historical
figures of modern Kazakhstan.
Kazakh (Russian) Language for
Professional Purposes
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: To teach the students the ability to reproduce and produce
dialogues and monologues in the Kazakh (Russian) language in every
day scientific and professional communication.
Content. Reproduction of the conceptually
organized philological knowledge in the Kazakh (Russian) language, the
co-allocation of the functioning and development of the Kazakh
(Russian) language with the socio-economic, cultural, historical, political
situation in Kazakhstan and in the world, with constitutional legal bases of
the Republic of Kazakhstan.
– the ability to apply the basic knowledge of the system,
structure and functioning of the Kazakh language units for
working at texts on speciality to formulate a professional
- the ability to create secondary scientific texts: abstract,
summary and description; the ability to synthesize the scientific
information in the form of a thesis of the issue.
FLPP 1103
Foreign Language for
Professional Purposes
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: To teach the students to communicate in a foreign language for
professional needs.
Content. Enriching the vocabulary of a foreign language, including the
professional terms and clichés, development of listening skills,
improvement of students' abilities in reading authentic publications on
suggested topics from professional press and the development of skills of
writing business correspondence with partners on professional issues. The
course is designed for students with the average and high levels of
language proficiency (Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate,
- the ability to comprehend a foreign speech by listening;
- communication skills in a foreign language and rich
- reading skills and skills of analysis of the read material.
PSK 2104
Philosophy of Scientific
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: to develop students’ methodological and scientific culture,
their skills of independent formulating scientific problems and algorithm of
scientific search based on fundamental knowledge in the sphere of
philosophy, as well as possibilities of interdisciplinary methodology.
A special attention is paid to the problems of science and technology,
engineering, technical knowledge and art, the role of science in social
progress, and also in genesis and solution of global tasks of modern
Content. Studying key ideas and categories of Modern Philosophy, its
basic principles, laws and mechanisms of cognitive activity.
- knowledge of the role of Philosophy as
worldview and basic concepts of the scientific knowledge; its
essence and interrelation of philosophical and general scientific
- knowledge of core principles, laws and mechanisms of the
cognitive activity.
- knowledge of current ethical problems of modern society and
their importance for the professional activity;
- skills of non-biased comprehension of realias of modern socio-
cultural situations from the point of view of critical thinking
Considering ethical problems of the development of science and
technology, basic spiritual values and their importance for professional
Extension and improvement of students’ knowledge in heuristic and
methodological spheres of science by
mastering scientific and methodological potential of Modern Philosophy.
Forming the idea of the objective law of existence and the development of
the community, state, civil society and individuals, of the principles of
tolerance and intercultural dialogue as conditions of existence of a global
society. Developing the students’ culture of critical thinking and their skills
of independent reflection on their own methodological problems.
- skills to use knowledge of principles, laws and categories of
Philosophy in the process of solving professional scientific tasks;
- mastering skills of creative and critical thinking and applying of
tools of critical thinking to the analysis of scientific, cultural,
social and political phenomena and processes.
PIC 2201
Psychology of Interpersonal
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: students’ awareness of the role and place of psychological
knowledge about interpersonal communication in the modern world,
revealing their importance in the process of becoming a professional in
their chosen specialty.
Content: Systematization of students’ knowledge through the study of the
major paradigms, theories, and concepts of modern psychology of
interpersonal communication. The theoretical and empirical study of the
interpersonal communication psychological problems based on the study
of cognitive processes, mental states and individual psychological
characteristics of the individual. Basic categories and concepts of social
psychology, methodological foundations of social psychology, the basic
theories, concepts and principles of social psychology, the nature, content
and form of psychic phenomena, laws of their dynamics, methods and
techniques of researching interpersonal communication, the essence of the
new psychological techniques and technology of studying interpersonal
knowledge of mental phenomena of interpersonal communication
in the accordance of the cognitive processes and regulatory
- knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of
modern psychology of interpersonal communication ;
- knowledge of the basic concepts and categories of modern
psychology of interpersonal communication ;
- the ability to adequately apply the acquired psychological
knowledge in interpersonal communication ;
- the ability to investigate individual human characteristics in
terms of interpersonal communication in order to identify his
personal attributes and form his psychological characteristics;
- the ability to competently build a system of relationships with
others in the context of interpersonal communication and group
interaction ;
- skills of interpersonal communication psychological research,
implementation, analysis , processing of the data and correct
interpretation of the results ;
- the ability to develop practical recommendations to help
improve the individual in terms of interpersonal communication ;
- the ability to estimate and adjust interpersonal communication
in order to harmonize the individual and his relationship with
others .
TAPS 2202
Theoretical and Applied
Political Science
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: To introduce to the basics of politics, power and power
relations, the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Content: Political systems and forms of government, and institutions, the
political processes in Kazakhstan and in the world. Program documents and
the President's Addresses, strategic directions of home and foreign policy
of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The idea of a global world as the new world
order, an understanding of the major tendencies in world politics and
international relations, contribution to the national security strengthening
and terrorism and extremism prevention.
- the ability to express attitude and to exercise social and political
activity to resist various forms of manipulation;
- the ability of a tolerant professional interaction and adaptation
to the new conditions, taking into account the socio-cultural,
ideological, political and religious differences.
EPSS 2203
Ethics of Personal and Social
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: to introduce students to ethical standards, moral principles and
human values in the social activity.
Content: The systematic understanding of the ways of forming and
improving ethical standards in various areas of professional activity.
Formation for future professionals of knowledge about the basic ethical
concepts, regularities of forming ethical conduct in the process of a
person’s socialization. Introduction to the basic stages and tendencies in the
development of ethics. Revealing the contents of fundamental ethical
guidelines that form the moral position of an individual.
- knowledge of basic ethical concepts and categories;
- skills of independent moral orientation in society, indicating a
sufficient level of ethical maturity;
- knowledge of principles and methods of finding the best ethical
decisions in difficult situations of everyday life;
- skills of assessment of their own actions and the behavior of
others in terms of ethics and morality norms;
-skills to behave in society and communicate with citizens in
accordance with the rules of etiquette.
CR 2204
Culture and Religion
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: introduction to the main cultural and religious peculiarities of
Kazakhstan, consideration of the evolution of Kazakhstan peoples’ cultural
and religious traditions.
Content: Methods of Cultural Studies and Religions Studies applied for
researching Kazakhstan regions’ cultural and religious phenomena;
concept of ―dialogue‖ as one of the basic categories of the 20-21 century
humanities, as well as peculiarities of theoretical language of describing its
fundamental existential and socio-cultural parameters, boundaries and
horizons. Specific features of man’s metaphysical and religious experience
as ontological bases of a dialogue.
- knowledge of scientific world outlook, ethnic and cultural
- the ability to make comparative analysis of the hierarchy of
core values of the past and present religious and unreligious
world outlook;
- the ability to predict perspectives of possible interaction of
philosophy, religion, science and arts in the process of solution of
the main world-outlook problems;
- the ability to identify synchronic and diachronic
interconnections of regional cultural phenomena, to identify their
causes and effects;
- skills of tolerant behavior, social and professional interaction
taking into account ethno-cultural and confessional differences.
GAS 2205
General and Applied Sociology
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: to form a general idea of the contemporary society; to make the
students aware of social processes taking place both in the world and
Kazakhstan (issues of stratification, social inequality, poverty and wealth,
social, religious, economic and political conflicts).
Content: Character of social interactions between people, social and group
differences between them. Main laws of society development, basic
sociological concepts, methods of sociological research, contemporary
sociological theories, main trends and results of contemporary research in
- the ability to make independent analysis of the processes and
phenomena taking place in the society;
- the ability to dynamically use alternative, new or innovative
sociological approaches in solution of professional issues;
- the ability to express one’s thoughts in oral and written forms
correctly and reasonably;
- the ability to use the gained knowledge in certain situations;
- skills of social interaction: collaboration, tolerance and respect;
- skills of social prognosis and strategic planning, public speech,
argumentation, conducting discussion and debate.
HLS 2206
Human Life Safety
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills
necessary for creating proper living environment and labour conditions,
identification of negative impacts of living environment, elaboration and
realisation of protective measures to secure the man and living
environment from negative impacts.
Content: Basic natural and techno-sphere dangers, their properties and
features, types of impact of harmful and dangerous factors on the man and
natural environment, methods of protection. Bases of theoretical analysis
and prediction of hazard phenomena and processes.
- knowledge of protection measures from natural and techno-
sphere disasters within the sphere of professional activity;
- the ability to make decisions within the limits of one’s
competence and authority in emergency situations (ES);
- the ability to identify the major dangers of man’s living
environment, to assess the risk of their realization.
- knowledge of protection methods and safety technologies in
emergency situations.
ESD 2207
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: to provide students with systematic and practical knowledge on
ecology and stable development, protection of environment and rational
environmental management to train qualified specialists with a wide range
of skills.
Content. Basic regularities of life forms’ interaction with the environment;
mechanisms of ecosystems and biosphere stability and functioning; place
and role of ecology in modern economic, political and social problems
solution; modern global economic problems, their causes, stages of
formation and consequences. Special place in the discipline is given to
stable development of nature and society, international cooperation in the
sphere of environmental safety
-the ability to identify and analyze natural and human-caused
ecological processes and to find the ways of their regulation;
- the ability to understand modern concepts and strategies of
stable mankind development aimed at systematic changing of
traditional forms of management and people’s lifestyle in order to
preserve stable biosphere and society development without
disastrous crisis;
-the ability to use in practice the obtained knowledge of basic
regularities of life forms’ interaction with the environment in
order to preserve stable development;
- skills to analyze ecological processes, to set specific targets and
priorities of stable nature and society development.
KL 2208
Kazakhstan Law
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: to study the peculiarities of Kazakhstan legal system, to study
the main regulations of basic norms of legal documents in the RK.
Content. Legal system in Kazakhstan, conceptual issues of basic
regulations in the RK.
Theoretical bases of rule-of-law state formation, democratic society and
social state. Basic trends of Kazakhstan’s law policy conception in 2010-
2020 and ‖The Strategy ―Kazakhstan - 2050‖.
-knowledge of legal system peculiarities in Kazakhstan in
historical and law context and in current situation of national
legal system integration into the world system of laws;
-the ability to apply scientific and theoretical knowledge in daily
activity in defending constitutional rights and freedoms.
FE 2209
Fundamentals of Economics
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The aim: to form scientific concepts of basic categories, ideas and
regularities of economy functioning.
Content. Socio-economic relations. Basic micro and macroeconomic
indices, their computing methods. The mechanism of market pricing,
competition and economic development trends. Basis of economic
development of modern international economic relations system and world
market development trends.
- knowledge of the basic economic reorganizations in the society,
logics and interconnection of phenomena and processes in the
society life;
-the ability to apply systematic knowledge in economy in
professional activity.
ITPP 1301
Information Technologies for
Professional Purposes
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The purpose of this course is to develop students' practical skills in the use
of modern information technologies in their future careers.
- Know the purpose and types of information technologies,
technologies for the collection, storage, processing, transmission,
- To be able to process information, using the means of the
- To know the composition, structure, principles of
implementation and operation of information technology.
KSE(P) 1302
Concepts of Modern Science
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
This course focuses on the study of the organic world of the past: the
establishment of the taxonomic composition of the biota; identify patterns
of evolution and stages of development of the biosphere, the reconstruction
of lifestyle and living conditions of organisms. Students will become
familiar with the content of paleontology, its methods; learn to use the
paleontological data to address issues of historical geology and
evolutionary theory.
- Know the basic biological laws of evolution of the organic
world of the past, the principal groups of fossil organisms - their
general characteristics, living conditions and lifestyle, historical
- Know the stages of development of the organic world;
- To be able to distinguish between the main fossils and describe
their morphology.
1 Module «Archeology and Anthropogenesis»
A 1401
3 credits/ 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The purpose of this course is to develop knowledge about the laws of the
historical process, the underlying problems of world history. Students will
learn about the history of archeology, its industries, methods of research
activities of prominent archaeologists and the largest in the history of
archaeological discoveries.
- The ability to use basic knowledge of historical research in the
- To know the ways of human existence in various environmental
media, material remains of human activity, their typology and
methods of study, general features and characteristics of the life
of ancient societies, the formation of ethnic and cultural worlds
from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages, inclusive;
- The ability to understand the driving forces and laws of the
historical process.
PHE 1402
Prehistoric Human Evolution
3 credits/ 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
The main content of the program is the study of the past of mankind,
human development on archaeological, ethnographic (ethnological) and
anthropological sources. Prehistory summarizes data from archeology,
ethnography (ethnology), and anthropology, which are the main sources for
the study of pre-class and early class society, as written sources is not at all
or very little.
- Know the periodization of the history of primitive society;
- Know the characteristics of the evolution of the human species;
- To be able to use the basic techniques for the study of problems
of human evolution.
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