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Прочитайте (2 мин) краткое изложение дела (BRIEF). Соедините части текста (1 - 7) с их

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4. Прочитайте (2 мин) краткое изложение дела (BRIEF). Соедините части текста (1 - 7) с их 
описаниями (a - g). 
A student brief is a short summary and analysis of the case prepared for use in classroom 
discussion. It is a set of notes, presented in a systematic way, in order to sort out the parties, identify 
the issues, ascertain what was decided, and analyze the reasoning behind decisions made by the courts. 

Case briefing helps you acquire the skills of case analysis and legal reasoning. Briefing a case 
helps you understand it. 
a) The chain of argument which led the judges in either a majority or a dissenting opinion to rule 
as they did. 
b) Who are the parties to the lawsuit, what is their dispute, and how did they get to the court?
c) The majority’s basic answer to the basic legal question in the case.
d) Name of the case (parties, date published, case-reporting publication, court). 
e) The basic legal question regarding what specific provision of law that is to be decided in the 
f) The disposition of the case in the lower court(s) that explains how the case got to the court 
whose opinion you are reading. 
g) The political, economic or social impacts of the decision. 
11) __________________________________ 
12) __________________________________ 
13) __________________________________ 
14) __________________________________ 
15) __________________________________ 
16) __________________________________ 
17) __________________________________ 
Sample Legal Brief 
1. Citation: Goss v. Lopez, No. 73-898, SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, 419 
U.S. 565; 95 S. Ct. 729; 42 L. Ed. 2d 725; 1975 U.S. LEXIS 23, October 16, 1974, Argued, January 
22, 1975
2. Facts: Students in the Columbus, Ohio, public schools brought this suit. The students 
claimed that their constitutional right to due process had been violated when they were suspended 
temporarily without a hearing prior to their suspensions. The Ohio Code provides for free education 
for all students between the ages of six and twenty one. Principals may suspend students for 
misconduct for up to ten days or expel them. In such cases, the school officials must notify parents of 
the suspension or expulsion within twenty four hours and include a notice of the reasons. Suspended 
students may appeal to the board of education. The suspensions of the ten students, who brought this 
action, occurred during a period of widespread unrest in the Columbus public schools.
3. Issue: Whether students may be suspended for ten days or less without due process of law.
4. Procedural History: The district court held that due process applies when students are 
suspended from school for ten days or less. 
5. Holding: Suspensions of ten days or less are not de minimis. Due process is required before 
school officials can suspend students.
6. Reasoning: Under Ohio law, the plaintiffs had a right to public education; therefore, school 
officials must accord them due process before depriving them of protected interests. Schools have 
broad authority to establish and enforce standards of conduct; however, such authority is subject to 
constitutional limitations. Students have a property interest under the Fourteenth Amendment to an 
education. The court reasoned that “the State is constrained to recognize a student’s legitimate 
entitlement to a public education as a property interest which is protected by the Due Process Clause 
and which may not be taken away for misconduct without adherence to the minimum procedures 
required by that Clause.” The Due Process Clause also protects liberty interests to a good name and 
reputation from arbitrary action by the state. Short suspensions are less intrusive on students’ rights 
than are expulsions; however, exclusion from the educational system for ten days is not de minimis.
In order to protect property and liberty interests, courts cannot permit school systems to impose 
suspensions in any way they deem appropriate. If due process applies, what process is due? Due 

process requires notice and a hearing prior to suspension for ten days or less. A hearing consists in 
giving the student “an opportunity to explain his/her version of the facts.”
The court stopped short of requiring more extensive due process protections—right to counsel, 
confronting and cross examining witnesses, and compulsory process for witnesses—in suspensions of 
ten days or less. The court recognized that requiring extensive due process protections in short-term 
suspensions would overwhelm the resources of the schools. Providing students and their parents with 
notice and an informal hearing to tell their version of the incident “will provide a meaningful hedge 
against erroneous action.” The court further noted that more extensive due process requirements are 
required in long-term suspensions.
7. Significance: Goss established that due process is required before students may be 
suspended for ten days or less. The nature of the due process required will depend upon the severity of 
the consequences for the students. In general, suspensions, of ten days or less, require notice and an 
opportunity to be heard. Longer suspensions usually require a formal hearing with the opportunity to 
present witness, the opportunity to subpoena witness, the opportunity to confront witnesses, and the 
right to counsel. 

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