№2(78)/2015 Серия педагогика

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Principle of interchange of the elemental and invariable operated mechanisms of innovative processes 
development. Specification and development of effective mechanism of conscious management for changing 
conditions are supposed to this principle realizing. Development of effective mechanism is properly to be 
realized in various directions. One of them is presented by combination of invention processes, by teachers’ 
acquisition and practical applications in any educational institution as the operated innovative system. 
Principle of information support, logistics, staffing assistance for implementing the main stages of in-
novative educational processes. It provides obligatory information and financial support, staffing assistance 
for innovative processes at each of the main stages (in particular, logistics construction, information data-
Principle of forecasting the possible reverse or irreversible structural changes in the innovative social 
and pedagogical environment. This principle follows up the law of irreversible destabilization of pedagogi-
cal innovative environment, and also its integrity and adaptation resources. Resistance of innovative envi-
ronment to innovations in the form of conservative actions against anything new is natural and even obligate 
for preservation of environment constancy as a system. Admitting or rejection of innovation can be consid-
ered from the positions of innovative system’s qualitative condition, and opportunity or impossibility of its 
preservation, wellbeing and ability to self-development. 
Principle of strengthening of innovative educational processes’ stability. The essence is that, while in-
terchanging elemental and operated processes, there is to be amplified the stability of innovative processes 
and their ability to a peculiar self-defense, self-adapting. Modern dynamics of public life has increased both 
the number of innovative processes covering various links of education system and their essential quality 
changing. Stability growth of innovative processes is their keynote of quality changing. It is expressed by 
recognition of their non-randomness and regularity being essential for educational system. 
Principle of acceleration of innovative processes’ development in education system. Effect of this prin-
ciple is to organize and realize the mechanisms of innovative processes. It means progressive innovative 
changes due to their rational introduction into practice of educational institutions. 
All the principles are the elements of complex system of organization and management of innovative 
processes in education. Their close interaction strengthens their effects by means of synergetics. 
Implementation of polylingual education implies the new projecting both the results and the education 
process, the mechanism of its management. 
Traditional idea of educational process management has been characterized as: 
 purposeful and systemically organized process of impacts on its structural components and connec-
tions between them to provide their integrity and effective realization of functions, its optimum de-
 influence of managing system on the operated system to transfer the latter into proper new state; 
 introduction of elements of the scientific organization of pedagogical efforts and so on. 
V.P. Simonov considers pedagogical management as the complex of principles, methods, organizational 
forms and techniques of management for pedagogical systems, including educational process, and aimed on 
their functioning and development [2]. 
The concept «pedagogical management» has a number of the meanings characterizing different aspects 
of administrative activity: 
 the theory of management in educational institution (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, L.E. Kapto, M.M. Potashnik, 
et al.); 
 the educational institution’s control system concerning the urgent searching of ways for its extensive 
rejecting the strategic and operational decisions (B.S. Gershunsky, S.V. Lazarev, E.V. Yakovlev, et al.); 
 management of educational activity (A.M. Moisseyev, V.P. Simonov); 
 the complex of principles, methods, organizational forms and techniques of management for pedagog-
ical systems to increase their functioning and development (N.V. Kuzmina, E.Yu. Nikitin, et al.). 
The analysis of various definitions let us summarize that the main sense of innovative pedagogical 
management involves advancement and substantiation of administrative complex (that is management prin-
ciples, methods, organizational forms and techniques) concerned with innovative transformation of pedagog-
ical system and it is supposed to set the strategic objectives, decision-making, development of ways and 
means of their achievement [3]. 
Formerly we have specified step-by-step implementation of etnolingual didactic approach in field of 
higher educational system, and there is obviously involved a number of technologies mediated by the corre-

B.A.Zhetpisbayeva, G.T.Smagulova 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
sponding principles and methods: profile technology, technologies of pedagogical projection and polylingual 
training, technologies of communicative orientation development for future specialists [4, 5]. 
Designing the matrix model of didactic process with applying the effective ethnolingual didactic ap-
proach has been based on the optimum selection of technologies. 
The concept of technology according to pedagogical literature (scientific, publicistic, educational) is 
distinguished by content diversity having been defined by various authors. We consider that technology as 
«the ordered set of actions, operations and procedures instrumentally providing achievement of predicted 
result in the changing conditions of educational process» (V.A. Slastenin) seems to be the most associated 
definition as well as technology determined by V.V. Yudin as «the set of methods, training techniques to 
effect reliably» [6]. 
Applying of pedagogical projection that includes analysis, diagnostics, forecast and projecting of activi-
ty texturizes and orders both teaching, administrative activity of management personnel, scientific and teach-
ing staff of higher education institutions and educational cognitive activity of the learners. The main objec-
tive of pedagogical projection is to create the most favourable conditions for self-development and self-
realization of polylingual education’s subjects. The project activity involves state education standardization, 
developing of curricula and working programs executed by higher education institutions, that is evaluation of 
phasing and organization logic of pedagogical process, and also projection of the subjects’ personal and pro-
fessional development. 
Whereas, the projection technology of pedagogical process can be presented as unity of technologies [7]: 
 content projection (projective and content-related) to orient the language education practice in the Re-
public of Kazakhstan for language balance (the native and the state (Kazakh) languages), the native 
and the Russian languages, the native and foreign languages, the state (Kazakh) and the Russian lan-
guages, the state (Kazakh) and foreign languages, the Russian and foreign languages
 logistics projection (projective and material): logistics development of polylingual education, working 
out of the syllabuses (AMC) and terminological trilingual dictionaries for implementation of the pro-
grams for scientific, methodical and academic organizational support of polylingual education are car-
ried out by means of formulization of integrated rules to compile the academic organizational docu-

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