Managing the development of
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: REM3403 Regional
Economics and Management
2 +1 +0
The purpose of discipline - the formation of the future specialist in the field of state
and local government and the deep systematic knowledge and practical skills in
strategic planning and spatial planning. Objectives of the course: Form a holistic
view about the object - the territory; introduce the basic concepts and theories of
regional development; consider the essence of the idea of sustainable development,
to show the place and importance of strategic planning in local government.
After completing the training course the student should
To know: the essence, the basic concepts and approaches to the development of
the territory, the stages of strategic planning of the territory, the main direction of
urban development; forms and methods of financial control;
Be able to: analyze and develop a strategy for development of the area, to
independently analyze legal documents and strategic plans;
Have the skills to analyze the processes of strategic management of the territory.
Employment regulation in the
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: REM3403 Regional
Economics and Management
2 +1 +0
Course objective: to give the students knowledge of the problems of unemployment
in the regions of Kazakhstan, to acquaint with the existing legal framework
regulating employment process. Objective of the course: open features on
employment in the regions; formation and development of employment services,
their functioning and cooperation with regional and local authorities, social security
In the course and outcome of this course the students should:
Know: basic concepts, categories and principles in the context of this discipline
• a modern system of organization of employment in the regions;
• legal problems of recognition and social support for the unemployed in
Be able to: navigate the educational information and analyze scientific and
technical literature - to give an explanation, evidence, beliefs, conflict resolution
in the field of social work on employment and its regulation;
Know: Knowledge about the nature and characteristics of employment and its
regulation; organization of independent work skills, skills of available social
Public-private partnership in the
Republic of Kazakhstan
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: GB 1406 Government
and Business
2 +1 +0
The course focuses on the study of conceptual issues and practices of public-private
partnership (PPP). Examines the economic, legal and institutional aspects of the PPP
study are the characteristics of investment projects on public-private partnership in
Kazakhstan. The purpose of the course - an idea about the different aspects of
interaction between government and business projects in public-private partnership
to introduce students to methods of assessing the efficiency and innovative potential
of public-private partnerships.
As a result of the discipline the student must:
Know: the economic content of the relationship of public-private partnerships, as
well as the forms and mechanisms of PPP; principles and mechanisms of PPPs
world experience implementing PPP projects and the contribution of these
projects to the innovative development of territories;
Be able to: navigate the sphere of legislative regulation of public - private
partnership in the country; explore specific characteristics of PPPs in various
Be skilled in the use of technology for the purpose of PPP development of
regional innovation systems.
5V090900 Logistics (by industry)
Discipline name, credits,
Purpose, objectives, summary of course
Competences (learning outcomes)
Obligatory module
9 credits
The History of Kazakhstan
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The aim: To familiarize the students with the historical bases and periods of
formation of the independent Kazakhstan statehood through the study of specific
sources and historical facts from the standpoint of new theoretical and
methodological views.
Content. The historical bases and periods of formation of the independent
Kazakhstan statehood. Historical and comparative analysis of the current
achievements of the Kazakhstan statehood compared to various periods of the past.
- knowledge of historical bases and periods of establishment of the independent
Kazakhstan statehood in the context of the global and Eurasian historical process;
- the ability of comprehending objectively and thoroughly the inherent
advantages, features and value of Kazakhstan's development model;
- analytical skills and skills of axiological analysis in the study of complicated
historical processes, phenomena and historical figures of modern Kazakhstan.
Professionally-oriented Kazakh
(Russian) language
3 Credits / ECTS
Prerequisites: none
0 +3 +0
The aim: To teach the students the ability to reproduce and produce dialogues and
monologues in the Kazakh (Russian) language in every day scientific and
professional communication.
Content. Reproduction of the conceptually
organized philological knowledge in the Kazakh (Russian) language, the co-
– the ability to apply the basic knowledge of the system, structure and
functioning of the Kazakh language units for working at texts on speciality to
formulate a professional outlook;
- the ability to create secondary scientific texts: abstract, summary and
description; the ability to synthesize the scientific information in the form of a
allocation of the functioning and development of the Kazakh (Russian) language
with the socio-economic, cultural, historical, political situation in Kazakhstan and in
the world, with constitutional legal bases of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
thesis of the issue.
Professionally-oriented Foreign
3 Credits / ECTS
Prerequisites: none
0 +2 +1
The aim: To teach the students to communicate in a foreign language for
professional needs.
Content. Enriching the vocabulary of a foreign language, including the professional
terms and clichés, development of listening skills, improvement of students' abilities
in reading authentic publications on suggested topics from professional press and the
development of skills of
writing business correspondence with partners on professional issues. The course is
designed for students with the average and high levels of language proficiency (Pre-
Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced).
- the ability to comprehend a foreign speech by listening;
- communication skills in a foreign language and rich vocabulary;
- reading skills and skills of analysis of the read material.
ME 1301
Mathematics in Economics
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
2 +1 +0
The purpose of teaching of mathematical disciplines in higher education
institution for students of economic specialties – to acquaint students with bases of
mathematical apparatus necessary for the solution of theoretical and practical
problems of economy; to impart to students ability independently to study
educational literature on mathematics and its appendices; to develop logical and
algorithmic thinking; to raise the general level of mathematical culture; to develop
skills of mathematical research of applied questions and ability to translate an
economic task into mathematical language.
The purpose of development of discipline is formation of mathematical
knowledge, the skills realizing one of the main ideas of preparation of bachelors of
management - idea of mathematical modeling of economic process for the purpose of
its research and management.
As a result of discipline development the being trained has to:
know: a place and a mathematics role in the modern world, world culture and
history; mathematical symbolic for expression of the quantitative and qualitative
relations between elements of mathematical models;
be able to: use the main concepts and methods of analytical geometry, linear
algebra, the mathematical analysis and probability theory at mathematical
modeling of organizational and administrative tasks and business processes in the
field of professional activity;
own: the basics techniques of creation of mathematical models of linear economic
processes; skills of use of the device of linear algebra, the mathematical analysis
and probability theory for research of economic-mathematical models of problems
of management.
3.2 Basic professional modules
Module 1. Introduction to Economics
PE 1402
Principles of Economics
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
aim of the course - to teach students to understand all the intricacies of modern
economic life, to get a correct understanding of the deep essence of the observed
In The course content includes the study of all the processes that form the
reproductive cycle of modern economic relations
- the possession of the primary economic analysis skills
- ability to analyze processes, situations, events and issues in the modern economy
Module 8. Management of information and material flows in the supply system
The general course of transport
Presents issues, highlighting the role and place of transport in the country's economy,
the specificity of transport, systemic transport, the relationship of space and time, as
well as the costs of moving objects transportation. Special attention is given to the
formation of certain types of transport systems and transport systems in the region,
systems of delivery of goods, transport technology, transport and production systems
integrated transport system and transport system of the country, transport facilities,
environmental protection, safety and security of transportation systems. Stated theme
and technique of the examinations.
In the study subjects' general course of transport ", which is the basic information
for a number of specialized disciplines of the curriculum training of economists
managers of road transport. - Possession of the primary skills of economic
- The ability to analyze processes, situations, events and issues in the modern
- Navigate the economic life of the community, to enjoy the various methods of
economic analysis, independently analyze facts and draw correct conclusions.
- Skills: economic concepts of schools, the economic situation in the market, the
trend of economic development in the modern world.
3.2Basic professional modules
Module 1. Introduction to Economics
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Economics, History of Economic
1 +1 +0
The main purpose of microeconomics is to get the students the knowledge
necessary for understanding the functioning of the economy at the level of
households, firms, industries, and analysis of the impact of government policy.
discipline problems - mastering the students theoretical knowledge and ability to
apply them to practical problems in the economy.
- Understanding the patterns of economic development, the basic principles of the
organization of modern economic life at the micro level
-the possession of the primary economic analysis skills, the ability to analyze the
processes of the situation , the phenomena and problems in today's economy.
Marketing___Men_1404_Management'>Module 2. Management and
Men 1404
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Economics, History of Economic
2 +1 +0
aim of the course - to disclose soderanie management , forms the body of
knowledge on the management.
objective of the course - to develop specific skills of the various types of
management, analysis and design of control systems.
- The ability to use the basic provisions of the various schools of management in
professional activities
-will have the knowledge and understanding of the implementation of the
marketing management of the enterprise, including the planning, organization,
motivation and control of industrial, commercial and financial processes;
Mar 1405
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Economics, History of Economic
2 +1 +0
discipline studies the modern concepts and marketing activities of the company in
the face of increasing competition, defines the scope of professional liability
marketer. Is the mechanism of goal setting and implementation of marketing with the
use of marketing techniques and tools to provide long-term goals of the company.
Particular attention is paid to making marketing decisions relating to segmentation,
positioning, promotion, product performance management and price range.
Objective of the course - the study of the theoretical foundations of marketing and
acquisition categories, concepts, practical skills in the use of the elements and
principles of marketing in the company's businesses and operations.
- will have the knowledge and understanding of determining the effectiveness of
marketing planning and controlling of the enterprise, as well as the economic
evaluation of marketing decisions.
- be able to: produce, select, process and analyze market research data, presenting
the results of research and analysis to the professional and popular audiences
-to own: the ability to use techniques of marketing research in practice, skills,
information on marketing topics from different types of sources, including the
Internet and foreign literature.
Module 6. Logistics as a process of management of material and information flows in the systems.
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Marketing,
2 +1 +0
Purpose teaching of the discipline is the study of the nature and content of logistics
as a science, its functions, and conceptual use in practice.
objectives: - to evaluate the position and role of logistics in today's economy
-to get acquainted with the basic concepts, objectives, principles and indicators of the
major categories
-the skills of logistics systems analysis, modeling their components and connections
between the market and the economic efficiency of using the principles of logistics.
- provides the theoretical knowledge of fundamentals of logistics
-formulate requirements for information systems, providing merchandising - own
methods of optimization of logistics systems, the choice of logistics
Module 9. Export-import operations in logistics systems.
SAI 1408
System analysis of the industry
Discipline "Fundamentals of Systems Analysis" is a series of natural sciences
specialty "Marketing", is included in the course of preparation of experts -
economists on the basis of their specific professional activity, reflected in the SES of
HPE: economist should be prepared to research.
As a means to study management systems socio-technical and natural objects using
mathematical modeling, simulation and formal mathematical models
To achieve these objectives, the student must:
- To know the theoretical basis for the formalization of the system of economic
problem situations, compiling and writing the model;
- Be able to be used to analyze and solve the model and interpretation of results,
the principles of a systems approach, appropriate methods of measurement and
evaluation of information resources in a particular subject area.
Objective of the course is to help students to understand basic methodology of
systematic approach to the formulation, analysis and problem solving, skills
highlight the major, including managed and unmanaged, internal and external, and
other factors that determine a particular situation, formulating and writing models
in this situation, algorithmic solutions, optimization on any of the criteria and the
interpretation of the obtained solutions.
ITS 1409
Integrated transport system
This discipline aims to provide students with a maximum transport systems - an
integrated transport system of Russia, the main technical performance and prospects
of development of the various modes of transport, as well as complex technical tools
that enable interaction modes.
to own:
- Methods of solving problems related to the calculation of power capacity and
linear dimensions and the necessary number of units of technical equipment in
points between rail and other modes of transport;
- Basic methods of calculating the capacity and processing ability of transport
- Basic methods of calculating the operating characteristics of the various modes
of transport
2 Course / 3 semester
Psychology of Interpersonal
Communication 2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The main purpose of the discipline - the mastery of the students complete system of
knowledge in the field of organization theory of public service and to clarify key
provisions of the legislation on public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Objectives of the course:
form a distinctive understanding of the nature of the public service as a public law
impart knowledge of the basic theoretical concepts and ideas in the field of public
Comparative analysis of the uptake of Kazakhstan's model of public service and their
foreign counterparts, and identify key areas of implementation of international
experience to improve public service institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the process of studying this academic discipline a student must:
to know: knowledge about the nature of public service, its organization and
operation, principles of personnel policy for the public service, its current
problems and challenges;
• The basic rights and obligations, restrictions, and the types of legal liability of
public servants;
• be able to: use the skills and knowledge to solve problems of public service;
logically competent to express and justify their point of view on the problems of
the civil service and public administration;
• consciously perform a variety of legal actions in accordance with the
constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Theoreticaland Applied Political
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Module purpose: interpersonal communication — this informal interaction which
happens in private or in small groups. In the course of interpersonal communication
we talk, we listen, we answer, we share the feelings and we form the relations.
Knowledge and ability: the analysis of interpersonal communication — is the
analysis of under what conditions and by means of what means of representation,
idea, knowledge, mood, i.e. subjective experience of one subject can be moved
and is more or less precisely interpreted by another. Identification and the
description of various preconditions and conditions successful (or, on the
contrary, unsuccessful, complicated) communications becomes a research
problem thereby.
Ethics of Personal and Social
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Module purpose: to study essence of policy, its nature, value of policy for the
personality and society, between classes, the nations and the states; between the
personality, society and state. The theoretical political science reveals and
investigates a number of regularities:
a) regularities of emergence, functioning and development of political interests of
social subjects, their interactions with economic and other social interests;
b) regularities of emergence, functioning and change of character and maintenance
of the political power and state;
c) regularities of functioning and development of political activity, political relations,
political processes;
d) ways of knowledge of the political
the phenomena, a ratio in them rational (conscious) and proportional (unconscious).
Knowledge and ability: private political problems to analyze developing in
society at this concrete moment a political situation, promotes the constructive
solution of actual practical problems of political life of society, develops and
offers a practical advice and recommendations to participants of political events in
the solution of the current political problems and the conflicts.
The scientific analysis and development of practical recommendations are carried
out by applied political science in spheres:
- regulations of political conflicts and achievement of necessary social consensus
- organizations and carrying out the electoral companies;
- formations of public opinion and use of mass media.
Culture and Religion
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
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