3.4 Interdisciplinary Module
Intellectual Property Law
2 credits/ 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of a course is acquaintance of students with intellectual
property right bases in RK, studying of the existing civil legislation of
RK in this branch, illumination of general provisions of author's and
patent law, and also general provisions of the right to means of an
individualization of legal entities, goods, works, services and the
enterprises. Problem of a course - formation at students of knowledge
about about objects of intellectual property right; the property and
personal (non-property) rights on these objects; registration and order
order such rights.
As a result of course studying the student has to know: that the content of these rights,
an order of the order and ways of protection, in case of their violation is object of
intellectual property right as there are rights of the author of works of science, literatures
and arts, the inventions, useful models, industrial samples. To be able to distinguish
cases of violation of the rights to results of intellectual activity, and to offer concrete
ways of protection of the violated rights.
IE 3604
International economics
2 credits/ 3 ECTS
In the module development of economy of the modern interdependent
world is studied. Regularities of functioning of the international
economy, problem of economic growth and social and economic and
institutional development are considered.
As a result of module studying the student has to know the main regularities and
tendencies of development of modern international economy. To be able to apply
theoretical knowledge to the analysis of a condition and dynamics of development of
world economy as a whole, to reveal the major problems and prospects of evolution of
the international economy as economic system.
IM 3606
Insurance mathematics
2 credits/ 3 ECTS
ME1301 Mathematics
In a course methods of insurance mathematics are described and
models of an insurance stream of payments, social insurance and
double insurance are studied.
As a result of course studying the student has to know the basic principles of insurance
and insurance classification, stages of creation of mathematical model of insurance, the
general model of insurance, the general principles of calculation of awards. To be able
to calculate insurance premiums, to analyze insurance schemes, to analyze the received
results and to draw practical conclusions.
7 semester
3.3 Modules for Individual Educational Trajectories
IET 1. Economics of the firm and entrepreneurship
BO 4507
Business organization
3 credits /5 ECTS
EE3419 Enterprise economy
Aim of the course - to help students systemic, holistic view of
Technology business organization, the development of theoretical and
practical knowledge required to start a business in the modern
economy, and the acquisition of practical skills in the use of this
-to know: the content of the main problems related to ensuring the competitiveness of
- the principles of acceptance and implementation of economic and management
decisions in the field of
business;-modern forms and methods organization of business, modern management
techniques in the field of business; -know legislation business in Kazakhstan
- be able to: identify the economic problems in the analysis of specific situations in the
- to develop and validate the forms of effective business decisions.
Business law
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Ent1418 Entrepreneurship
The module are studied legal bases of business, students get
acquainted with enterprise secret and ways of its protection, study the
main acts of RK on business.
As a result of module studying the student has to know legal grounds of participation in
business activity. To be able to analyze and solve legal problems in the sphere of the
enterprise right.
Investment projection
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Ent1418 Entrepreneurship
The module students get acquainted with general provisions of
development of projects, learn to estimate their efficiency.
As a result of studying the student has to know basic concepts of investment design, the
purpose, the principles and business planning methods at the enterprise; modern
methods of carrying out the analysis of risk of the investment project and correction of
an assessment of efficiency on production and financial risks. The student has to be able
to define the purpose and tasks of the investment project, to use methods of an
assessment of efficiency of investment projects, methods of the accounting of risk
factors of uncertainty and inflation at an assessment and the analysis of investment
Economic analysis of the company
3 credits /5 ECTS
EE3419 Enterprise economy
Discipline purpose: upon termination of discipline studying the
student has to seize skills and the basic knowledge necessary for
carrying out the economic analysis of economic activity of the
enterprise. The main objective of a course is studying of theoretical
bases of the economic analysis and the solution of specific economic
As a result of course studying the student has to know theoretical and practical skills on
information preparation for carrying out the economic analysis. To be able to
systematize and model economic events, to define influence of factors on change of size
of the corresponding object of research, to reveal reserves of increase of production
Risks in Business
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Ent1418 Entrepreneurship
The course purpose – acquisition by students of theoretical
knowledge and prakticheksky skills in the field of an assessment and
risk management in business activity, kotokry will allow them to
make effective decisions. Problems of a course: to train in risk
management bases, knowledge of modern tools and technologies of
identification and risk management; to promote acquisition of
practical skills in the field of a vyyavkleniye of new opportunities and
corresponding to them it is risk in business activity, their complex
analysis, an assessment and management.
Upon termination of discipline studying the student has to know main types of the
enterprise risks, existing methods of identification, the analysis and a prognozikrovaniye
of risks, an assessment and risk management. To be able to make the account and an
assessment of enterprise risks at razlichkny stages of life cycle of the enterprise.
Optimization Methods of Management
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Ent1418 Entrepreneurship
The module are considered opportunities and features of use of
optimizing methods in the solution of practical problems of optimum
As a result of module studying the student has to know methods of optimization and
adoption of design decisions;
to be able to develop mathematical models of processes and objects, methods of their
research, to make their comparative analysis.
IV4513 Invectment valuation
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Ent1418 Entrepreneurship
The course is directed on acquisition of skills of the professional
analysis of a portfolio of securities, an assessment of efficiency of
investment projects, costs of the companies.
As a result of course studying the student has to know bases of financing of capital
investments from the moment of formation of sources of financing before their granting
on different conditions; to be able to use the received knowledge in the practical
IEТ 2. Economic modeling and economic policy
Spatial economy and state policy 3
credits /5 ECTS
In a course economic and mathematical aspects of creation of spatial
models of economy at the level of the region, the cities and the
countries, the specific markets of this economy are studied.
As a result of course studying the student has to know the main concepts and aspects of
creation of models of economy; to be able to analyze economic-mathematical models of
economy at the level of the region, the cities and the countries and policy of the state.
Time series analysis
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Eco3415 Econometrics
The course purpose - students have to receive knowledge and skills of
the analysis of temporary ranks.
As a result of course development the student has to know methods of scientific
researches on the theory of the organization of selective temporary supervision,
processing and the analysis of received dynamic statistical information on values of
random variables and vectors. To be able to carry out preprocessing of temporary ranks,
to define the main indicators of social and economic processes, to reveal statistical
interrelations between various sets of indicators of these processes, and to develop on
this basis of model of temporary ranks.
NE 4509
National economy
3 credits /5 ECTS
The purpose of a course is formation at students of knowledge of
concepts of national and economic security, a ratio of economic
safety and safety of financial and their role in formation of the
complete concept of safety of RK as independent state.
As a result of course studying the student has to know basic elements of systems of
economic and financial safety; priorities of a state policy in the sphere of ensuring
economic safety; priority national interests of modern Kazakhstan. To be able to carry
out classification of threats of economic and financial safety; to mark out internal and
external dangers and threats to economic interests of RK.
Models of Industrial Organization
3 credits /5 ECTS
The purpose of the module is to give to students the developed idea of
the main models explaining formation of structure of the market, of
influence of structure of the market on behavior of participants and
public welfare.
As a result of module development the student has to know theoretical bases of
functioning of the branch markets, basic models of various types of the branch markets.
To be able to analyze various models of the branch markets, to count indicators of
market concentration.
3 credits /5 ECTS
In the module multi-stage models of economic development,
placement of production and optimum distribution of resources are
As a result of module studying the student has to know socioeconomic development of
the country, modeling of their processes. To be able to analyze and model
socioeconomic processes.
AE 4512
Applied econometrics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Eco3415 Econometrics
The purpose of the module is studying of creation of econometric
models, possibilities of their use for the description.
As a result of module studying the student has to know bases and the principles of
applied econometrics. To be able to solve, analyze and predict real econometric tasks.
Socio-economic relations and social
3 credits /5 ECTS
The purpose of a course to give the systematized idea of the main
concepts and the directions of the stratification theory, social structure
of society and a problem of a social inequality. Problems of a course –
to acquaint students with the main classical and post-classical theories
of social stratification, to master methodical receptions of the analysis
of a social inequality.
Upon termination of discipline studying the student has to know the main cuts of social
structure, their internal structure, horizontal and vertical differentiation of society. To
understand processes of sotsiostrukturny transformation of modern societies. To own a
set of stratification tools for the empirical analysis of modern Kazakhstan society.
IEТ 3. Industry Economics
EAS 4507
The economy of the agricultural sector
3 credits /5 ECTS
The module purpose – development in students of the economic
thinking corresponding to realities of market economy and features of
functioning of branches of agrarian and industrial complex, formation
of knowledge of rational managing. Problems of the module is
formation of ideas of structure and structure of agro-industrial
complex; studying of economic bases of functioning of branches of
agrarian and industrial complex in the conditions of the market.
As a result of module studying the student has to know tendencies and regularities of
functioning of agro-industrial complex; production resources and efficiency of their use.
To be able to use independently theoretical skills in practice. To own special economic
terminology; skills of independent mastering by new knowledge; methods of
determination of economic efficiency of introduction of new equipment and technology,
actions for improvement of the organization and management of agro-industrial
Real estate market economics
3 credits /5 ECTS
The purpose of studying of a course is studying of the theory and
practice of functioning of the market of real estate as most important
sphere of business activity, mastering by students by the modern
theory and practice in the field of transactions with real estate and a
real estate assessment, application of methods of an assessment of
real estate, in acquisition of skills of calculation market, etc. types of
cost of real estate objects.
As a result of course studying the student has to know essence, functions, the contents
and the organization of the market of real estate, the transactions rule with real estate
objects; legal bases of real estate in RK, the modern legislation, the normative
documents regulating operations in the market of real estate; approaches and methods of
an assessment of market cost of real estate. To be able to develop options of
management of real estate objects, to prove their choice by criteria of efficiency, to
apply methods of an assessment of efficiency of investment in real estate.
Economics of nature management
3 credits /5 ECTS
In a course problems of economy of environmental management are
considered, ways of the scientific solution of ecological problems of
environmental management are defined.
As a result of course studying students have to know social эколого - economic bases of
environmental management, to know the main maintenance of the economic
mechanism, allowing to provide rational environmental management. To be able to
expect and estimate consequences of economic activity in environment; to be able to
estimate economic damage from economic measures and efficiency of nature protection
Shady economics
3 credits /5 ECTS
The purpose of studying of a course – studying of theoretical bases of
functioning of shadow sector of economy.
As a result of course studying the student has to know fundamental bases of functioning
of shadow economy, a place and a role shadow in economy structure; main social and
economic characteristics and problems of shadow economy.
The student has to be able to use the received theoretical knowledge in practice;
adequately to estimate the developed social and economic situation; freely to be guided
in the main approaches and the directions of an assessment of shadow economy.
Health Economics
3 credits /5 ECTS
The course provides studying of the modern theory of economy of
health, models of health care and a demography, indicators of health
of the population.
As a result of course studying the student has to know the main concepts, terms and
laws of economy of health care; sources, principles and main types of financing of
health systems; basic microeconomic features of activity of the enterprises of health
care. To be able to consider features of the market of medical services in the course of
implementation of professional medical activity.
Tourism Economics
3 credits /5 ECTS
The purpose of studying of a course - receiving the systematized
knowledge of regularities of development of the industry of tourism
and hospitality. Problems of a course: identification of the social and
economic nature of tourism, knowledge of features of functioning of
the market of tourist services, studying of hotel business,
consideration of questions of management, the organization and
marketing in the sphere of tourism and hotel business, studying of
problems of development of tourism and hotel business in the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
Upon termination of discipline studying the student has to know questions of economy
and the organization of economic activity of the enterprises of the tourist sphere;
specifics of hotel economy; classification of hotels; features of the tourist industry. To
be able to be guided in the main directions of development of the international tourism;
to understand problems of the Kazakhstan tourism and the hospitality industry; to define
a tourism role in the modern world, its influence on the main economic indicators.
RE 4513
Regional economy
3 credits /5 ECTS
The purpose of a course is receiving complete idea of RK regions,
their development, objects and methods of regional economy, about
economic policy of the state carried out at the present stage its tools
and methods, regional features of development of certain territories of
the country. Problem of a course is systematization of theoretical
knowledge of students, formation of professional outlook on complex
development of the territory.
As a result of studying the student has to know methodological bases of regional
economy, the territorial organization of society, classification of problem regions;
advantages of specialization and complex development of the region; characteristic of
natural resources. To be able to analyze an economic situation; to collect and analyze a
statistical material; to mark out competitive advantages and problems of the studied
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