Module 7. Logistics systems in international integrated companies.
LMI 4401
Logistics management industry
The purpose of the development of the discipline "Logistic management
industry" is the study of patterns of development of firms and industries
with different market structures to meet consumer demand and increase
the efficiency of the economy.
In the course of development of the discipline the student creates and
demonstrates the following competencies:
General professional:
ready for analysis and organization of economic, economic and legal
activities in training workshops and factories (PP-26).
understand the motivations of consumers and producers of economic
goods, has a holistic view of the various types of market structures, is able to
analyze the competitive environment sector (SC - 2);
GLS 4402
Global logistics systems
This course examines topics such as: Introduction to Operating Systems.
The definition, purpose, structure and functions of operating systems.
Classification of operating systems. Installing and configuring the
operating system, booting. Empowering the user. Ensuring the viability of
the system. Operating shell. Local and global network. Network operating
system. The components of the network. The organization of the file
server. Work on the network. Protection of information in the network.
Installation of network operating systems. Global networks. Guides
(Navigators). Global and local network technologies. Elements of system
integration. Trends and prospects of the development of distributed
operating environments. Software of the man-machine interface of
multimedia and hypermedia, audio and touch support.
As a result of the course, students learn the skills that enable them to
manage, configure, install and configure the operating system, depending on the
specific problems to be
Module 9. Export-import operations in logistics systems.
CL 4403
Customs logistics
The concepts of logistics. History and background of logistics. Basic
methodological principles of logistics. The concept of logistics: the
principles, rules and functions. Streams in logistics: material flows,
financial flows, information flows, service flows. Logistics operations,
functions, systems, and their brief description. The basic logistics
concepts and technologies: the essence of the concept, the main types and
their brief description. Information technology in logistics. Information
provision of logistic management.
As a result of the course, the student should know and be able to:
-formulate the goals, objectives and functions of the logistics industry, to
develop a strategy for the development of logistics with the technology and
organization of production, the external environment and the internal situation of
the company;
-an analysis of production logistics company and its external environment
and quantify the various options for its development;
-organize the development and management of the implementation of the
strategy of production logistics, ensuring the company's competitiveness in the
long term.
IET 1-Specialization "Logistics in the economy"
ILS 4501
The integrated logistics systems
3 credits / ECTS
Requisites: no
The purpose of discipline is preparation of graduates for management
of the integrated logistic processes; the organization or establishment,
including establishments of higher education and scientific institutions,
As a result of discipline studying the student has to:
to have idea of distribution system, system of stocks, about application of bases of
logistics in practice, making use of experience of the domestic and foreign
and also their divisions; use of modern ways of an assessment of
efficiency of administrative programs, tasks, actions
to possess skills of development of transport schemes, to trace raw materials
movements, to perform optimization of transport streams and the operational
analysis on stockpile management, to keep account goods and many other things.
LT 4502
Trade logistics
3 credits / ECTS
Requisites: no
The purposes of development of discipline "Trade logistics" are:
formation at students of knowledge and acquisition by students of
professional skills in the sphere of optimization of trade and purchasing
activity on the basis of use of modern methods and instruments of
management in wholesale and retail trade.
As a result of discipline development the student will be:
Nobility: - theoretical bases of logistics and management of chains of deliveries,
conceptual framework, principles and methodology of creation of logistic systems
and chains of deliveries;
- basic concepts, systems and technologies of logistics and management of chains
of deliveries.
To be able: - to put and solve problems of optimization of resources in logistic
systems and chains of deliveries on macro - and microeconomic levels;
- to choose organizational structure of management as logistics at the level of
- to apply information systems and technologies to support of adoption of logistic
decisions in chains of deliveries.
LOG 4503
Oil and gas logistics
3 credits / ECTS
Requisites: no
The purposes of studying of discipline is preparation of graduates for
research work in the field of management of hi-tech and innovative
production (at any stage of a production cycle) including, in the
interdisciplinary areas connected with a choice of necessary methods of
research, modifying existing and development of new methods
proceeding from problems of concrete research
As a result of discipline development the student will be:
nobility: bases of the strategic analysis and planning; methods of creative search
of decisions; methodology of process of decision-making; applied system
analysis, technology of organizational consultation.
to be able: to develop policy of competitiveness of firm; to make the
administrative decisions connected with effective use of human, material and
financial resources; to apply the above knowledge to creation of the competitive
advantages of the organization or division.
Service in logistics
Logistics services - a set of intangible logistics operations to ensure
maximum satisfaction of consumer demand in the management of
material, financial and information flows the optimal (cost) way.
Service - the service, the object of which is always the customer. The
greatest value is the sales service, as it promotes the growth of sales.
The learning outcomes for the discipline: Students will be able to determine
the appropriate methods of investigation of the problem, identify the most
effective methods, to develop distribution strategies on a global level, to build
logistics networks of transnational corporations.
IET 2 – Specialization "Logistics in transport"
TFS 4501
Transport and cargo systems
3 credits / ECTS
Requisites: no
Discipline purpose:
To give to the student a complex idea and modern bases of knowledge,
skills and abilities according to the logic of emergence of transport and
cargo systems, to structure of elements entering into them, their
appointments, to mutual configuration, calculation of the key operational
As a result of discipline development "Transport and cargo systems" the being
trained have to:
- objective logic of emergence of transport-cargo systems;
- structure of transport and cargo systems both their internal and external
- possible options of transport and cargo systems.
to be able:
- to carry out layout decisions on structure of chosen technical means of transport
and cargo systems for set general schemes of placement of objects of transport
service; - to make decisions on a choice of structure and functions of transport and
cargo systems for concrete types of freights.
to own:
- technique of a choice of technical means of transport and cargo systems;
- configuration technique;
- features of calculation of operational indicators of transport and cargo systems.
Acquired competences:
- it is capable to operate stocks of cargo owners of a distributive transport network
BPTS 4502
Business planning of transport systems
3 credits / ECTS
Requisites: no
The purpose of studying of a course is receiving by students of
idea of the content of business planning as scientific discipline, their
acquaintance with the main concepts, the principles, methodology,
techniques of planning and the business analysis in transport systems.
The course provides systematization, fixing and expansion of theoretical
and practical knowledge of problems of planning of transport systems.
Problems of discipline: mastering by knowledge of the theory
of planning of business; acquaintance to the normative documents
regulating economic practice; skills to plan business; to draw independent
conclusions, to prepare offers, forecasts and plans.
Upon completion of this course the student will be:
- to have idea that such the business plan and what its purposes;
- to know contents of all sections of the business plan;
- to be able to make the business plan for transport systems;
- to be able to analyse the business plan and to organize its presentation.
Operating (production) management
The main objective of a course – to acquaint students with basic
concepts and the methods applied by the leading leading companies in
production and obsluzhivayushchiy spheres to ensuring efficiency of
business activities.
Problems of studying of a course:
1) to receive the knowledge necessary for the solution of tasks,
arising in production and service activity of the enterprises at a choice of
rational versions of the organizational and planned decisions providing
increase of economic efficiency of production;
1) to predict strategy of development of the organization, efficiency and
competitiveness of products, to study and estimate the external and internal
factors influencing competitiveness;
2) to analyze situations, to predict, economically to estimate and make
competitive, strategic, administrative decisions in the conditions of uncertainty;
Logistics infrastructure of international
transport corridors
3 credits / ECTS
Prerequisites: No
Course purposes: to give to listeners necessary knowledge in
the field of the state transport policy on formation of system
national and the international transport corridors (ITC), to
development of transport and logistic infrastructure and
introduction of innovative logistic technologies for ensuring
effective management with system freight and merchandising,
increase of efficiency of foreign trade, development of export of
transport services and realization of transit potential, as component
of a national product of Russia, for adoption of reasonable and
effective decisions in their practical activities.
Main objective of the course is to achieve the following learning outcomes:
Formed competences.
On the end of studying of the course "International Transport Corridors" student
have to be created:
- ability to analyze and estimate historical events and processes, to possess ability
to take an active civic stand
- possession of culture of thinking, ability to perception.
- to summarize available information, to form prospect vision, to reveal
interdependence and influences;
- to carry out the strategic analysis of tendencies of development in the
organization and external environment;
- to study problems and tendencies, to analyze their priority, to develop the
decisions anticipating negative impact of factors of the external and internal
- to provide communication communications on horizontal and vertical levels,
and also with other organizations and structures;
- to estimate results and continuously to work over improvement of efficiency of
Specialty 5B051100 Marketing
Discipline code
name of discipline, the number of
credits, prerequisites,
distribution of occupations,
goal, objectives, an outline of the module (course)
learning outcomes
(knowledge, skills)
History of Kazakhstan
3 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: to history of state and law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan it is directed on studying of process of origin, formation and
state and right development. Conclusions and judgments of this science
are based on the analysis of the exact facts and really taken place events
of state and legal life of Kazakhstan. The place and role of science of the
state and the right of Kazakhstan among other sciences are defined by
that it represents realization of historical approach of research of the state
and legal phenomena from the moment of their emergence till today.
Knowledge: the different parties of activity of the Kazakh horde are available
in official documents, in various written sources of foreign and local observers,
in works of national creativity. During edge colonization by the Russian Empire
there were the numerous works of different character describing with different
degree of reliability and objectivity a political system and legal relations in the
Professionally-Oriented Kazakh
(Russian) language
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
0+2 +1
Module purpose: expansion of a basic word stock of common words and
mastering by grammatical forms and designs at the level of their use in
speech. Mastering by a basic word and terminological stock in the
specialty. Creation of various types of speech activity: conversation,
communicative, functional aspects. Reproduction adapted and a
producing simple pragmatical texts, dialogical and monological, in an
oral and written form, on the subjects actual for social and professional
spheres, on different types of speech activity: speaking, audition, reading,
Knowledge: development of educational and professional speech: a)
development of skills of reading, hearing, literature making an abstract in the
specialty; b) different drawing up the scientific and educational texts close to
texts of textbooks and lectures, dialogues and monologues on educational and
professional subjects
Ability to develop scientific and professional speech: the active, generalized,
volume formation of skills and abilities in the field of scientific and professional
Professionally Oriented Foreign
3 Credits / 5ECTS
Prerequisites: none
0 +2 +1
Module purpose: phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical norms of a
studied foreign language. Phonetics: pronunciation and rhythmic-
features of a foreign language, reception and reproduction of sound
system of speech. Spelling: sound alphabetic system of language, basic
spelling rules. Lexicon: word-formation models; basic word stock of
2500 units of basic language, and also the terms corresponding to a
profile of specialty; Lexicon differentiation on scopes of application.
Knowledge: the main parts of speech – a noun, an adjective, an adverb, a verb,
an article, a pronoun, a pretext; structure of a simple and compound sentence;
main models of word formation. Reading: formation of skills of fact-finding,
search, studying and viewing reading. Speaking: skills of dialogical and
monological speech within studied subjects. Letter: development of skills of a
consecutive statement of thoughts, reasonings, and also information when
writing compositions and letters of personal and business character.
Ability to translate texts in the specialty from a foreign language on native
according to language norms. Audition: perception aurally messages of
household, information and professional character
3.1 Natural Sciences ( STEM) module
ME 1301
Mathematics in Economics
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: No
2 +1 +0
The purpose of teaching mathematics in high school for
students of economics - to familiarize students with the fundamentals of
mathematical tools needed to solve theoretical and practical problems of
the economy, give the students the ability to self-study textbooks on
mathematics and its applications, to develop a logical and algorithmic
As a result of the discipline the student must:
to know: the place and role of mathematics in the modern world, world culture
and history;
mathematical symbols to express the quantitative and qualitative relationships
between the elements of mathematical models;
thinking, raise the overall level of mathematical culture , to develop the
skills of applied mathematical research questions and the ability to
translate the economic problem in the language of mathematics.
The purpose of the discipline is to develop mathematical
knowledge, skills and abilities that implement one of the main ideas of
Bachelor of Management, the idea of mathematical modeling of the
economic process with the purpose of its investigation and management.
be able to: use the basic concepts and methods of analytic geometry, linear
algebra, calculus and probability theory in mathematical modeling of
organizational and administrative tasks and business processes in the field of
professional activity;
possess: the basics techniques of mathematical models of linear economic
process skills to use the machine in linear algebra, mathematical analysis and
probability theory to the study of economic-mathematical models of
3.2 Basic vocational modules
Module 1. Introduction to Economics
PE 1402
Principles of Economics
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
2+1 +0
aim of the course - to teach students to understand all the intricacies of
modern economic life, to get a correct understanding of the deep essence
of the observed
In The course content includes the study of all the processes that form
the reproductive cycle of modern economic relations
- the possession of the primary economic analysis skills
- ability to analyze processes, situations, events and issues in the modern
HED 1403
History of Economic Doctrines
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
The aim of the course to develop isthe scientific outlook among
students, future professionals of the economic sphere, nurturing new
economic thinking and culture, the ability to identify the real
contradictions of the process of learning and finding ways to resolve
problem of discipline - to familiarize students with the contents of
Economic Thought at various stages, historically followed one another
socio-economic systems to improve knowledge of political economy
(economic theory.)
- possession of the primary economic analysis skills
- ability to analyze processes, situations, events and issues in the modern
-to navigate the economic life of the community, to enjoy the various methods
of economic analysis, independently analyze facts and draw correct conclusions.
- skills: the concepts of economic schools, the economic situation in the market,
the trend of economic development in modern conditions.
IІ semestr
3.2 Basic vocational modules
Module 1. Introduction to Economics
Mic 1401
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics,
History of Economic Thought
1 +1 +0
The main purpose of microeconomics is to get the students the
knowledge necessary for understanding the functioning of the
economy at the level of households, firms, industries, and analysis
of the impact of government policy.
discipline problems - mastering the students theoretical
knowledge and ability to apply them to practical problems in the
- Understanding the patterns of economic development, the basic principles of
the organization of modern economic life at the micro level
-the possession of the primary economic analysis skills, the ability to analyze
the processes of the situation , the phenomena and problems in today's economy.
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