терминологиялық номинацияны қуруды талап етеді. Бірақ, жаңа терминдерді
жасау барысында ойлау, тады деген когнитивтік структуралар қатысады.
Осынау аталған статьяда когнитивтік лингвистика мен терминология
саласының бірлесі араласып әрекет етуін қарастырады.
In connection with scientifically-technological progress of society there are
the new concepts demanding creation for them of a terminological nomination. But
taking into account that in the course of term creation participate such cognitive
structures as memory, thinking, one of important questions in the field of terminology
becomes interaction cognitive linguistics and terminology, as it is considered in the
given article.
Стремительный рост научно-технологического прогресса общества
вызывает необходимость изучения терминологического аппарата разных наук.
Развитие науки обязательно сопровождается появлением специальных слов-
понятий для обозначения изучаемых объектов.
Не каждое специальное слово - термин, и не любую совокупность
специальных слов можно назвать терминологией. Существует большое
количество определений термина. Различные определения термина и
терминологии даются в справочной и научной литературе. Слово «термин»
происходит от латинского «terminus» - граница, предел. А.А. Реформатский
определяет термины как «однозначные слова, лишенные экспрессивности» [1, с.
14]. М.М. Глушко констатирует, что «термин – это слово или словосочетание
для выражения понятий и обозначения предметов, обладающее, благодаря
наличию у него строгой и точной дефиниции, четкими семантическими
классификационной системы». И.В. Арнольд дает такое определение: «Термин –
слово или словосочетание, обозначающее понятие специальной области знаний,
науки или культуры». В Лингвистическом энциклопедическом словаре
отмечаются такие особенности термина, как:
- системность;
- наличие дефиниции (для большинства терминов);
- тенденция к моносемантичности в пределах своего терминологического
- отсутствие экспрессии;
- стилистическая нейтральность.
В.В.Алимов определяет систематичность, как «способность термина
отражать систематизированное расположение понятий и легко входить в новые
сочетания, закрепляющие в своих названиях новые видовые понятия,
появляющиеся в ходе развития определенной отрасли знаний».
В философском энциклопедическом словаре находим несколько разных
определений термина: "Термин (лат.Terminus - граница, предел, конец): 1) Имя с
оттенком специального (научного) его значения, уточняемого в контексте какой-
либо теории или отрасли знания; 2) в античной философии - понятие,
противоположность разнообразным изменчивым ее чувственным образам
(аналы современного понятия "закон"); 3) в аристотелевской силлогистике и
традиционной логике – элементы суждений, входящих в состав силлогизма:
субъекты и предикаты его заключения и посылок" [2, с. 681]. Т.А. Канделаки,
профессионально занимавшийся терминологией, дает рабочее определение
соответствующей системе понятий построения дефиниции" [3, с. 17]. Известный
ученый-лингвист А.В. Суперанская выделяет следующее значение слова термин:
"Термин - это специальное слово, или словосочетание, принятое в
профессиональной деятельности и употребляющееся в особых условиях.
Таким образом, термины не употребляются в повседневной жизни, а
служат средством профессионального общения. Спецификой терминов является
свойственных словам общей лексики [4, с. 31]. Примеры юридических терминов
в английском, русском и казахском языках соответственно: accommodation/
примирение/бітісу, arson/поджог/өрт қою, graft/взятка/пара.
Термины существуют не просто в языке, а в составе определенной
терминологии. Терминология – совокупность терминов определенной отрасли
знания или производства, а также учение об образовании, составе и
функционировании терминов. Терминология, как система научных терминов,
представляет собой подсистему внутри общей лексической системы языка,
например, термины «преследователь», «закон», «рецидивист», «судебное
разбирательство», «обвинение» относятся к юридической терминологии
русского языка.
Каждый исследователь терминологии по-своему определяет понятие
«термин». Проанализировав их, можно найти некоторые общие признаки в
определении понятия «термин» и вывести свое рабочее определение.
Итак, термин – это лексическая единица языка специальной области
знаний с четко выраженной денотативной функцией и присущими
специфическими свойствами:
- моносемантичность;
- точная и строгая дефиниция (у большинства терминов);
- стилистическая нейтральность;
- принадлежность к одной области знания.
К примеру, рассмотрим лексическую единицу «право». Ее эквивалент в
английском языке – «law», в казахском – «құқық». Она относится к специальной
области знания и профессиональной деятельности человека - юриспруденции.
Понятие «право» имеет много определений, среди которых общепризнанного
пока не существует и в настоящее время. Право – это один из видов регуляторов
общественных отношений. Это совокупность установленных государством
общеобязательных правил. Это возведенная в закон воля господствующего
класса, содержание которой определяется материальными условиями жизни
данного класса, его интересами [5, с. 290]. Право – это юридический термин с
присущей ему когнитивной картиной мира.
С появлением когнитивной лингвистики в 80-х гг. XX века происходит
переосмысление терминологического аппарата многих наук. Официальной
симпозиум в Дуйсбурге (Германия), организованный Рене Дирьеном на базе
Дуйсбургского университета весной 1989 года. На этом симпозиуме был
организован журнал «Когнитивная лингвистика», за короткое время ставший
одним из лучших лингвистических журналов. Было решено создавать серию
монографий «Исследования по когнитивной лингвистике». Она характеризует
новый этап развития терминологии. Когнитивная лингвистика участвует в
познании человеческого разума, немыслимых вне языка и языковой способности
к порождению и восприятию речи. Без когнитивного аспекта трудно ответить на
вопрос, как организовано сознание человека, как человек познает мир, каким он
его видит и мн.др. Поэтому в настоящее время такое огромное внимание
уделяется когнитивному аспекту в научном знании.
происходящих в человеческом мозге, и знаний как результатов этих процессов
получают новое освещение в современной гносеологической парадигме,
утвердившейся в гуманитарных науках в 80-х годах двадцатого столетия. Все
это свидетельствует об общем прогрессе в познании закономерностей
Процесс образования терминов, сложение их в устойчивую и
отвечающей потребностям науки терминосистему, представляет собой
трудоемкий и долгий этап развития терминологии в целом. Как справедливо
отмечает Ж.С. Бейсенова в статье "О когнитивном аспекте в терминологии":
"Представление о когнитивной сущности термина связано с особенностями
терминологические единицы должны быть описаны концептуально как
определенные когнитивные структуры" [6, с. 24-25]. Известный ученый-
терминологВ.М.Лейчик отмечает: "Когнитивная терминология представляет
собой пятый этап развития терминоведения как ведущей научной дисциплины
рубежа XX - XXI веков" [7, с. 127].
Терминообразование – процесс сознательный, в котором значительна
антропоцентрический подход к терминотворчеству. Человек с присущими ему
когнитивными особенностями такими, как память, мышление, сознание,
восприятие, кодирование и декодирование информации и др. создает термины,
обозначая новые понятия и объекты окружающей действительности в
соответствии с когнитивной и языковой картинами мира общества данной
Таким образом, когнитивистика позволяет изучить закономерности
логических выводов при построении терминосистемы, «ход мыслительной
деятельности человека по созданию нового имени» по Ж.С.Бейсеновой.
Современная терминология – это результат когнитивной деятельности
специалиста определенной области знания [8, с. 55].
Например, прежде чем дать номинацию какому-либо понятию,
терминоведы исследуют объект или предмет действительности, изучают его
свойства, дают характеристики, т.е. познают «со всех сторон», активизируют все
свои когнитивные структуры, прогнозируют образ какого фрейма проявится в
человеческом восприятии данного нового слова-термина.
На современном этапе развития языкознания проблема исследования
терминологии и терминосистем различных наук является актуальной в связи с
бурным научно-технологическим прогрессом, чем объясняется наличие многих
работ по терминоведению, например, у казахстанских ученых (А. Бижкенова, Ж.
Бейсенова, Ш. Курманбайулы, У. Айтбаев и др.).
1. Реформатский А.А. Что такое термин и терминология.- М.:
Институт языкознания Академии наук СССР, 1959. - С. 14.
2. Философский энциклопедический словарь. – М.: Наука, 1983. – С.681.
3. Канделаки Т.А. Семантика и мотивированность терминов.- М.:
Наука. Изв.НАН РК.- 1993. - №2.- С.3-17.
4. Бейсенова Ж.С. Отраслевая терминология: системность, типология,
функционирование. Монография. Изд.второе, Астана, ТОО «ЦБО и МИ», 2011.-
228 с.
5. Философский
Политиздат, 1980.- 444 с.
6. Бейсенова Ж.С. Когнитивная терминология. КазНУим.Аль-Фараби.
Вестник, серия филолог. № 4-5, Алматы, 2010, с.24-25.
7. Лейчик В.М. Когнитивноетерминоведение – пятый этап развития
терминологии как ведущей научной дисциплины XX-XXI вв. //Когнитивная
лингвистика. –М.: 2007. – С.127.
8. Лотте Д.С. Основы построения научно-технической терминологии.
Вопросы теории и методики.- М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1961.- С.15-79.
Nurmagambetova S.А.
қарастырылған. Сонымен қатар, Қазақстан Республикасының мемлекеттік
тілдің өзектілігі, дамуы және тіл философия тарихынан үлгілері көрсетілген.
В данной статье рассматриваются актуальные вопросы философии
языка. Также приводятся примеры из истории философии, развития и
актуальности государственного языка в Республике Казахстан.
Formation of national language of modern Kazakhstan has successfully passed
the most difficult stages. Teaching of national language has always been of great
importance as for culture beam, carrier of custom and nation mentality. Cognition of
language through culture, social life and a history of the nation is the most efficiency
method among the many methods of teaching a Kazakh language. The most valuable
heritage of the nation studied for years handed on teaching methods as the
aforementioned items as well as language in general. It has been beginning from the
oral folk literature of the ancient poets- Zhyrau-, whose poems clearly showed
(reflected) pictures of people’s social life, its history and its famous sons. Gradually,
didactic as well as philosophical poems passed into words of edification, after into
political forecasts and solutions of life challenges. On the back of this the issue on a
purity of the Kazakh language whose native speakers still keep ancient words-
archaisms, passed them into the modern Kazakh language, is always actual. The
famous scientists S. Isayev, stressing the importance of native language, states in his
writings: «Тіл – қоғамдағы адамдар арасындағы аса маңызды қатынас құралы
болғандықтан да, ол, бір жағынан, ойлаумен, екінші жағынан, сол арқылы
санамен, үшінші жағынан, қоғамдық өмірде белгілі-белгілі қызметтер
(коммуникативтік, эстетикалық-экспрессивтік, т.б.) атқаруымен және дыбыстық
материалға негізделуі, оның белгілі мәнге ие бола алуымен байланыста болып
келеді» [1.4 p.]. We can also mention that Kazakh language abounds with a lot of
proverbs. They have been taken more from the folklore time, when the Kazakh
Khanade had passed it formation.
It is crucial to say that even during the Soviet Union the ancient Kazakh
language was of great importance and preserved in its purity due to works of famous
scientists of Kazakh steppe. They were scientist- ethnographer Shokan Ualikhanov,
teacher Ybyrai Altinsarin who was discoverer of the first schools on Kazakh land, we
also can mention Akhmet Baitursynov who was a founder of Kazakh linguistics and
whose stupendous works had made a real revolution on the history of linguistics.
Certainly, during the years of Soviet Union, the Russian language was priority
language, however, the classics of Kazakh literature and linguists performed a feat,
saving the purity of Kazakh language as well as saving the language of poets-zhyrau,
which is considered as one of the most core philosophical language of ancient nomads.
As it is known, nomads were notable for rich heritage of literature which
passed across the generations. It is well- known that the works of Gabit Musrepov,
Beimbet Mailin, Mukhtar Auyezov, Ilyas Omarov conduced to this process. The social
and political system of different generations, solution of many difficulties by the
ancient wisdom ways of noble nomads were described in vivid colors in those works.
As we know, the Kazakh language as one of the Turkic group languages is
closely connected with the philosophy of nation. Philosophy itself in many aspects
connected with Quran and the religion of Islam. Statements (assertions) characterizing
philosophical ideas and religious directions of Islam are found in the most of Kazakh
proverbs. Ideas of forgiveness, compassion, generosity, virtue passed through the
philosophy of whole nations in its language and preserved in its pristine purity. Even
nowadays we, Kazakh people, have daily expressions which are used several times,
words which sources are religion and spiritual riches of the nation and its philosophy
of life and purity. Across the generations they had been passed in every family, tribes
and zhuz. Then it is clear that the Kazakh language as one of the most difficult
philosophical language managed to preserve its original purity, without mixing with
other Turkic languages. It is evident, that there are some words borrowed from Arabic,
Persian languages, but even this borrowing went back to ancient times of poets-
zhyrau, first Kazakh steppe revolutionaries, and in no way affected on the purity of the
What concerns the current posittion of the language policy, we can be sure
that the Kazakh language, as one of the most difficult philosophical languages that
reflect the rich philosophy of life, culture and mentality of an entire nation, has
preseved its basis, not submitted by changes of several centuries. What could preserve
the language in such a pristine purity as a complex and beautiful language? The
answer is found in works of Kazakh writers, who had always a philosophical
significance like a language of poets- zhirau. It is pleasant to know that a lot of the
same proverbs, sayings, philosophical words and exhortations on which were based
spiritual concept of life and storage of whole Kazakh steppe took place in the works of
XV-XXI century.
A democratic nation is another important fact of the preservation of Kazakh
language in its purity and complexity of the speech. It is well known that the law of
the steppe had always been democratic and nomads brought in a democratic society
where freedom of speech and the decision of the individual had been appreciated.
Ancient philosophy of the Kazakh steppe is the one whole for all of its sons, whether
he was a descendant of the Khan's blood or poor. Pride and freedom of speech
belonged to both of them. Not without reason many historical memoirs were written
about a democratic political structure of Kazakh society. We have had such a system
for a long time that is why it was possible to maintain the boundaries of the state,
nation and language. The code of laws “Zhetі Zhargy” by Tauke khan, fair decisions
of Kazakh biys were always on the side of justice, a noble decision of serious crimes.
Herein we can mention the elected by nation the first Kazakh steppe fair and
democratic khans Zhanibek and Kerey, their sons and descendants as famous
politicians Kasim Khan, Tauke Khan, Abylai Khan. They defended the borders of
their motherland with the fire and sword, sometimes on two fronts, in spite of the fact
that the land of the Kazakhs was attractive to others, with the efforts of the khans it did
not become someone else's property and still successfully passed from one generation
to another. It means that the land was not only as a property, we openly acknowledge
their ability to preserve valuable inheritance of the nation, its language and culture.
Thanks to the poets- zhyrau, who were called the voice of the nation, openly oppose
any tyranny, and whose performances were afraid of angry rich steppe, we know a lot
of social and political difficulties of any other time. But none of their poems had
described the problem of the Kazakh language as far as there was no such problem.
The steppe gentility, aristocrats of those times understood the importance of language
factor, the necessity to preserve the purity of language not mixing with others.
The Kazakh rulers selected by democratic society had conscientious attitude to
the nation and its interests, culture and language. Thanks to them only the Kazakh
language preseved its purity though many other nations periodically appeared in the
Kazakh steppe in those days. «Өзге тілдің бәрін біл, өз тіліңді құрметте!» which
means that knowledge of other languages and worship of the mother tongue is a deep
philosophical solution of those times that came to us. It is well known that the
Kazakhs could easily speak in several foreign languages, this skill inherited by several
generations and still passed the younger generation through centuries-old experience
of the nation. That is why the Kazakh can easily learn several languages and does not
contribute to his native language of foreign words which is an important factor in
maintaining the purity of the native language as a classic.
Thus, the purity and preservation of language is closely related to the
philosophy of the nation. The Kazakhs have always been and will be a nation that
primarily carries the future of a valuable inheritance of past centuries, carefully
passing it to the younger generation. A baby fronm the date of birth hears a native
language, feels it, observes all traditions from the cradle, takes part in them, he feels as
an individual as many Kazakh customs devoted to. Many of these customs
accompanies with cradle songs such as «Бесік жыры» devoted tp babies. We go
through all the beautiful and unique customs of our nation with the increase of years,
promoting a love to neighbor, charity, generosity and deep philosophy basics of the
Kazakhs. That is to say that all the stages of achievement of personhood closely
associated with the mother tongue, that is why even 50 years old man who have lived
abroad and never heard native speech, can master it in no time. Herein is implicated a
deep philosophy of language. A well-known Kazakh scientist, Professor K. Akhanov
writes about this in his treatises: «Тіл мен қоғамның өзара тығыз байланысы – еік
жақты байланыс. Біріншіден, тілсіз ешбір қоғам өмір сүре алмайды. Тіл жоқ
жерде адамдардың қоғамда бірлесіп еңбек етуі, қоғамдық өндірісті
ұйымдастыруы, оны дамытуы мүмкін емес. Демек, қоғамның өмір сүруі,
адамдардың бірлесіп еңбек етуі үшін қатынас құралы, пікір алысудың құралы –
тіл қажет. Тіл – адам баласы қоғамның өмір сүруінің және дамуының қажетті
шарты. Екіншіден, тіл қоғам бар жерде ғана өмір сүреді». [2. 38 p.] Professor K.
Akhanov emphasizes the importance of native language in the formation of individual
and society and the state as a whole.
The significance of the native language is particularly evident through the
development of science, art and literature. The scientist A. Khasenov marks this:
«Тілдің қоғамдық сипаты ең алдымен лексикада көрінеді. Қоғамдағы ғылыми-
техникалық прогресс тілге көп жаңалық әкеледі. Тілде жаңа сөздер пайда
болады; байырғы сөздер жаңа мағынаға ие болады; жаңа сөз тіркестері
жасалады; синтаксистік кейбір құрылымдар, конструкциялар пайда болады;
стильдердің, әсіресе сөйлеу тіл мен жазба тіл интонациясының арақатынасы да
жетіледі т.б.» [3. 50 p.]
In 1750 Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his treatise on the sciences and the arts
(Discours sur les arts et les sciences) awarded by Dijon academy for the possibility of
science and art to change the society takes the primary source over the top of any
culture. Within the treatise, civilization around had led to moral and physical
degeneration of the people and the only people that have preserved their original
simplicity remained virtuous and strong, further stated that the outcomes of progress
were always moral corruption and military weakness.
Rousseau asserted that the primary source, rather than something that was
after it, is the basis which is necessary to know every decent society. Certainly, all
cultural inheritance of any nation was primarily based on language. Here we can fully
agree with the theory of well-known philosopher that the language is the most
important factor as a primary source in the preservation of culture and history of a
nation and humanity as a whole. Such theories and treatises are often to see in the
history of philosophy. Take, for example, philosophical treatises of J. Bruno, Aristotle,
Denis Diderot, etc. All of them are the greatest philosophers of their time, the founders
of philosophy science. Philosophy of language occupies a large part of their great
works, as the science of the first stage in the construction of human society, culture
and morality.
Within the treatise Rousseau one of the negative aspects of any society is the
moral corruption. Philosopher clearly pointed out that morality is closely intertwined
with moral basis of society which is language and culture.
We can trace from history a negative impact of culture of some nations to
others. For example, the tribe of Maya had been colonized by the Spanish. Mayan
culture began to disappear along with its people, the Spaniards did not aspire to
understand its philosophy. The same comparison can be traced back to other people
and at another time. The missionaries of Europe in the olden days socialized with the
natives with one main goal. They were not interested in the culture of African peoples
the same as other conquerors, under religion cover they tried to enter the Gentiles into
the Christian faith by opening English schools, thus promoting their own language.
Therefore, we can note many of the sovereigns of the past centuries. Genghis
Khan, Hitler, Napoleon - immigrants of different nationalities, religions and ages, they
have steadily strived the same goal - to conquer foreign territory. And yet, what is
most important in the consideration of our question, they tried to make their own
culture, without regard to the other. Destruction of culture or its parts always
negatively affected the language. Through realization of the necessity only to know
language and keep it in pristine purity, humanity did not lose its masterpieces of art. It
is well known that Shakespeare, Abay, Goethe wrote their invaluable treatises in their
native language, the complexity and beauty of which can be understood only by a
language speaker. Language and culture – are the integral concepts. They save
sometimes not only an independent society from ignorance, but also the entire nation
from death or occupation, as for example, India as being the former British colony.
Due to Gandhi intensions, India had been using only its products and as the
consequence the British manufacturers lost their Indian consumers, which served as a
major cause for the departure of the British. India had freed itself from colonial
oppression without a single shot, standing up for its market, consumers, not letting to
forget their culture and customs, putting on a pedestal their native language, not
English. We can see the power and influence of native language on the fate of country
and the nation as a whole! A role of the state language is not only in the development
of culture, but also in the political interests of the country.
Thus, we can clearly see the role of native language through the formation of
the XXI century society. The presidents of countries in their addresses always mention
the purity of the state language. The role of the state language in Kazakhstan is great.
A lot of books are published in Kazakh, a lot of seminars and trainings are hold, the
country's best scientists write their research papers in their native language, the other
nations of our multicultural country by studying Kazakh realize that the future of the
state, nation and people of Kazakhstan at its native language!
1. S. Isayev «Қазіргі қазақ тіліндегі негізгі грамматикалық ұғымдар»
Алматы: «Ана тілі», 1992, 144 page.
2. К. Akhanov «Тіл білімінің негіздері» Алматы: «Санат», 2003, 496 page.
3. A. Khassenov «Тіл білімі» Алматы: «Санат», 2003, 416 page.
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