№1 (101)
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Ж.М. Адилов –
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проректор по науке и инновационной деятельности
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Н.Ф. Федосенко
Редакционная коллегия:
С.Б. Абдыгаппарова, Б.С. Ахметов, Г.Т. Балакаева, К.К. Бегалинова, В.И. Волчихин (Россия),
Д. Харнич (США), К. Дребенштед (Германия), И.Н. Дюсембаев, Г.Ж. Жолтаев, С.Е. Кудайбергенов,
С.Е. Кумеков, В.А. Луганов, С.С. Набойченко – член-корр. РАН, И.Г. Милев (Германия), С. Пежовник
(Словения), Б.Р. Ракишев – акад. НАН РК, М.Б. Панфилов (Франция), Н.Т. Сайлаубеков, Н.С. Сеитов –
член-корр. НАН РК, А.Т. Турдалиев, Г.Т. Турсунова.
Казахский национальный технический университет
имени К.И. Сатпаева
Министерство культуры, информации и общественного согласия
Республики Казахстан № 951 – Ж “25” 11. 1999 г.
Основан в августе 1994 г. Выходит 6 раз в год
Адрес редакции:
г. Алматы, ул. Сатпаева, 22,
каб. 904, тел. 292-63-46
n. fedossenko @ ntu. kz
© КазНТУ имени К.И. Сатпаева, 2014
Жер туралы ғылымдар
ҚазҰТУ хабаршысы №1 2014
UDK 662.28:624.042.4
M.B. Kurmanaliyev, R.Z. Tagauova
(Kazakh National Technical University after K.I.Satpayev, Kazakhstan, Almaty)
Summary. In article fastening of underground development by monolithing of breeds with concrete is described.
For this purpose a timbering tightly block in distant end face of a set, and in its long 5-10
stack layers elastic toroidal
chambers, closer to office of mine working the timbering together with elements reinforcing is constructed. After that
the strong timbering closes a forward end face of the set with opening leaving in the top part it for pumping concrete.
Having downloaded settlement volume of concrete through an opening concrete mould space, lead up pressure in to-
roidal chambers for an operating level and leave all system with the set for a full monolithing of concrete with breeds of
a contour.
After completion of process liquid from chambers is issued and each empty chamber through an opening is
pulled out outside by its reversing by means of an axial rope. This cycle of works on development fastening at everyone
a new set repeats.
Key words. Underground excavations, fastening monolithing of breeds with concrete, a bookmark, timberings
of contours of development and butt-end, basic belts, use of elastic toroidal chambers, settlement pressure and concrete
In carrying out at a great depth of capital and other mine workings, designed for continuous operation,
the development of attached securely.
Here are a few ways to mount mine workings monolithic concrete tubing and arch support.
A method of mounting mine workings, including the installation of roof supports, such as tubing, plac-
ing in the gap between the lining and the surface of the rock-filled container hardening of the dry weight
filled in with dry binder, and Heightening filled in mass in the tanks after the perception of bolting the rock
pressure [1].
This method of fixing mine workings does not provide a rapid solidification of the fixing of backfill,
packed 20-30 kg filter-bed in burlap, which does not use the method for attaching the horizontal mine work-
ings deeply deposited and tunnel underground, driven in rocks loosely gravel-sand-boulder type, similar to
the outskirts of Almaty.
Viewed as a way to apply for supple lining and the assumption of the possibility of reducing the pro-
duction cross section of the rock pressure, which also allows to use when mounting the capital of under-
ground mine workings in the construction of an underground metro in weakly rocks.
The following method of fixation of excavation includes the installation of arch support, consisting of
placement between sections and rocks lining of flexible cylindrical shells and forcing them hardening mass,
such as concrete [2].
This method of fixation of excavation is not designed for its application to secure the workings driven
in weakly coupled and close to the loose rocks, as well as horizontal excavations carried out in the deeper
horizons. The method also does not apply when there is a large rock pressure with significant depth. At high-
er pressures, the mountain provides a way to develop a fixed constant cross section. In applying the method,
mainly injected into the elastic membrane, placed in the fixing space.
More advanced in comparison with the above proposals is the way the construction of a tunnel lining
of reinforced concrete, including the preliminary construction of the support zone of reinforced concrete lo-
cated in areas of mechanical seals the gap before the planking, in increments equal to the value of covering
with concrete installation in the position of the formwork, face seal gaps pumped concrete into the space
concrete form. Application of this method, Constructed.
Науки о Земле
№1 2014 Вестник КазНТУ
Tunnel lining of reinforced concrete requires the use of sophisticated equipment, such as a mobile
stage with wheel speed, disconnected, or connected with the shuttering boards. In the process concrete form
space is filled with liquid concrete, without pressure, which does not allow for complete bookmark voids and
improve the quality of concrete: density, strength and solidity.
The author of this article, a method for the construction of reinforced concrete lining of horizontal
mine workings deep foundation [3].
The essence of the proposed method of fixing the author of a monolithic concrete horizontal mine
workings at great depths, their conduct is that the quality of construction is achieved by bolting monolithic
concrete with rocks under high pressures generated in the entire volume fastened production site, which is
equal to the length of the stop concreting.
The problem is solved by constructing the same distance apart equal to the length of the stop concret-
ing, support belts consisting of reinforced concrete with a hole for pumping concrete solution. The contours
of zones are brought to the project of the formwork. Then, using the reference zone is closed tightly and
firmly farthest end of stop wood or metal.
After that, between the concrete belts are stacked along the stop development of elastic fibers, elastic
hose communicating along the development of elastic fibers, elastic hose communicating with each other via
sockets, toroidal chambers, identical in length and passed through the axial through holes with ropes made of
durable flexible synthetic material.
The ends of the rope on 2-3 meters free to speak to both sides of the camera. After completing the in-
stallation of toroidal chambers at their ends with working volumes of the working fluid (water) and thus a
common external circuit cameras occupy a circuit design in the way of the formwork.
This completes the construction of the formwork using a flexible elastic material that allows tightly
and firmly close the timber and the metal end of stop near concreting. After that, through a hole near the ref-
erence concrete is pumped into the waist-mix concrete and shaped lining (lining), while the contour support-
ing shuttering position in the project suitable expense of increasing the internal pressure in the toroidal
chamber as a result of the additional injection of fluid into them.
Thus, the formation of a loop lining - lining of concrete is completed at the site in a stop with the crea-
tion of high pressure in the toroidal parts enough to seal and complete pressing hardening of the material and
the lining monolith with rocks around the circuit output. And in the process creates a state of equilibrium
between the position of the lining on one side and the position of the elastic on the other cameras in which
the line (surface) contacting among the two is the contour of the design of the formwork at high pressure in
the toroidal chamber.
After reaching the lining of the project of monolith with rocks and a high stable strength is removed
shuttering face of near-stop, comes from the working fluid chambers and the last of the ropes passed through
the axial through-holes of their, will drag back by 3-5 meters, which allows you to remove the very end shut-
tering far end of stop. In each of the subsequent entering the cycle for the construction of lining up in one
stop is repeated, and so on until the completion of excavation attachment along its entire length.
Figure 1. Part of horizontal development (side view of a vertical section)
Designations: 1 – development contour; 2 – concrete basic belts;
3 – openings for concrete pumping; 4 – face timberings; 5 – elastic toroidal
cameras; 9 – branch pipe for pumping working liquid; 10 – concrete obdelka;
12 – sleeve for pumping concrete in zaopalubochny space
Жер туралы ғылымдар
ҚазҰТУ хабаршысы №1 2014
Figure 1 shows part of output side view of the vertical section
in Figure 2a – section along A-A, Fig-
ure 2b- projection contour cross section B-B of Figure 1 for participants In the horizontal development of a
concrete outline a stop situated between the supporting concrete-metal belts 2.supporting belt 2 has three
holes for pumping concrete form space end casing 4 for each stop to draw two belts on the inside. Between
the two belts are placed elastic, elastic toroidal chamber 5 with 6 cables, which ends 7 brought out at 2-3
m and summed up by mechanical shuttering 4.
The gaps between the chambers are filled with fine sand, 5 8.Through the pipe 9, derived for the
formwork 4 ends the working fluid in the chamber 5 communicating with each other.
Concrete mix lining formwork 10 finishes in the space between the loops 1 and 11 through the sleeve
12 and the opening 3 in the belt 2. (Concrete supercharging and a pump for pumping hydraulic fluid in the
chamber 5 not shown).
Figure 2. a – section along A-A, B – the projection of the horizontal cross-section B-B of figure 1. Notes:
1 – contour generation, 5 – toroidal elastic hose camera, 6 – strong flexible ropes passed through through-hole camera
5; 7 – the ends of ropes, 6, 8 – 5 spaces between the chambers filled with sand, 10 – concrete lining, 11 – formed by the
inner contour generation
The proposed method of construction excavation lining of reinforced concrete is as follows. The
length of the stop concrete plan on the length of elastic toroidal chamber 5, which is chosen in the range 15-
20 m working out of the break in the stop, for which construct the supporting belt 2 of precast concrete steps
in the range 15-20m. The inner contour 11 of the reference in the construction zone 2 is brought to interface
with the circuit design of the formwork and in the upper left side of the waist opening 3 for pumping con-
crete mortar lining of the sleeve 10 through 12 in concrete form space.
The direction of buildings lining 10 is selected from the opposite face or in the development of bill-
board and other forms of penetration in the production casing better to construct unsteady rocks behind a
shield, shortening the length of the stop. (In order to achieve high strength
lining production can be set in
space concrete form of welded steel rebar diameter 16-20 mm grid with a cell no more (lxl) m2). Erecting
formwork 4, a site with a one-stop fill concrete elastic toroidal chambers 5 with missing a hole through their
strong flexible ropes. 6. Camera placed 5 layers, filling the gaps between them with fine sand 8. In this case
the ends of flexible cables 6 7 release out at 2-3 m and with a small tension to attach to the end form 4 stop.
Finish filling the stop chambers 5 and 8 after reaching the sand volume is completely occupied inner
circuit design of the formwork. In preparation for concreting stop sequence of operations for installing cam-
eras 5, 8 sand, pre-pumping chamber 5 working fluid and setting the near-end casing 4, strictly abide by and
carry out in accordance with the satisfiability of each transaction. After completing the construction of the
circuit 11 forms for the production of the cells lining 5 and 4 near the end face of formwork stop commence
pumping concrete into the space through concrete form sleeve 12 and 3 in hole belt 2. After filling in the
space of sufficient size formwork concrete 10 in the toroidal chamber 5 increases the pressure to pump
through the pipe 9 working fluid. At the same time the concrete lining 10 is pressed tightly to the contour of
an output fills cavities and cracks in the wall of output, seal, monolith with rocks circuit. After complete cur-
ing of concrete lining 10 and set them high strength removes the intended casing 4 stop, releasing fluid from
the chamber 5 carries it to the end of seven ropes 6. Then dismantle formwork 4 far end of stop.
In preparation for the next stop to the erection of the lining in it, near the former end of the previous
stop close tightly and firmly as the formwork has four long end of the site. Then dismantle formwork 4 far
end of stop. Further, all of the operations described above for the construction of the previous lining stop,
repeated in each section between two supporting belts until secure output facing 10 in its entirety.
Науки о Земле
№1 2014 Вестник КазНТУ
Implementation of the proposed method of construction of a tunnel lining of reinforced concrete pro-
duction, particularly in the construction of an underground metro in poorly connected close to the loose sand
and pebble mixed with large boulder piedmont deposits, as well as the mounting method of mining output
held in less solidly rock considerable depths, of course, gives the number of positive effects. Increased stabil-
ity and strength of the marginal zone of deep-mine workings and underground mines beneath the city of Al-
The positive economic impact from the introduction of methods will be reflected in comparisons of to-
tals for a certain period of operation of underground workings with and without the application of the pro-
posed method of construction fasteners (lining).
1 USSR N2 1789708, kl. E 21 D 11/04, Bull. Number 3.
2 Patent of Russian Federation N° 2016199, IPC and 21 D 11/15, 1994, Bull. N2 13.
3 Patent of Russian Federation No 2004811, IPC E 21 D 11/00 11/08, opubl.1993, Bull. N2 45-46.
4 Predpatent Republic of Kazakhstan N9 7212, MKI E 21 D 11/15, publ. 1999, Bull. N2.
Құрманалиев М.Б., Тагауова Р.З.
Тау-кен қазбасының таужыныс жиегін бетондау негізінде монолиттеу
Түйіндеме. Мақалада жер асты қазбаны таужыныстарды бетондаумен монолиттеу жолымен бекіту
суреттеледі. Бұл үшін қорамақалыппен алыс бүйір жақты енбемелерді тас қылып жауып тастайды, ал оның ішін
5-10 м ұзындықпен серпімді тороидальды камераларды қабаттармен жатқызылады, қазбаның жақын жиегіне
сонымен бірге элементтермен бекіту қорамақалып ғамиратталады. Осыдан кейін мықты қорамақалыппен
алдынғы бүйіржақты енбелі жоғарғы бөлікте саңылауларды қалдырып кетумен оны бетонмен толтыру үшін
Құрамақалыпты кеңістікке саңылау арқылы бетонды есептік көлемді толтырып, тороидальды
камераларда қысымды жұмыс деңгейіне дейін жеткізеді және енбемен жыныстар жиегін толық бетонды
монолиттеуге дейін барлық жүйені қалдырады.
Процестің аяқталуынан кейін камералардан сұйық шығарылады және әрбір бос камера саңылау арқылы
осьтік арқанның көмегімен оны сыртына айналдырумен шығарып алынады.
Бұл айналым жұмыстар қазбаларды бекіту бойынша әрбір жаңа енбе кезінде қайталанады.
Түйін сөздер. Жер асты тау-кен қазбалар, бекіткіш, таужыныстарды бетондаумен монолиттеу, салу,
қазба жиектерін және бүйіржақ кірмесінің қорамақалыптары, тіректі белдіктер, серпімді тороидальды
камераларды қолдану, есептік қысымдар және бетондаудың көлемдері.
Курманалиев М.Б., Тагауова Р.З.
Крепление горной выработки с моноличиванием пород контура с бетоном
Резюме. В статье описывается крепление подземной выработки путем с моноличивания пород с бетоном.
Для этого опалубкой наглухо перекрывают дальний торец заходки, а внутри ее длиной 5–10м укладываются
слоями упругие тороидальные камеры, ближе к контуру выработки сооружается опалубка совместно с элемен-
тами армирования. После этого прочной опалубкой закрывается передний торец заходки с оставлением отвер-
стия в верней части ее для закачки бетона. Закачав расчетный объем бетона через отверстие в заопалубочное
пространство, доводят давление в тороидальных камерах до рабочего уровня и оставляют всю систему с заход-
кой до полного с моноличивания бетона с породами контура.
После завершения процесса жидкость из камер выпускается и каждая пустая камера через отверстие вы-
таскивается наружу выворачиванием ее с помощью осевого каната. Этот цикл работ по креплению выработки
при каждой новой заходке повторяется.
Ключевые слова. Подземные горные выработки, крепление, с моноличивание пород с бетоном, заклад-
ка, опалубки контуров выработки и торцов заходок, опорные пояса, применение упругих тороидальных камер,
расчетные давления и объемы бетона.
Жер туралы ғылымдар
ҚазҰТУ хабаршысы №1 2014
УДК. 553.984
Ж.К. Шуханова, Е.С. Орынгожин
(Казахский национальный технический университет имени К.И. Сатпаева,
Алматы, Республика Казахстан)
Аннотация. В Казахстане на территории Актюбинской, Атырауской и Актауской областей выявлено и
зарегистрировано свыше 100 месторождений и проявлений битуминозных пород. По предварительным данным
на глубинах до 120 м залегают 15-20 млрд. т битуминозных пород [3]. Битуминозные породы Казахстана имеют
мелкопесчанистую и супесчано-суглинистую минеральную часть.
Ключевые слова: природный битум, вязкость, стратиграфический диапазон, адгезионная способность.
Рост потребления нефтепродуктов в промышленно развитых странах мира обусловил стреми-
тельное повышение нестабильность цен на них, а относительно ограниченные запасы нефти застав-
ляет ученых искать новые рентабельные источники углеводородного сырья, еще не вовлеченные в
сферу добычи и потребления. К таковым в первую очередь относятся нефтебитуминозные породы,
содержащие высоковязкие нефти, мальты, асфальты, асфальтиты и другие члены семейства сильно
окисленных и гипергенно измененных нефтей, или природных битумов [1].
Рис. 1. Схема районирования территории Западного Казахстана:
1—границы региона; 2 — геологических районов; 3 — подрайонов: I— Мангышлак (а — Южный, б — Горный,
в — п-ов Бузачи); II-—Прикаспийская впадина {а — Южная Эмба, б — Подуральское плато,
в — Прикаспийская низменность); III— Актюбинское Приуралье; IV — южная оконечность Урала (а, — Орь-
Илекская возвышенность, б — Мугоджары); V — периферия южной оконечности Урала {а — Примугоджарье,
б — Северное Приаралье); VI — Устюрт (а -— Северный, б —Центральный, в —Южный)
Битуминозные породы состоят из минеральной части, природного битума, находящегося в по-
родах и в виде пленок, обволакивающих частицы минерального материала. Кроме того, в состав би-
туминозных пород входят вода и воздух. Основными компонентами битуминозных пород являются
кварц и полевые шпаты, составляющие до 80-90% веса породы. Вмещающие породы представлены
песками и песчаниками, перемежаемыми тонкими прослоями глин и алевролитов. Для битуминозных
пород характерны достаточно высокая вязкость и липкость.
Характерной особенностью месторождений битуминозных пород является их удаленность от
транспортных путей и источников энерго и водоснабжения.
Для освоения таких месторождений необходимо строительство железных и автомобильных до-
рог, линий электропередачи и водоводов длиной в десятки и сотен км.
Такие большие капитальные вложения могут окупиться только при освоении крупных по запа-
сам месторождений битуминозных пород.
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