[1] Петренко А.З. и др. Природно-ресурсный потенциал и проектируемые объекты заповедного фонда
Западно-Казахстанской области. - Уральск: ЗКГУ, 1998. - 176 с.
[2] Алехин В.В. Методика полевого изучения растительности и флоры. - М., 1983. – 203 с.
[3] Гришина Л.А., Копцик Г.Н., Моргун Л.В. Организация и проведение почвенных исследований для
экологического мониторинга. - М.: МГУ, 1991. - 82 с
[4] Дарбаева Т.Е. Конспект флоры меловых возвышенностей Северо-Западного Казахстана. – Уральск,
2002.- 131 с.
[5] Методические указания по ведению Летописи природы в особо охраняемых природных территори-
ях со статусом юридического лица. Утвержденный Комитетом лесного и охотничьего хозяйства Министерства
сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан от 18 апреля 2007 года №156.
[6] Методы учета основных охотничье-промысловых и редких видов животных Казахстана. - Алматы,
2003. - 203с.
[7] Салихов Т.К. Батыс Қазақстан агроэкожүйелеріндегі топырақ жамылғысының құнарлылығының қа-
зіргі жағдайы //Вестник Казахского агротехнического университета им.С.Сейфуллина (секция биологические
науки). - 2010. - № 4. - С. 96-101
[8] Андрющенко О.Н. Естественно-исторические районы Прикаспийской низменности (Междуречье
Волга-Урал) //Тр. геогр. фак. Белорус. ун-та. Минск, 1958. - С. 137-219.
[9] Лавренко Е.М. Степи Евроазиатской степной области, их география, динамика и история //Вопр. бо-
таники. М.; Л.: изд-во АН СССР, 1954. - Вып. 1. - С. 155-191.
[10] Левина Ф.Я. Растительность полупустыни Северного Прикаспия и ее кормовое значение. - М.; Л.:
изд-во АН СССР, 1964. - 336 с.
[11] Charles A. Flink, Daniel Mourek: Sustainable Greenways Tourism A Comparison of the East Coast
Greenway (United States) and the Prague to Vien na Greenway (Czech Republic) //Proceedings of Fabos Conference on
Landscape and Creenway Planning 2010. Badapest, July 8-11. – 526 p.
[12] Клицунова В., Баринова М., Борисенко Н. Особенности использования концепции «зеленых» марш-
рутов в странах Восточной Европы //Экотуризм в Казахстане: матер. междунар. науч.-практ. конф. – Караганда:
ОО Карагандинский областной экологический музей, ОФ Авалон, 2010. – С. 14-18.
[13] Чибилев А.А., Мусихин Г.Д., Павлейчик В.М., Паршина В.П. Зеленая книга Оренбургской области
(Кадастр объектов Оренбургского природного наследия). -Оренбург: Димур, 1996. - 260 с.
[14] Zhakupov A.A., Saparov K.T., Mazbaev O.B., Dzhanaleeva G.M., Musabaeva M.N., Eginbaeva A., Atasoy
E. Fundamentals of Recreation-geographic Assessment for Tourism Development //Oxidation Communications, 2015,
Т. 38, №3 – p. 1539-1561
Жер туралы ғылымдар
ҚазҰТЗУ хабаршысы №1 2017
Салихов Т.Қ.
Батыс Қазақстан облысы «Бөкейорда» атты жобаланып отырған мемлекеттік табиғи резерваты-
ның туристік-рекреациялық әлеуеті және қазіргі кездегі жағдайы
Түйіндеме. Жүргізілген ғылыми зерттеулер Батыс Қазақстан облысының «Бөкейорда» атты жобаланып
отырған мемлекеттік табиғи резерватының нәтижелері келтірілетін нақты жобасы мысалында Қазақстан қорша-
ған ортаны қорғау мәселелеріне арналған. Жобаны әзірлеу және іске асырудағы басты мақсаты – туристік қыз-
меттің қазіргі жай-күйі сарапталып, талданды. Батыс Қазақстан облысындағы экологиялық, ғылыми-танымдық
және рекреациялық туризмнің дамуы үшін әсер етудің басты факторлары анықталды.
Түйін сөздер: туристік-рекреациялық әлеуеті, экожүйе, жобаланып отырған мемлекеттік табиғи резер-
ват, дала аймағы, өсiмдiктер мен жануарлар дүниесi, туризм.
Salikhov T.K.
The current state of tourist and recreational potential of the projected state nature reserve "Bokeyorda"
West Kazakhstan region
Summary. Conducted research on the problems of environment protection of Kazakhstan on the example of on-
going project where the results of the analysis of the current state of tourist activity projected state nature reserve
"Bokeyorda" West Kazakhstan region, where the main factors of influence for development of ecological, scientific,
educational and recreational West Kazakhstan region.
Key words: tourist and recreational potential, ecosystem, protected state nature reserve, grasslands, flora and
fauna, tourism.
УДК 327
K.D. Duysebaeva, A.S. Akasheva, S.M. Duysenbaev, А.N. Kamalbekova
(Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
E-mail: d.gulzada01@mail.ru)
Summary. This article presents water potential and the problems of water supply of Central Asian
countries. The collapse of the Soviet Union and a deep economic crisis, has led to serious problems like mis-
allocation and misuse of water resources of the Central Asian countries. High hydrological relationship be-
tween the countries of the region is characterized not only by a large number of participants, but also the un-
even distribution of water resources. Rich energy raw materials and water resources of the Central Asian re-
gion attracts attention not only neighbors, but also geographically distant US and EU countries. At the same
time, the Central Asian countries have to deal with the problems of poverty, overpopulation, lack of water
and electricity.
Key words: water resources, joint use of transboundary rivers, environmental situation, water scarcity,
Central Asian countries.
Introduction. Water and energy resources management is already an object of close attention of the
world community. In the near future the world could be in danger ever increasing shortage of water re-
sources, while in some regions excess of water is a usual thing. The current generation of large-scale projects
turned out to witness the world powers for major changes in the water balance of the region in order to deliv-
er water to areas experiencing a lack of water.
One of the most actual issues is the problem of water supply and the united use of water resources of
transboundary rivers in Central Asia.
The aim of the study is to examine the condition of water resources in Central Asia and their impact on
the relationship between countries and the joint water use through integrated water resources management of
the Central Asian region.
The task of the study is to reveal the issues of joint use of water resources of transboundary rivers and
to evaluate the water potential of the Central Asian region in the context of relationship problems in the wa-
ter sector and their impact on the development of the region.
The study area. Problems of water resources of transboundary rivers have always attracted the atten-
tion of a wide range of a variety of scientists, policy makers, practitioners and the public. There are more
Науки о Земле
№1 2017 Вестник КазНИТУ
than 261 international water basins which flowing through the territory of two or more countries. Most po-
tential "conflict" or transboundary rivers are located in densely populated, or in arid regions, where irrigated
agriculture is the main occupation of the population, where water plays a special role in determining the way
of life. Central Asian rivers - the Amu Darya and Syr Darya combine features of both groups of potential
"conflict" rivers. Difficulties relating to the sharing of transboundary rivers reduced largely to the fact that
the country, located upstream, using water resources, ignoring the interests of the economics of neighboring
countries, and has on territory powerful sources of pollution.
After the collapse of the USSR, many natural resources that were previously considered general, found
themselves on different sides of the border. But if the oil, gas, ore steel is the wealth of the country and was
sold at world market prices, the water has long remained free. This was facilitated by the fact that agriculture
was thoroughly disorganized and it too longer than the mining industry back on its feet. In addition, foreign
investors are more willing to invest in industry than in agriculture. When there have been changes in the ear-
ly development of irrigated agriculture, immediately was discovered that the former centralized water supply
rules are not acceptable in the marketplace. States, located in the zone of the river flow, considering the wa-
ter resources of their wealth, didn’t want to give of charge a part of the flow to the neighbors, and countries
on the lower parts of the river were not ready to accept new conditions of inter-state water [1].
The territory of modern Central Asia is 4.4 million sq. m. km. which consists a 10 percent of Asia. The
problem of water resources in Central Asia has been since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the inde-
pendence of the region states - Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Central
Asia is rich by water resources, and the main reason for the differences between countries is the uneven dis-
80 percent of all fresh water reserves in Central Asia belong to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, whose eco-
nomic interests are connected with the use of the hydropower potential of transboundary rivers Amu Darya
and Syr Darya in the absence of other domestic energy sources. In contrast ─ Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and
Uzbekistan are interested primarily in the use of the waters of these rivers in the irrigation mode, and there-
fore have a negative attitude towards hydropower plans of neighboring countries such as affecting their eco-
nomic interests [2].
Research methods. The article is written with a broad base of sources, presented in a wide range of
official documents and informational materials: speeches of world leaders, the Convention and the interna-
tional treaties, the CIS documents [3], the Eurasian Economic Community [4], the SCO [5], information and
background material foreign affairs agencies of Russia and Central Asian countries. Monographs, collec-
tions, research works of Russian and foreign authors, articles, the media material are used. The main interest
for the analysis of processes in water-energy sector is intergovernmental agreement in the field of water,
parts of sectoral cooperation, inter-state programs.
In the publications of the last decade, a lot of attention paid to the problem of global fresh water crisis
and the use of water resources of transboundary rivers. The theme is relevant because water resources are a
major factor in the development of Central Asian countries and have a special place in the economics and
solving social problems. The problem of water supply and sharing of transboundary water resources is one of
the main aspects of conflict.
Results and discussion. In Soviet times there was a centralized system which controls the water and
energy balance priority for irrigation. The excess of electricity goes to the energy system of Central Asia in
summer. Therefore Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan could use it. Uzbekistan sent fossil fuels in the countries of
"upper stream" to cover their energy deficit in winter.
After the collapse of the USSR the priorities and needs of countries in the region have changed - the
countries of "upper stream" became interested in the use of water resources for power generation. And it be-
gins to cause concern in possible shortages of water in reservoirs, regulating its flow in other countries. Ac-
cordingly, the acquisition of independence of Central Asia causes two main problems: ensuring the energy in
the upper zone of formation water (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan), and provision of water in the lower reaches
of the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya rivers (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) [6].
It should be notices that today the Republic of Kazakhstan has the disadvantage compared with neigh-
boring Central Asian countries due to lack of water resources of transboundary rivers originating from the
region. Despite the agreements, neighboring Uzbekistan continues to unilaterally withhold much of the water
intended for Kazakhstan, which ultimately leads to ecological problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ka-
zakh authorities are making all effort to achieve consensus in the water and energy sector, repeatedly urging
neighbors to look more seriously on this issue. However, the questions remains and problem is not solved.
Жер туралы ғылымдар
ҚазҰТЗУ хабаршысы №1 2017
Unreasonable management of CAR water, according to water experts can reduce the amount of water
coming from the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya in the drying Aral Sea. Moreover, against the background of
energy production can cause a losing of a large amount of water Toktagul reservoir, and then followed by a
reduction of electricity production in Kyrgyzstan. Exploitation by Toktagul reservoir Republic made a shal-
lowing of the reservoir what connects with maximum capacity during the autumn –winter period. Nowadays
this reservoir contains 9.5 billion cubic meters of water. [7].
Experts have repeatedly voiced the opinion that the organization of effective joint water use for the
states of Central Asia is one of the most actual regional problems. Solving these issues requires the estab-
lishment and this is an important fact of a legal framework for mutually beneficial cooperation and conflict-
basin states.
The efficiency of cross-border irrigation system is more dependent on the economics of each CAR
countries. For example, about 92% of water used in the region for irrigation, up to 4% - drinking and munic-
ipal water supply, 2% - technical industrial water supply, 1.5% - Agricultural Water 0.5% - falls on other
water users including fisheries.
Since the beginning of the 90s in order to overcome any contradictions was concluded intergovern-
mental agreements on the use of water and energy resources. There were fixed amounts of vegetation passes
from the Toktagul reservoir for the needs of irrigated agriculture and the compensatory energy supplies from
Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan in autumn-winter period in return for en-
ergy transmitted by them in the summer were determined. However, the contracts ceased to exist 2005, and
then the distribution of water, energy, fuel, interaction of Unified Energy System was carried out on the basis
of bilateral agreements that do not cover the whole completeness of problem [8].
By analyzing the situation of using water resources in Central Asian region, it should be noted that,
firstly, the associated problems are not just extremely important, but the decision cannot be delayed; depend-
ing on whether, when and how they will be addressed, will largely depend not only on the general prospects
for economic development in the region, but also very concrete political and social situation, living condi-
tions and the environment.
Secondly, the problem of water management in the region cannot be solved by the Central Asian coun-
tries on an individual basis, independently of each other and the more contrary to each other; manifestation
of the excessive national egoism will inevitably lead to an exacerbation of the already fairly complex rela-
tionship between them and, ultimately, to destabilize the region.
Thirdly, the establishment and development of international cooperation is the most effective way to
move from the existing, mainly extensive methods of water resources to the intensive using water-saving,
water treatment and other advanced technologies.
Fourthly, intra-regional relations on the water in Central Asia will be in increasingly feel the impact -
resource, financial, technological, legal - from extra-regional countries and international organizations; This
influence can be constructive, complementary in regional efforts, and may serve as a means of ensuring the
selfish economic or political interests of external forces [9].
Conclusion. Thus, in the Central Asian region, the natural resources are not always shared in the best
way. In some countries, a lot of hydrocarbons, but not much water, while others is experiencing an energy
crisis, but it can boast of huge water resources. Lack of water in the region is not due to a lack of water re-
sources. This is the result of incorrect use of water resources. The Central Asian countries today are faced
with a lack of financial and technological resources, so it is necessary to overcome a legacy of only their
own. The fact that water resources in Central Asia are part of economic relations, and the latter, unfortunate-
ly, are not sufficiently developed and thus act a barrier in the process of interstate water allocation. There-
fore, long-term cross-border water management system should be raised to a qualitatively new level, which
will contribute to cost-effective and environmentally sound use of water resources and the development of
social, economic and international cooperation of Central Asian countries.
[1]. Aubakirova A.A. Social and economic problems of the economic use of the resources of transboundary riv-
ers in Central Asia.// Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "The second Zandaev’s reading"
May 20-22, 2003.// Actual problems of ecosystems in arid areas. Ed. "Kazakh University", 2003. Pp. 132-137.
[2]. The news agency "Fergana News»
[3]. Official website of the CIS Executive Committee www.cis.minsk.bv
[4]. The official website of the EurAsEC www.evrn7es.com
[5]. The official website of the SCO www.infoshos.ru
[6]. Information portal "Resource» www.resurs.kz.
Науки о Земле
№1 2017 Вестник КазНИТУ
[7]. National news agency Kazinform.
[8]. Representation of UNESCO in Kazakhstan
[9]. Rysbekov Yu.Kh. Transboundary Resources in Central Asia: political and legal aspects of the conflict-free use.
Дуйсебаева К.Д., Акашева А.С., Дуйсенбаев С.М., Камалбекова А.Н.
Водный потенциал стран Центральной Азии и проблемы водообеспечения
Аннотация. В данной статье представлен водный потенциал и проблемы водообеспечения стран Цен-
тральной Азии. Распад СССР и глубокий экономический кризис привели к серьезным проблемам как нерацио-
нальное и неправильное использование водных ресурсов странами Центральноазиатского региона. Высокая
гидрологическая зависимость между странами региона характеризуется не только большим количеством участ-
ников, но также неравномерным характером распределения водных ресурсов. Богатый энергетическим сырьем
и гидроресурсами регион Центральной Азии привлекает пристальное внимание не только соседей, но и отда-
ленных географически США и стран Евросоюза. В то же время государствам Центральной Азии приходится
сталкиваться с проблемами бедности, перенаселения, нехватки воды и электроэнергии.
Ключевые слова: водные ресурсы, совместное использование, трансграничные реки, экологическая си-
туация, дефицит воды, Центральная Азия.
Дүйсебаева К.Ж., Ақашева Ә.С., Дуйсенбаев С.М., Камалбекова А.Н.
Орталық Азия елдерінің су әлеуеті және сумен қамтамасыз ету мәселелері.
Түйіндеме. Бұл мақалада Орталық Азия елдерінің су ресурстары әлеуеті мен сумен қамтамасыз ету мә-
селелері қарастырылған. Кеңес Одағының ыдырауы мен терең экономикалық дағдарысы Орталық Азия елдері
су ресурстарын тиімсіз және мақсатсыз пайдалану сияқты маңызды мәселелердің туындауына әкеліп соқтырды.
Аймақтағы мемлекеттердің су ресурстарына деген қажеттілігі мемлекеттер санының көптігімен ғана емес, соны-
мен қатар су ресурстарының біркелкі бөлінбеуімен сипатталады. Орталық Азия аймағының энергетикалық шикі-
зат пен су ресурстарына бай болуы көршілес мемлекеттердің ғана емес, сонымен қатар географиялық шалғайда
орналасқан АҚШ және ЕО елдерінің назарын аударуда. Соған қарамастан, Орталық Азия мемлекеттері кедейші-
лік, халық санының артуы, су және электр энергиясының жетіспеушілігі сияқты мәселелермен күресуде.
Түйін сөздер: су ресурстары, трансшекаралық өзендерді бірлесіп пайдалану, экологиялық жағдай, су
тапшылығы, Орталық Азия.
ӘОЖ – 510.589
Т.Қ. Қойшиева
(Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті,
Түркістан, Қазақстан Республикасы)
Андатпа. Бұл мақалада геотермальды энергия көздерінің бүгінгі таңдағы энергия жетіспеушілігі мәселе-
сін шешудегі рөлі мен маңызына тоқтала келе, олардың ерекшеліктері мен таралу аймақтары туралы мәлімет
беріледі. Сонымен қатар, геотермальды қондырғының жылу потенциалын анықтауға арналған математикалық
есептеу әдістемесі ұсынылып, Delphi бағдарламасының көмегімен Оңтүстік Қазақстан облысының Түркістан
қаласында орналасқан «Жұмаш» шипажайындағы жерасты суының қуаттылығы есептелінеді.
Кілт сөздер: геотермальды энергия, геотермальды қондырғы, жерасты жылу потенациалы, «Жұмаш» ши-
пажайы, Delphi бағдарламасы.
Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың 2012 жылғы 14-желтоқсан-дағы Қа-
зақстан халқына жолдауында «Көмірсутегі экономикасының дәуірі бірте-бірте аяқталып келе жатқа-
ны анық. Адамзаттың өмір тіршілігі тек бір ғана мұнай мен газға емес, энергияның жаңғыртылатын
көздеріне (геотермальды, биомасса, күн, жел, теңіз, толқын) негізделетін жаңа дәуір келе жатыр» [1]
деген болатын.
Органикалық отын қорының шектеулілігі мен оларды пайдалану шығындарының үздіксіз артуы
энергетикалық ресурстарды ұтымды тұтыну жолдарын іздеуді қажет етеді. Мұндай жолдардың бірі
жаңғыртылатын энергия көздерін (ЖЭК) пайдалану болып табылады. Жаңғыртылатын энергия көз-
дерінің экономикалық әлеуеті күшті әрі оның әлемдік энергия тұтынудағы үлесі 10-12%-ға жетуі