Қазақстан Республикасында білім беруді дамытудың 2011-2020 жылдарға арналған
мемлекеттік бағдарламасы. / ҚР Президентінің 2010 ж. 07.12. №1118 Жарлығымен бекітілген.
Әлеуметтік экономикалық жаңғырту – Қазақстан дамуының басты бағыттары. ҚР-ның
Президенті – Ұлт көшбасшысы Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың Қазақстан халқына жолдауы // Егемен Қазақстан.
2012ж, 28- қаңтар.
Ожегов Н.Ю. Толковый словарь. – М.: Образования, 1992. – 52 с.
Дьяченко М.И., Кандыбович Л.А. Готовность к деятельности. – Минск: БГУ, 1975. – 177 с.
Кенжебеков Б. Маманның кәсіби құзіреттілік мәселесі. // Ұлт тағылымы. – 2004. – №3.
Байменова Б.С., Жубакова С.С.
Профессиональная компетенция будущего учителя в условиях инклюзивного образования
В данной статье рассмотрены проблемы, задачи и основные направления подготовки
профессиональных кадров к работе в инклюзивной среде. Авторы раскрывают сущность понятий:
«профессиональная компетенция» и «профессиональная компетентность педагога» в условиях
инклюзивного образования.
Ключевые слова: специальное образование, интеграция, инклюзивное образование, подготовка
кадров, дети с ограниченными возможностями, профессиональная компетенция.
Zhubakova S.S., Baimenova B.S.
Professional competence of future teacher in the conditions of inclusive education
In the article the analysis of the essence of professional competence of a future specialist in the conditions
of inclusive education. As well as explaining poate "professional competence of the teacher" and "competence",
the concept of competence as a hierarchical system of competencies. This article describes issues, objectives and
ways of implementation of training in the system of inclusive education.
Keywords: special education, integration, inclusive education, training, children with disabilities,
professional competence.
№2- 2015 ж.
UDC: 378.1:371.3
Kulmagambetova S.S. – сandidate of pedagogical sciences,
M. Utemissov WKSU (Uralsk city, Kazakhstan)
Thomas Wünsch – PhD, professor, University of Passau
(Passau city, Germany)
Zhardemova M.S. – master M. Utemissov WKSU
(Uralsk city, Kazakhstan)
Abstract: In article are considered modular technologies in education. The module is a target functional
knot in which the educational contents, technology of mastering the monitoring system and corrections are
united by it in system of high level of integrity.
Keywords: modular technologies, education, educational activity, modern educational technologies
Origin of ideas of modular training is connected with emergence of the foreign concept of units of the
content of training (which authors were S.N. Posilethwait, B. Goldshmid, M.L. Goldshmid and J.Russel). The
essence of this concept is that it is expedient to take rather small part of a training material as an autonomous
subject and to form a training course of such autonomous subjects. At first such units were called as
"microcourses", then began to be called as "mini-courses". Then – "module" in his generalizing concept.
The modular technology of training found the status of independent didactic system gradually,
leaning on a number of the intrinsic moments of the programmed training: the individualized rate of
educational and informative activity, constant reinforcement being trained own actions on self-checking,
sequence and logicality of these actions.
In the modular training (MT) theoretic-practical practices and syntheses of problem training, the
principles of an individualization and training differentiation are integrated. Features of reflexive approach
in many respects promoted creation of bases of MO, definition of the principles and ruled its constructions,
methods and forms of its realization.
Modular technologies, the didactic systems, separate courses on the basis of the principles of
modular training, are created and function in many colleges and gymnasiums, universities of the USA and
Western Europe.
The module – from the Latin word "modulies" - "measure", "way". Developers of problems of
modular technology emphasize correlation of its didactic definition with understanding of the module in the
exact sciences, in equipment: it is the certain complete functional system limited to a certain framework
which provides performance of any concrete function from beginning to end. That is it is functional also
stand-alone unit which can be rather independent part – object as a part of other more difficult object or in
the form of an individual product, the unit, object [1].
The module is a target functional knot in which the educational contents, technology of mastering
the monitoring system and corrections are united by it in system of high level of integrity.
Researchers claim that the module can be considered as the program of training individualized on
the contents, training methods, independence level, rate of educational and informative activity of the being
trained. Each module has the didactic purpose. To it there has to correspond sufficient completeness of a
training material. It means:
in the module essentially important contents of educational information are stated;
the explanation to this information is made;
immersion conditions in information (by means of means of TSO, concrete references, methods of
getting of information) are defined;
theoretical tasks and recommendations are given to them;
practical tasks are specified;
the system of independent and external control is given.
In the theory and practice of modular training such ratio of a practical material to theoretical is given
in the module: 80% to 20%.
According to the principle of purpose allocate three types of modules:
№2- 2015 ж.
Informative (for studying of bases of science);
Operational (for formation of skills, abilities and ways of activity);
The modular technology can be used in any system of training, including in the external studies:
accurate dispensing of a training material, information and methodical providing with the program of
logically consecutive actions for being trained, opportunity to master a material in time convenient for it, –
all this helps you will improve quality and efficiency of educational process as a whole.
The main means of modular technology, except the module as parts of a program material of a
subject matter, the modular program created on the basis of modules is.
The modular program is a system of means, receptions, with the help and by means of which the
integrating didactic goal in aggregate all modules of a concrete subject matter is reached. It is developed by
the teacher on the basis of definition of the main ideas of a course. To each such idea there corresponds the
module developed by the teacher. Their set provides realization of a main objective of studying of all
subject matter.
Researchers recommend to begin each module:
from entrance control of knowledge and abilities (for definition of level of readiness of trainees
to the forthcoming independent work);
from delivery of the individual task based on such analysis.
Task can be: for example, the paper by results of the analysis of knowledge, settlement and graphic
tasks, colloquiums, examination, tests, written polls, etc. The module always has to come to an end with
control examination. Control intermediate and output checks level of assimilation of knowledge and
development of abilities within one module or several modules. Then – the corresponding completion,
adjustment, installation on following "round", i.e. the subsequent module.
Important criterion of creation of the module – structuring activity of stages of assimilation of
knowledge trained in logic: perception, understanding, judgment, storing, application, systematization. And
there are great opportunities for implementation of problem training.
On the basis of told, the principles of modular training are:
The principle of development being trained in the informative activity (the module as part of the
rod educational information realized by it as necessary);
Principle of compliance to opportunities and abilities of the being trained;
Principle of psychological comfort: favorable conditions for being trained in educational process
due to rhythm of training, differentiation of knowledge trained on level are created, on the other hand – the
maximum independence in study is really possible, in creation of conditions for realization of temporary,
physical, physiological and other concrete opportunities for work on training materials at the discretion of
the being most trained – all this minimizes its stressful conditions (or excludes them).
New technological approach demands also a new technological orientation:
preliminary design of educational process;
the attention center – educational and informative activity of the being most trained (success of
training is in any case reached by efficiency of educational activity);
diagnosistic of expediency and objective control of results;
integrity of educational process as pedagogical system.
At modular training of the purpose are formed in terms of methods of activity and ways of actions
being trained.
Differences of modular system from other didactic systems:
The content of training has to be presented in the finished independent information blocks. The
didactic purpose is formed for being trained and comprises the instruction not only on the volume of the
studied contents, but also on level of its assimilation;
Modules allow to transfer training to subject - a subject basis;
Being trained the most part of time works independently and studies planning, the organization,
self-checking and an assessment (an adequate self-assessment) actions and activity as a whole;
Existence of modules allows the teacher to individualize work with the specific trainee, using
consultation [2].
The individualization as a type of the differentiated training most fully is embodied in modular
training. The most important line of modular approach is coordinated to the most urgent task – to prepare
the people capable, being quickly arranged to production changes, adapting in new conditions, to make
adequate decisions and to solve problems.
The value of modular system of training that it, cultivating ability independently to study, develops
№2- 2015 ж.
reflexive abilities. It is essential that at modular system when educational activity is structured on:
educational situations, control and assessment, analytical, research abilities of experts are staticized.
P.Ya. Yutsyavichene formulated eight principles of this technology:
Modularity (training is under construction on modules);
Division of the maintenance of each module into the isolated elements (this principle demands
division of a material into small, closely interconnected "portions");
Dynamism (this principle provides free change of the maintenance of modules taking into
account dynamics of the social order or change of the program of training);
Activity method;
Conscious prospect (principle of deep understanding by the student of the close, average and
remote prospects of the doctrine);
Versatility of methodical consultation;
Equal share (the principle of subject and subject interaction of the teacher and being trained) [3].
MT advantages:
quality of training increases because all training is directed on working off of practical skills;
competence defines necessary personal qualities;
reduction of terms of training;
the training individualization is really carried out at real possibility of creation of individual
programs of training;
fast adaptation of an educational and methodical material to changing conditions, flexible reaction.
As difficulties are noted:
long terms of development of training programs, materials at considerable expenses of time and
costs of replication;
need it is modern to have the equipped, equipped educational places;
some complexity of the organization of educational process [4].
But overcoming of difficulties depends generally on abilities of organizers of educational process.
Modular technology ensures individualization of training: on content of training, o temp of
digestion, on degree of self-support, on methods and ways of teaching, on ways of control and self-control.
Principled differences of modular training from other systems of training consist of following:
Content of training performs in ended self-supporting complexes, digestion of that is realized
according to pointed aim. Aim forms for student and contains not only volume of learning material but also
level of digestion. Besides that student takes teacher’s advices in written form how to act rationally;
The form of communion between teacher and students is changed. It realizes through modules
and process of individual communication;
Maximum time student works self-supported, learns for goal-setting, self-planning, self-
organizing and for self-controlling;
There is no problem of individual consulting of students.
Aim of modular training is: co-acting for prosperity of students’ self-support, their abilities to work
inclusive of their individual ways of tongue-lashing of studied material [5].
Original scientific ideas:
Modular training based on acting principle: the educational contents is consciously acquired
when it becomes a subject of active actions of the school student, and, not incidental, but system.
Therefore, developing tasks, the teacher leans on structure of the teaching subject, focuses school students
on the purpose of educational activity, motivates its acceptance, defines system of student's self-checking
and a self-assessment, providing thus self-governed reflexive educational process.
The modular technology is under construction on ideas of the developing training: if the school
student performs a task with the dosed help of the teacher or schoolmates (encouragement, the indication of
a reference point, etc.) it is in a zone of the next development. Such approach promotes maturing of
functions of mentality of the child: that today it does by means of others, will be able a, i.e. one cycle
comes to the end tomorrow, the pupil passes into a zone of actual development, and the round is untwisted
at the new level. In modular training it is realized by means of differentiation of the contents and a dose of
the help to the pupil, and also the organization of educational activity in different forms (individual, group,
in couples of constant and replaceable structure).
In the basis of modular technology there is also a programmed training. Clearness and logicality
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actions, activity and independence of the school student, the individualized rate of work, regular
verification of results (intermediate and total), self-checking and mutually control - these lines of the
programmed approach are inherent also in technology of modular training.
Intensive nature of technology demands training process optimization, i.e. achievement of the
best result with the smallest expense of forces, time and means [6].
Systems of actions of the teacher and student
We will consider sequence of actions of the teacher by drawing up the modular program.
The first step is a representation of a training course as systems, i.e. primary structuring the contents.
At first the teacher himself, and then together with methodical association allocates rod lines of all
subject, course.
The following action consists in selection of the contents for each class on each rod line.
The selected material is tabulated.
Thus, the teacher gains an evident impression about the maintenance of the subject and of each class,
and on going back from a class to a class.
The second step consists that on each class the flow chart is formed.
The third step - creation of the modular program which components are the didactic purpose and set
of modules of the modular program.
Each modular program is given the name which captures the essence of the large subject chosen
for it or the section.
Then the complex didactic purpose at three levels is formulated: value of this knowledge for
spiritual development of the personality, for vital practice and professional self-determination; knowledge;
The fourth step is connected with allocation in the complex didactic purpose of the integrating
didactic purposes - also at three levels - for each module and selection of its contents which represents the
finished information block, i.e. the system of modules is built.
The fifth step - gradation of the integrating didactic purposes on the private didactic purposes and
formation of the maintenance of the educational elements making the module.
As a result the tree of the purposes grows: the complex didactic purpose - the integrating didactic
purposes - the private purposes with the contents which is picked up under each of them.
The sixth step - creation of the module.
Creation of the module begins always with the formulation of the integrating purpose which on the
scheme we will designate as an educational element - 0.
Then the task for entrance control, which purpose - to establish readiness of pupils for work is
All private didactic purposes are defined and the educational elements including a purpose,
algorithms of actions of the pupil and a test task for control and correction of assimilation of knowledge
and abilities are created.
The penultimate element of the module - the summary generalizing the course of performance of
tasks is filled with the contents.
Tasks of output control are formed. Their sense in identification of extent of mastering the
maintenance of the module.
Structural and logical schemes of generalization of material of the module and possible mistakes of
pupils at their construction are thought over. When developing modules it is necessary to proceed from the
known principles:
the private didactic purposes of educational elements in the set provide achievement of the
integrated module purpose; realization of the integrated purposes of all modules, in turn, leads to the
complex didactic purpose of the modular program;
the realized feedback - a basis of controllability and controllability of process of assimilation of
knowledge. Thus entrance and output control more rigid, is carried out by the teacher, and current and
intermediate (on a joint of educational elements) - soft, takes place in a look most and mutually control of pupils;
training and didactic material is stated well, specifically, expressively, in a dialogue form;
at creation of the module the logic of assimilation by pupils of knowledge is observed: perception,
judgment, storing, application, generalization and systematization;
the structure of the module has to correspond to logic of educational occupation of this or that type.
№2- 2015 ж.
The first step - definition of the integrating module purpose.
The second step - Splitting into educational elements according to logic of this or that type of
educational occupation.
The third step - a formulation of the purpose of each educational element.
The fourth step - definition of the maintenance of each educational element.
The fifth step - a formulation of recommendations (councils) the pupil.
Creation of educational modules submits to system of requirements to tasks, to activity of pupils and
teachers [7].
Tasks carry out a continuity of intra subject and intersubject communications; are differentiated
according to the contents and level of informative independence; it focuses on search of problems and their
decisions; reflect the mechanism of assimilation of knowledge; include repetition studied (drawing up
tables, comparative characteristics, etc.); are integrated by the module purpose.
Activity of the pupil takes place in a zone of his next development; it is focused on self-government
and mutually management, forms skills of communication; gives the chance rationally to distribute time;
realizes reflexive abilities of the pupil on each occupation.
Activity of the teacher changes essentially. Its main task - to develop the modular program, modules,
and on occupation he motivates, will organize, coordinates, advises, controls, i.e., using the potential of
modular training exercises reflexive control of training.
Introduction of modular technology to educational process needs to be carried out gradually. It is
possible to combine traditional cool and fixed system (technology of explanatory and illustrative training)
with the modular.
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