Атты халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференцияның материалдары 26 қазан 2019 ж

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A Кекилбаев (1)

part of Manas-cycle, and also the other popular Kirghiz epics such as Qurmanbek, 
Qojojash, etc. He is very popular nowadays and frequently invited by the local gov-
ernment and by mass in all kinds of cultural activities and weddings to perform the 
epic and, he has been already in the list of Chinese national outstanding successor of 

intangible heritage. Mutalip Kurmanale’s repertory includes some traditional parts 
from Manas-cycle and tens of other small Kirghiz dastans, folktales etc. He learned 
them from his mother Tlewalde, the daughter of famous manaschi Tenibek Japiy. 
The latter was not from Akchi, but was born in Arabulak village, Uluuchat county, 
another county of Kizilsuu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture, where the Kirghiz peo-
ple occupies about the 90% of the population. Eshmat Manbetjusup was also one of 
the outstanding and popular manaschis in China in last century and he died in 1963, 
soon after the version of Manas and Semetay had been written down from him. He 
claimed himself that he could perform seven parts of the epic, but unfortunately, 
only fi rst and second parts of his repertory of Manas has been written down.
the manaschis in Akchi county born after the 1950s, most of them can read and 
write, and become manasch by reciting Jusup’s versions or listen to the tape, which 
is recorded in the gathering from an elder manasch. Do not like their ancestors, the 
younger generations seldom have regular time and chance to learn the epic by listen-
ing and enjoying the teacher’s performance today, and this is the real challenge for 
safeguarding the traditional oral epic like Manas. The ancient tradition, which lasted 
more than a thousand year, is getting feeble and die. 
(2) depend on the living area:
There appeared 11 manaschis in Karachi village-town and Karabulak village-
town 9; Somtash village-town 9; Saparway village-town 8; Kulansarak village-town 
2; Uch village-town 5. The area of Akchi county is about 13700 square kilometers. 
Horse and caw are the main means of communications transportation until the end 
of 70s of the last century. The inconvenience of transportation blocks people from 
their regular in contact with each other. As a result, the transmission of epic Manas 
were going on slowly from mouth to ear until the middle of last century, when new 
school been opened, the writing and scientifi c knowledge began to spread among 
Kirghiz people in Akchi county.
According to our statistics, the context of the traditional cultural and social con-
dition is very important for the expansion and dissemination of an oral epic. It is 
clear that epic Manas spread widely in some places and different in the others. 
Most of the manachis appeared in western part of the county, especially in Karachi 
village-town and Karabulak village-town. These two villages are not very far from 
each other and, they are not only the hometowns of some famous manaschis such 
as Jusupakun Apay, Iburayim Akunbek, Balway Mamay and Jusup Mamay, but also 
have deep traditional background and history of epic Manas performance. 
(3) depend on the performance of the “branches” or parts of the epic Ma-

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