ББ: 7M01201 «Мектепке дейінгі оқыту және тәрбиелеу»
Магистрант: Канатова Алмагуль
Қ.Жұбанов атындағы АӨУ
Педагогика және білім берудегі менеджмент факультеті
Түйіндеме Магистранттың аты-жөні: Канатова Алмагуль Канатовна Мекен-жайы: Алтын орда, Мәңгілік ел 12 кв-30 Байланыс телефоны: 8702 525 52 97 ЖОО: Қ.Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік университеті Факультет: Педагогика және білім берудегі менеджмент Кафедра: Мектепке дейінгі және бастауыш оқыту ББ: 7M01201 - «Мектепке дейінгі оқыту және тәрбиелеу» Практика жетекшісі: Токжанова А.М. Портфолионың құрылған уақыты: 01.12.2023ж.
6B01201-Мектепке дейінгі оқыту және тәрбиелеу-301,302
дәріс сабақтар:
Topic:Risk factors and the main signs of antisocial behavior in children and adolescents
Issues to consider: Prevention and correction of antisocial behavior in adolescents. what to do for the prevention and correction of antisocial behavior?
Topic:Ensuring the psychological security of the child's personality in preschool institutions
Issues to consider: The creation of psychological security of a child's personality in a preschool institution is necessary for his successful adaptation. Criteria of psychological safety of preschool institutions are the emotional well-being of children, satisfaction with the environment, confidential communication, absence of psychological violence. Statement of the problem of mental preservation
Topic:Formation of the basics of safe behavior in preschoolers
Issues to consider: How to save children's health? How can I help you understand the variety of life situations? How to teach to help each other? After analyzing the concepts of "extreme", "safety", we will understand that what is not a problem situation for an adult can become such for a child. From the first years of life, a child's curiosity, his activity in matters of cognition of the environment, encouraged by an adult, sometimes becomes unsafe for him. The formation of safe behavior is inevitably associated with a number of prohibitions.
Topic:Creating conditions for the formation of the basics of safety for preschoolers
Issues to consider: In order to form the foundations of safe behavior of preschoolers, it is necessary to organize an educational and educational process that includes all types of activities: gaming, productive, cognitive, speech, physical fitness, musical and rhythmic) and conditions.
Topic:Risk factors and the main signs of antisocial behavior in children and adolescents
Topic:Ensuring the psychological security of the child's personality in preschool institutions
Topic:Formation of the basics of safe behavior in preschoolers
Тақырыбы:Мектеп жасына дейінгі балаларға сыни ойлау әдістерін қалай бейімдейміз?
Topic:Creating conditions for the formation of the basics of safety for preschoolers
Сабақтың тиімді өтуіне көмектескен қосымшалар:
Ашық сабақтар
Topic:Creating conditions for the formation of the basics of safety for preschoolers
Issues to consider: In order to form the foundations of safe behavior of preschoolers, it is necessary to organize an educational and educational process that includes all types of activities: gaming, productive, cognitive, speech, physical fitness, musical and rhythmic) and conditions.