2. Performance-based testing Tests that tackle the latter responsibility are beginning to be developed in educational settings around the world. Instead of just offering paper-and-pencil single-answer tests of possibly hundreds of discrete items, performance-based testing of typical school subjects involves:
• open-ended problems
• hands-on projects
• student portfolios
• experiments
• labs
• essay writing
• group projects
To be sure, such testing is time consuming and therefore expensive, but the losses in practicality are made up for in higher validity. Students are tested as they actually perform the behavior itself. In technical terms (see PLLT, Chapter 11), higher content validity is achieved as learners are measured in the process of performing the criterion behavior.
3. Interactive language tests The language version of performance-based testing comes in the form of various interactive language tests. Such tests are constructed in the spirit of Gardner's and Sternberg's theories of intelligence as students are assessed in the process of creatively interacting with people. This means that tests have to involve people in actually performing the behavior that we want to measure. Paper and pencil multiple choice tests certainly do not involve test takers in speaking, requesting, responding, interacting, and in combining listening and speaking, or reading and writing. Interactive testing involves them in all of the above rather than relying on the assumption that a good paper and pencil test taker is a good overall language performer.
Intrinsically Motivating Language Tests How can you take steps to create intrinsically motivating tests? Consider the following four major principles:
1. The principle of giving students advance preparation. This may sound simple, but much too often teachers do little to help students to prepare for a test. Tests, by their very nature, are anxiety-raising experiences. Students don't know what to expect. And they may not be aware of test-taking strategies that could help them. So, your first task in creating intrinsically motivating tests is to be an ally in the preparation process.
• Provide information about the general format of a test
• Provide information about types of items that will appear
• Give students opportunities to practice certain item types
• Encourage a thorough review of material to be covered
• Offer advice on strategies for test preparation
• Offer advice on strategies to use during the test itself