Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык как второй иностранный) Учебное пособие

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Rabota Posobie PKRO 2 IYa

Ex. 29. Work in pairs.
One of you asks questions to gather information about some place which you may choose for a successful trip. The other partner has travelled a lot and he gives his opinion about a place which he thinks to be really attractive and which he recommends for a trip.

Unit 2

Cinema and Theatre
1. General Vocabulary
to act - играть
be on – идти (о пьесе, фильме)
be a success – иметь успех
be a failure – провалиться, не иметь успех
be sold out – все билеты проданы
box-office – театральная касса
conductor - дирижер
director – постановщик, продюсер
full house – полный зал
leading part – ведущая, главная роль
playwright –драматург
performance – игра (актеров), представление
poster – афиша
prompter – суфлер
producer – постановщик
run – демонстрировать, показывать (фильм, пьесу)
script - сценарий
seating plan – план зрительного зала
spectator - зритель
usher - билетер

2. Theatre
amateur theatre – самодеятельный театр
amateur actor – актер-любитель
ballet dancer – артист балета
box, in the box – ложа, в ложе
burst into applause – разразиться аплодисментами
cast – состав исполнителей
curtain - занавес
dress-circle - бельэтаж
first night –премьера
gallery - галерка
go on the stage – стать актером
lights (go down, go up) – занавес (поднимается, опускается)
matinee – дневной спектакль
on tour company – труппа на гастролях
permanent staff – постоянная труппа
pit - амфитеатр
rehearsal – (генеральная) репетиция
row, on the front row, back row, in the fifth row – ряд, в первом, последнем ряду, в пятом ряду
scene – сцена (часть действия)
stage – сцена; ставить спектакли
scenery – декорации
stalls, in the stalls – партер, в первых рядах партера
tier - ярус
touring company – гастролирующий театр
tour - гастроли

adventure – приключенческий (фильм)
black-and-white – черно- белый (фильм)
cameraman - кинооператор
cartoon – мультипликационный фильм
in a close up – крупным планом
colour – цветной (фильм)
continuous performance – вход в кинозал в любое время
dubbed-in – дублированный (фильм)
feature film – художественный фильм
mystery, who-done-it – детективный (фильм)
news-reel – хроника, киножурнал
part - серия
plot - сюжет
popular science – научно-популярный (фильм)
to release a film – выпустить фильм на экран
script writer – сценарист, кинодраматург
screen version – экранизация
shoot a film – снимать фильм
silent – немой (фильм)
to star – сниматься в ведущих ролях
still – кадр

Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences:

  1. “I’m sorry I have not booked the seats for this show.” “Don’t worry. The play is not worth seeing.” 2. “It is easy to get tickets for this performance?” – “By no means. In spite of the fact that production has a long run.” 3. During the Middle Ages plays were acted inside churches and later in the market places of towns. The theatres of that time were nothing like the comfortable places we sit in today. They were rather rounded in shape, as a rule, open to the sky, without a roof, so that it must have been very unpleasant when it rained. The rich people had seats in raised balconies facing and along sides of the stage, the poor people stood in the pit in front. The stage itself was a raised wooden platform with no scenery. There were no actresses at that time, and boys, who were trained for this purpose, acted instead of women. 4. Cinema is an art born from technology. And the future of the movies is as bound up with technology as its short past has been. The last century saw innovation and obsolescence at a frantic pace, affecting every element of the medium – sound, colour, 3-D. 5. One of the things that makes Jackie Chan movies so appealing is their fabulously cheesy quality. The basic plot-line is set up immediately, and then the stunts begin: niceties like subplots, character development or actual acting are dismissed out of hand. 6. When I had another look at the film script, I was impressed by its quality. 7. Remakes are actually quite popular, perhaps because studios can make money by cashing in on previous successes, or because remakes allow older audiences to wallow in nostalgia. 8. Alfred Hitchcock’s classic thriller Psycho, originally shot in black and white, created a sensation when it was first shown in cinemas; its simple plot was filmed with consummate skill. 9. A play is rehearsed for a few weeks by a company of actors working together mostly for the first time, and it is then allowed to run as long as it draws the audience and pays its way – which may be for several years.

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