Презентация Матюнина Серафима

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My dream house

Презентация Матюнина Серафима
Ученика православной гимназии им. Иоаннa Кронштадтского
Гор. Лесосибирска
Учитель-Шалыгина Г. М.

My house is gorgeous

It’s made in the gothic style of medieval ages.
That’s why It looks like a castles
My dream is to live in a big detached house surrounded by a big garden full of flowers and trees. 
My home is located outside the city in the mountains of Canada.
It has four floors and a garage made of Valyrian stone.

front hall

My dream house’s interior design is carefully planned .
You can see that beauty lies within the details here. There is a soft brown sofa for guests, antique wooden table and a spiral staircase leading to the home library.

my living room reflects my inner world and privacy 

The family crest over the fireplace the bearskin in front of the Royal sofa makes me strong and confident


My cozy kitchen is attractively decorated in the Gothic style.


My dream house has the characteristics that represent my spiritual world and personality. So the rooms are decorated in different architectural styles.
It’s my hallway made of plastic, stone and glass, leading to the

My Bathroom and a bedroom

Upstairs there would be a bedroom and a bathroom. 
I have the biggest and most luxurious bedroom and I am always satisfied with it. 
I invite you to visit me, when my dream comes true
Thank you for your attention
Presentation of 8th grade student
Matyunin Serafim

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