Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

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English 1st

Lexico-Grammar Test
Variant I
Choose the right variant:

  1. The capital of the USA is … .

a) London b) New York c) Washington d) Philadelphia e) Boston

  1. The answer of the student

a) the answer’s of the student b) the student’s answer
c) the students’ answer d) the student answers e) The student answer

  1. «How are you?»

a) Never mind b) don’t worry c) I’m fine, thanks d) Yes, do please e) Not at all

  1. … are teachers.

a) they b) he c) I d) me e) she

  1. Tom is busy with his lessons. Don’t speak to … now.

a) her b) them c) his d) hers e) him

  1. What is … phone number?

a) our b) her c) it d) your e) my

  1. The channel Tunnel links up … .

a) Scotland and France b) Iceland and Spain c) Ireland and France d) England and France e) England and Germany

  1. The 172-nd

a) the one hundredth seventy-second b) the one hundred and seventies-two c) the one hundred and seventy-second
d) the one hundred and seventy-two e) the one hundredth and seventies-two

  1. These flowers … three times a week

a) water b) is watered c) are watered d) are watering e) is watering

  1. The play … was interesting, but the acting was poor.

a) its b) it c) himself d) herself e) itself

  1. How … cheese should I buy?

a) much b) some c) few d) many e) a lot

  1. Is there … interesting at the cinema yesterday?

a) somebody b) nothing c) anything d) nobody e) something

  1. Look … me.

a) at b) into c) to d) under e) from

  1. He came … than I expected.

a) earliest b) the earliest c) early d) the earlier e) earlier

  1. Kazakhstan is a … republic.

a) federal b) constitutional monarchy c) Parliamentary d) Presidential e) autocratic

  1. He has just … the first part of the poem.

a) are finishing b) to finish c) is finishing d) finished e) finishes

  1. He is … waiter.

a) - b) the c) any d) a e) an

  1. There … a sharp knife in his pocket. The police arrested him for it.

a) were b) was c) is d) are e) wasn’t

  1. What … your hobby?

a) are b) been c) be d) is e) am

  1. … any birds in the cage?

a) is there b) to be c) have d) are there e) are
21. These and over five hundred small … are known collectively as the United Kingdom.
a) continents b) towns c) islands d) cities e) regions

  1. The situation is serious. Something must … before it’s too late.

a) be done b) do c) does d) did e) will be done

  1. It’s still cold but it was colder yesterday. It … .

a) is cold today b) isn’t as cold as it was yesterday c) was cold
d) is always cold in winter e)is as cold today as it was yesterday

  1. It was very strange, a shirt made of … paper.

a) - b) thus c) an d) the e) a

  1. I … a newspaper today.

a) haven’t read b) didn’t read c) don’t reading d) was read e) will reading

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