Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

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English 1st

Lexico-Grammar Test
Variant IV

  1. It is … today than it was yesterday.

a) warmer b) good c) warm d) hot e) the warmest

  1. Find antonym “to graduate”

a) to be born b) to enter c) to examine d) to order e) to grade

  1. What is the highest building in Washington?

a) National Gallery b) The Empire State Building c) Rockfeller Center d) The White House e) Capitol

  1. That pencil … red.

a) are b) were c) is d) am e) has

  1. This is … match.

a) some b) are c) an d) - e) a

  1. We were watching TV … we heard loud barking coming from the yard.

a) while b) since c) during d) that e) when

  1. It is very late. You … phone them now.

a) am not to b) hadn’t to c) may d) shouldn’t e) couldn’t

  1. …. Of the designs is yours?

a) what b) whom c) which d) who e) whose

  1. He left his land in 1950.

a) ninety fifty b) ninetieth fifty c) nine five d) the fifty e) nineteen fifty

  1. There are (5) museums in this old town.

a) eight b) five c) six d) four e) two

  1. I’m sorry … the students who failed and I’m sorry … being late.

a) about/to b) for/for c) about/about d) with/about e) for/about

  1. We couldn’t hear the speaker … the noise from the street.

a) in case of b) because c) because of d) because is e) in case

  1. Her story made everybody …

a) to laugh b) laugh c) to laughing d) laughed e) laughing
14 Susan usually works from Monday to Friday, but last week she … work on Saturday as well.
a) should have b) had to c) have to d) has to e) must
15. There is … forest at the end of the road
a) - b) a c) any d) an e) the
16. Happy birthday … you.
a) to b) on c) in d) for e) at

  1. The girls … to the theatre tomorrow.

a) will go b) went c) shall go d) are going e) goes

  1. Is that my key, or is it … ?

a) your b) yours c) the your’s d) the yours e) are you

  1. … are you looking for?

a) which b) at what c) whose d) what e) for whom

  1. Is there … interesting at the cinema yesterday?

a) somebody b) nothing c) anything d) nobody e) something

  1. Look … me.

a) at b) into c) to d) under e) from

  1. He came … than I expected.

a) earliest b) the earliest c) early d) the earlier e) earlier

  1. The capital of the USA is … .

a) London b) New York c) Washington d) Philadelphia e) Boston

  1. The answer of the student

a) the answer’s of the student b) the student’s answer c) the students’ answer
d) the student answers e) The student answer

  1. Which University … she … after she finishes school?

a) do/enter b) will/enter c) did/enter d) has entered e) shall/enter

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