Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

Ex.4. True or false ? If the sentence is false, change it to make true

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English 1st

Ex.4. True or false ? If the sentence is false, change it to make true.
1. In England public schools are the same as state schools.
2. Children at school are called ‘pupil’s.
3. In British schools PE is short for ‘practical education’.
4. In Britain, the academic year if usually divided into two terms.
5. The working day is divided into lessons, with morning and
afternoon breaks.
6. The plan for each day’s work is called the school schedule.
Ex.5 . Make up questions to which the following questions might be the answers:
1. In nursery schools work, qualified teachers, usually primary teachers alongside helpers and nursery nurses.
2. In Britain most children of secondary school age receive free education financial from public funds.
3. The most of schools teach both boys and girls together.
4. Breaking down the artificial barriers between education and business is an important Government aim.
5. Pupils of all age take part in workplace activities .
6. Many polytechnics have close links with in workplace.
Ex.6.Make a conversation based on the text, using the questions.

  1. What’s the aim of British education?

  2. At what age do children go to nursery education?

  3. What age to they start primary school?

  4. What stages does the primary education ?

  5. What subjects does the curriculum include?

  6. When do teachers measure children’s progress in each subject?

  7. At what school do children study at the age of 11?

  8. How long does their school year last?

  9. When is the main school GCSE- examination taken?

  10. What happens if children fail all the exams they take at the age of 16?

  11. What can they do if they pass all their exams for levels at the age of 18?

  12. What content do further education courses include?

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