Байланысты: rekomendacii po napisaniju refleksivnykh otchetov
M easurable - the learning objective can be measured by one
of the assessment methods.
A ttainable – the learning outcomes is clearly obvious for the
teacher and a student by a definite time period.
R ealistic – the learning objectives can be reached by the
students during a planned period of time.
T imed - the learning objectives are limited by a certain
period of time (usually by the time of a lesson).
In the reflective account of my Colleague C I saw an example
of formulating the learning objectives of the lesson: «The
goal was to learn how to solve problems on construction,
that is, learn how to build a triangle without divisions using
a ruler and a caliper, on the specified elements, to analyze
the construction and prove that the resulting figure satisfies
the condition». From this example, I can clearly see what the
children will be able to demonstrate by the end of the lesson.
Moreover, I see that the teacher used Bloom’s taxonomy when
planning the learning outcomes and the learning objectives
include development both the skills of low and high order.
There is a lot of valid
evidence of teacher and
students’ learning.
Valid evidence are those which prove the realization of a
definite learning objective.
In the example of me Colleague B’s reflective account,
you can find such a phrase: «... At the end of the lesson the
students knew the structure, classification and the functions of
carbohydrates and fats ... Students with low motivation became
interested in the lesson, there was intrinsic motivation». At
this point the teacher completed his discourse on the learning
outcomes of students. Do these sentences convince you?
For me, as a trainer, those common phrases do not carry any
meaning. In the given report, I have not found any evidence
of that «at the end of the lesson, students knew the structure,
classification and the functions of carbohydrates and fats».
What wording should the teacher use to give examples of his
evidence of the learning outcomes? In my opinion, the results
of a written questionnaire, which clearly traced students’
responses could convince me. And I’m glad that after the
formative assessment of the reflective account, my Colleague had made some positive changes in his wording.