Рефлексивті есептерді жазу және таныстырылым сөздерін дайындау бойынша әдістемелік ұсыныстар Семей, 2013

What to consider when creating presentation slides?

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What to consider when creating presentation slides?
• Avoid long sentences and text on the slides. Try to only use keywords and phrases 
instead of long sentences. Try to use symbols and pictures instead of the long text 
that could help you gather your thoughts.
• Having decided to use text on your slides, use a print that is visible to the audience. 
Do not duplicate the text on the slide with what you intend to speak out loud, 
unless it’s a key idea. 
• Do not create too colorful slides, consider the lighting of the audience.
• Use animation rationally, otherwise there is a risk of creating confusion and 
distraction from the main theme.
• When using a video, make sure in advance that all mounted in a presentation video 
fragments are easily loaded, as unexpectedly encountered technical problems can 
ruin the overall effect of the presentation
• On the day before the presentation, make sure that you have recorded the final 
version of your presentation on a computer installed in the audience! After 
recording a presentation, open it and make sure it’s the file you want and it opens 
properly! It often happened that the trainee forgot presentation material at home 
on his own computer or saved the presentation in a format different from the 
software installed on the computer in the classroom.
• Observe the limit on the number of slides.
In my point of view, PowerPoint presentation slides are necessary in order to 
demonstrate the outcomes of going through the school practice. That is why, the slides 
mainly should include substantial evidence confirming the implementation of changes in 
your teaching practice. 
To help the trainees we worked out rubrics with descriptors for the criteria «Evidence» 
and labels proposed by the Examination Board of the University of Cambridge. Each label 
has description in order the trainees have a chance to estimate the validity of the evidence 
that they use in presentations.
I hope this rubrics will help you to reflect on your own evidence.

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