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Trainer’s notes
Good Pass
The teacher demonstrates strong evidence of the changes that had been implemented 
into his teaching practice, including children’s works, video and photo materials. 
The evidence are logically associated with teacher’s presentation speech. 
The evidence prove obtained learning outcomes for both – students and 
a teacher. can judge the results of training, both teachers and students. 
During the presentation, I often observed that the teacher would say, «by the end 
of the lesson, the students wrote essays on the topic «My native land»». However, 
as an evidence teacher simply provides photos of students doing writing. What do 
you think – is it a good piece of evidence? Will that prove that students are actu-
ally writing an essay in the picture? To my mind, it might as well be a photo of 
children taken a couple of years ago. In my opinion, the best evidence in this case 
could be the following: the essays themselves, the criteria for an essay evaluation, 
teacher’s comments demonstrating formative assessment of an essay.
The teacher demonstrates strong evidence of application of the ideas of the seven 
modules of the Program into practice, including video and photo material depict-
ing students. The evidence are logically associated with the teacher’s presentation 
speech. However, there is insufficient evidence of what students have learned at 
a particular point.
Borderline The teacher shows the video and photo materials from the lessons. However, 
insufficient (or no) evidence of the students’ works. The evidence are logically 
associated with the teacher’s presentation speech.
The evidence are missing. 
How to behave during a presentation?
• To begin with, try to remove the tension by creating comfortable conditions for 
yourself in the audience where you plan to present: think about where you will 
be comfortable to stand, where your colleagues will be seated in relation to you. 
Smile. A smile is sure to help “to break the ice” in any audience.
• Speak calmly and clearly. Try to speak in your normal pace in order not to knock 
the breath. Some teachers tried to speak faster than usual. Because of this, they 
lost their emotional peculiarities and did not produce the desired effect on the 
audience. In preparing your speech, make sure that you have enough time without 
having to gabble.
• Look at your audience. Make sure that while you are performing, at least for a 
second, but your eyes linger on each of your listeners. I often noticed that while 
making a speech, teachers only look at the trainer or an expert. Believe me, this 
creates a bad impression, because it seems that you are there simply to report on 
something, but not to share the outcomes of your hard but beloved work with your 

• Try to communicate with the audience. Think, may be your speech will have a 
greater effect if you involve the audience into discussion. However, make sure 
that it does not take much time.
• Do not think that you can tell something wrong. And even if you feel that you said 
something you hadn’t planned - do not make excuses and do not try to correct 
yourself. In the end, no one but you will know that what you have just said differs 
from what you had planned to say.
• If something goes wrong - apply humor :) nothing else, but a worm smile helps to 
create a more comfortable environment :)
• Smile at the end. Thank everyone for the attention and let the audience know that 
you are ready to answer their questions.

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