Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
Nurzhigitov A. S. - Master of Pedagogy and Psychology., Senior Lecturer., South-Kazakhstan State University
named after M.Auezov
This article properly analyzes the usage of interactive teaching methods in the teaching of discipline «Psychology
and Human Development». Nowadays implementation of interactive teaching methods in the educational process is one
of the most pressing issues.
In today's world of global changes, the main condition for adaptation of educated person is to possessing such
qualities as mobility, speed skills in the decisions of their development. It was announced in the President's message to
the Nation. «To each change in the moment of chaos should be applied modern approach».
«However, it will be allocated to the requirements of the present time». The best plan - a plan that can adapt and suit
for the present times. « Many researchers in their wot described interactive method as: «If earlier traditional methods
used for teaching certain knowledge. And interactive methods are used not only for the activity of the students, these
methods are used so that we can develop the learning of students and thinking outside the box»
Keywords: psychology, development, method, interactive method, a press conference, the lecture together,
vizualizatsiya lectures , case studies