Summary On the question of oratory of future music teacher Akhmetova A.K. – Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of department "Music education and choreography", This article discusses the oratory in the training of music teachers. Oratory speech, as one of the life-giving sources
is extremely broad in scope in the teaching practice. On the one hand, teaching as the main means of training and
education, and on the other - as the art of communication with its master-their students. Professional speech of teacher
is bears that he expressed as a sense that reflects both the linguistic and psychological nature. In the educational process
the teacher is the main source of knowledge. Accordingly, the speech of music teacher has to be accessible and
understandable. Therefore oratory art is an essential component of the training of music teachers.
Keywords: internet, mobile phone, computer, television, communication, public speaking, speech culture
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г. 222