Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
Summary K.Zh. Kozhakhmetova – `spedagogical ideas about traditional upbringing of kazakhs
AigerimTolkynbayeva – 1
course master specialty of Pedagogy and psychology, aigera_28.93@mail.ru
Scientific supervisor: Konyrbayeva S.S.pedsheberlik@mail.ru
The article deals with instilling national values to the younger generation in the era of globalization, the effective
use in the field of education.Examines the cultivation of the spirit of the younger generation, taking into account the
national values, national, cultural and historical traditions of our nation. At present, the continuous flow of information
while globalization negatively affects the mentality and upbringing. Thus, in the works of K. J. Kozhakhmetova
explored the importance of ethnic education in the formation of national traits in the behavior of the individual. The
paper analyzed and discussed the importance of ethnic education in scientific works in the field of education. We also
consider the importance of effective usage of national values and national heritage for the disclosure of students' ability
of patriotic feelings and love for the country in the field of education.
Keywords:ethnopedagogy,national values, education, national upbringing, patriotic education, national heritage, the
future generation.