Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
The Importance of Using Computer technologies at Foreign Language Lessons Zeyadauly Bakhytzhan - Сandidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of the University of Foreign
Languages and business career, batenke_89@mail.ru т. 8701407 41 10
Nowadays information technologies take a great role in our life. Therefore, the use of computers at foreign language
lessons is the requirement of time. Information and communicative technologies increase positive motivation and
educational activity of students, provide an individualization and differentiation of training taking into account abilities,
and improves the knowledge of students.
Main objective of teaching a foreign language is a formation and development of communicative competence,
training practical foreign language skills. The use of computers at the lessons makes training compelling, gives the
teacher ample opportunities to realization this purpose. New information technologies attract students and are one of
their main interests, they are aimed at intensifying the teaching process, improvement of forms and methods the
educational process arrangement.
Keywords: computer technologies, experiment, foreign language, technology, training.