Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
future teachers of computer science Karatayev G. – doctoral studentof the EurasianNational University.L.Gumilyov, galimzhan, 87@mail.ru Menlibekova G. – PhD.,Professorof the Eurasian NationalUniversity. L.Gumilyov, gmen, 64@mail.ru
The article deals with the leading role of the information educational environment of pedagogical high school in the
formation of functional competence in the future teachers of computer science. The study reveals the essence
ihfunktsionalnoy competence. The characteristics of the concepts of 'functional competence', 'functional competence',
'information - educational environment." Submitted by the author's vision of information - educational environment
ifunktsionalnyh competence of the future teachers of computer science in the structure of the key functional
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж. 227