1. Коммуникативтік құзыреттілік
Қазіргі кезде м5дениетаралық коммуникация облысында коммуникативтік құзырлықты қалыптастыру
шет тілін оқытудың мақсаты болып тұр. Бұл өзгем5дениет өкілдері мен тілдік 5рекеттестікке қабілеттің
болуын меңдейді.
Оқушылар да ұлттық - м5деникомпонентті қалыптастыру тілін үйреніп жатқан елдің атақты адамдары-
мен, тарихымен, салт-д5стүрімен таныстықтан ғана тұрмайды. Бірінші кезектетура қарым-қатынас
жағдайында оқушы қажетіне жарайтын білім беру болып табылады.
2. .леуметтік-мcдени құзыреттілік
Jлеуметтік-м5дени құзырлық астарында «5леуметтік-м5дени контексте пайдаланылған тілмен
таныстықтың біршама д5режесі» жатыр. Студенттердің 5леуметтік-м5дени дамуында ана тілімен туған
м5дениетін ж5не шет тілі мен өзге халықтарм5дениетінқатар үйреніп жүреді.
Jлеуметтік-м5дени құзырлық үш блок білімнен тұрады: лингвоелтанымдық білім, 5леуметтік-психо-
логиялық білім ж5не м5дениет танымдық білім. Лингвоелтанымдық білімдер ұлттық-м5дени-семан-
тикалық лексикалық бірліктер білімі ж5не оларды м5дениетаралық қатынас жағдайларында пайдалана
білу дағдылары. Тілін үйреніпжатқан елхалқының менталитетінің көрінісі ұлттық мақал-м5телдер. Олар
студенттерге халық қатынасы ұстанымдары мен ережелері туралы, құндылықтары туралы, сөзге беріктігі
туралы жорамалдауға мүмкіндік береді. Jлеуметтік-психологиялық білім-берілген м5дениетте қалып-
тасқан коммуникативті лексиканы пайдалана отырып жүріс-тұрыстың 5леуметтік-м5дени белгіленген
сценарийін, ұлттық өзгеше үлгісін игеру.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №3(47), 2015 г.
М5дени танымдық білімдер 5леуметтік-м5дени, тарихи-м5дени, этном5дени ортаның білім ж5не сол
м5дениет иелерімен өзара түсіністікке жету үшін оларды қолдану шеберлігі.
3. .леуметтік-лингвистикалық құзыреттілік.Jлеуметтік-лингвистикалық құзырлық тілдің 5леу-
меттік-м5дени жағдай шарттарын пайдалануды көрсетеді (5ртүрлі ұрпақ, жыныс, класстар мен 5леуметтік
топтар арасындағы қатынастың 5леуметтік нормаларға бағдарлау, салт жораларды р5сімдеуге).
Диалект пен акцентке қатысты 5леуметтік лингвистикалыққұзырлыққа 5леуметтік топтардың тілдік
ерекшеліктерін, өмір сүру орындарын, шығу тегін, қызмет түрінанықтау қабілеттілігі жатады. Мұндай
ерекшеліктер лексика, грамматика, фонетика (сөйлеу м5нері, паралингвистика) деңгейінде, сөйлеу
м5нерінде, паралингвистикада, дене қимылы тілінде кездеседі. Jлеуметтік лингвистикалық құзырлық
аймағына педагогикалық қатынас ұйымдастыру мен нақты педагогикалық жағдайды ескеру шеберлігі
кіреді. Яғни м5дениет, д5стүрлердің 5серін ку5лендіретін тілдегі өзгешеліктер. Jлеуметтік ережелерге
(5ртүрлі жыныс, ұрпақ, 5леуметтік топтарөкілдері арасындағы қатынас ережелері, жақсы 5деп ережелері,
аталмыш қоғамда қабылданған арнайы салтжоралардың тілдік бекітілімдер) байланысты 5леуметтік
лингвистикалық компонент5ртүрлі м5дениет өкілдері арасындағы қатынасты тілдік дайындауға зор
ықпал жасайды.
Қорыта келгенде, шет тілін оқыту мазмұнының 5леуметтік -м5дени компонентіоқу жағдайларында
үлгіленетін к5сіптік м5дениетаралық 5рекеттестікте зерттеулі социум өкілдерінің құндылық бағдарлары,
коммуникативті жүріс-тұрысының ұлттық-м5дени өзгешелігі, өзге тілді тілдік ортадағы тұлға аралық
ж5не 5леуметтік интеграцияшарттары туралы білімдерді көрсетуі керек.
Пассов Е.И. Коммуникативный метод обучения иноязычному говорению, 2-е изд. - М.: Просвещение, 1991.
2. Тер-Минасова С.Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. – M.: Слово/ Slovo, 2008.
3. Қамбарова З.Ж.Шетел тілін оқытудатілдік университеттегітөменгі курсстуденттерінің[леуметтік -
м[денибіліктілігін қалыптастыру .МагистрлікДиссертация, А,2010
4. Құнанбаева С.СҚазіргішет тілдік білім берудіңтеориясы мен практикасы. –Алматы: ҚазХҚ жKТУ,2010.
5. Смағұлова А.С.Шетел тілісабақтарындам[дениетаралыққарым –қатынастыдамыту ж[не лингво елта
нымдықақпараттар кезіндем[дениетаралыққарым–қатынасты үйрету [дістемесі. Магистрлік Диссертация, А.
6. Ариян М.А. Лингвострановедение в преподавании иностранного языка в старших классах средней школы //
Иностранные языки в школе 1999 - №2.
Аннотация. Основная цель обучения иностранному языку -формирование межкультурной и профессионально-
коммуникативной компетенции у студентов (обучающихся). Коммуникативно-направленное обучение иностран-
ному языку основан на комплексной интегративной целостности который состоит из лингвистического (языкового),
дискурсивного (говорение), социокультурного и других компонентов. То есть, лингвистический компонент обучает
учащихся использовать фонетические, лексические, грамматические явления изучаемого языка и установленные
закономерности в общении друг с другом. Дискурсивный компонент направлен на умении пользоваться языковыми
единицами, встречающихся в социокультурном контексте в процессе устной разговорной речи. Социокультурный
компонент обучает культуру, традиции, обычаи, государственное строение, законы, правила изучаемого языка и
правила поведения представителей языка. Формирование социокультурной компетенции основано на национально-
культурных различиях, которые отражаются в их образе жизни: общение с окружающими людьми, отношение к
пространству и времени; стиль учебно-профессиональной деятельности. В сегодняшнее время в области
межкультурной коммуникации формирование коммуникативной компетенции является главной целью обучения
иностранному языку. Это указывает на способность быть в языком содействии с представителями другой культуры.
Межкультурная коммуникация - это взаимопонимание двух участников коммуникативного акта, принадлежащих к
разным национальным культурам. Поэтому главная цель обучения иностранному языку - это приспособление
взаимопонимания между партнерами и межкультурной коммуникации. Учащиеся вместе со своим родным языком и
культурой изучают и иностранный язык с культурой другого народа. Также у студентов развивается умение
показывать свою культуру.
Ключевые слова. Социокультурная компетенция, лингвистический компонент, дискурсивный компонент,
социокультурный компонент, коммуникативная компетентность,коммуникативно-направленное обучение, социо-
лингвистическая компетенция, межкультурная коммуникация, социо-культурная компетенция, национальная куль-
тура, языковые средства, социо-культурный компонент, межкультурный диалог, познавательно-поисковые задачи.
Abstract.The main purpose of teaching foreign language is the formation of intercultural and professional-communicative
competency of students (learners). Communicatively-oriented teaching foreign language based on complex integrative
integrity which consists of linguistic (language), discursive (speaking), socio-cultural and other components. In this way,
linguistic component teaches a student to use the phonetic, lexical, grammatical phenomena of the studied language andset
conformities to law in intercourse with each other. A discursive component is directed on ability to use linguistic units,
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №3(47), 2015 г.
meetings in a sociocultural context in the process of verbal colloquial speech. A sociocultural component teaches a culture,
traditions, consuetudes, state structure, laws, rules of the studied language and rule of conduct of representatives of language.
Formation of sociocultural competency is based on national and cultural differences which are reflected in their way of life:
socializing with surrounding people, attitude toward space and time; style of educational-professional activity.Nowadays in
area of intercultural communication formation of communicative competence is the primary objective of teaching a foreign
language. It specifies on ability to be in by a language assistance with the representatives of other culture. Intercultural
communication is the mutual understanding of two participants of communicative act, belonging to the different national
cultures. Therefore a primary objective of teaching a foreign language is adaptation of the mutual understanding between
partners and intercultural communication. Students together with the mother tongue and culture study a foreign language with
the culture of other people. Also ability to show the culture develops for students.
Key words:Sociocultural competence, linguistic component, discourse component, sociocultural component,
communicative competence, communicatively-oriented language teaching, sociolinguistic competence, intercultural
communication, socio-cultural competence, national culture, language tools, socio-cultural component, intercultural dialogue,
information-seeking tasks.
УДК: 378.016:811.111
А.Т. .лжанова – магистрант, Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ
This article reflects onone of the interactive methods of teaching – case-study. The case method is a participatory,
discussion-based way of learning where students gain skills in critical thinking, communication, and group dynamics. Not
only does this approach raise the likelihood of greater retention—it also allows for learning that goes beyond the transfer of
knowledge to include the development of analytical, decision-making, and communication skills, and the cultivation of self-
awareness, judgment, and the capacity to lead.
Key words: case-study method, situational analysis of problem-solving.
Cases are narratives, situations, select data samplings, or statements that present unresolved and provocative
issues, situations, or questions. A good case study, according to Professor Paul Lawrence is: «the vehicle by
which a chunk of reality is brought into the classroom to be worked over by the class and the instructor. A good
case keeps the class discussion grounded upon some of the stubborn facts that must be faced in real life
situations». The case method is a participatory, discussion-based way of learning where students gain skills in
critical thinking, communication, and group dynamics. It is a type of problem-based learning. Often seen in the
professional schools of medicine, law, and business, the case method is now used successfully in disciplines such
as engineering, chemistry, education, and journalism. Teaching and learning styles are, by their very nature,
changing and in recent years there has been a noticeable move from lecture-based activities towards more student-
centered activities. Case studies are an increasingly popular form of teaching and have an important role in
developing skills and knowledge in students.
It is now documented that students can learn more effectively when actively involved in the learning process.
The case study approach is one way in which such active learning strategies can be implemented in our
institutions. There are a number of definitions for the term case study. For example, Fry et al describe case studies
as complex examples which give an insight into the context of a problem as well as illustrating the main point. We
define our case studies as student centered activities based on topics that demonstrate theoretical concepts in an
applied setting. This definition of a case study covers the variety of different teaching structures we use, ranging
from short individual case studies to longer group-based activities. Examples of different styles of case studies are
given at the end of this guide. There are a number of ways to develop case studies, some more successful than
others. The following list covers the main methods and also discusses other options and experiences external to
our institution.
1. Developing a case study based on the research interests of staff. For example, the research area of one of our
lecturers is polymeric foams; he is now responsible for a sports and materials science case study analyzing
running shoe performance including the behavior of the polymeric foams in the soles. We have found this to be a
good method of case study development, as it is easier to locate resources for the case study and the lecturer's in-
depth knowledge and interest in the topic add to the case study.
2. Requesting students to develop case studies based on personal interests. This is a method we have not tried,
but is an interesting way to develop case studies and one promoted by Smith. However, problems may arise when
trying to involve students.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №3(47), 2015 г.
3. Develop from scratch, maybe following interests/ideas picked up from elsewhere. This approach may
involve contacting or visiting other institutions to find out what methods and topics they are using.
4. Involving external sources can add new dimensions to the learning activity. One of our case studies looks at
materials used in tennis equipment and we invite a tennis coach to brief the students on the topic at the start of the
case study. This has been well received by the students who felt it added further insights into the topic. Another
approach is to use real-life examples from industry such as described by Raju and Sankerfor. Care is needed if an
external lecturer is asked to develop the entire case study to ensure they understand what is being requested of
5. Developing a case study to replace more traditional teaching on the same topic.The topics covered in this
case study were previously taught through lectures. We decided to adapt this part of the module to a team case
study approach that is continuously assessed with no examination question.We have found the case-based
approach to be a useful method to develop transferable skills. Key skills we have embedded into our case studies
1. Group working. The benefits of group working are well documented, and we have found that a team case
study approach can add to the learning experience. Care is needed with group working activities e.g. selecting
group membership to ensure smooth group operation/training of students in group working skills. This is
particularly important for longer case studies.
2. Individual study skills. Case studies are a good vehicle for encouraging students to carry out independent
research outside of the lecture/tutorial environment.
3. Information gathering and analysis. Many case studies require resource investigation and encourage students
to utilize a number of different sources, i.e. Internet, library, laboratory results and contacting experts in industry.
4. Time management. Longer case studies require students to really consider how best to carry out the work so
that it is completed to the set deadline. Interim meetings with academic staff ensure progress is made during the
case study rather than all the work being left to the last week.
5. Presentation skills. Most of our case studies require students to present their work in a variety of formats,
these include oral presentations, articles, posters and reports.
6. Practical skills. Some of our case studies involve practical work on the components that are being studied.
Feedback has shown that many students enjoy the hands-on approach.
It is all very well to promote case studies as a good form of teaching, but how do you evaluate whether they
are meeting the objectives set for them in terms of increasing student enjoyment/motivation, content coverage and
depth of learning? Evaluating students' learning can be problematic but essential to ensure good teaching. Some
suggestions for evaluation are as follows:
Questionnaire (closed questions): These ask for a specific answer ─ a circle round an option, items to be
ranked. There are many standard university versions of this type of questionnaire. This approach can be cost-
effective for processing the data and interpreting the results. However, they limit the responses from the students
to predetermined answers.
Questionnaire (open-ended questions): These allow students to fully explain their views and justify their
answers. However, it can take time to analyze and interpret the results. We tend to use this approach, particularly
with the introduction of new case studies, as we feel the questions evoke more personal and informative answers
from students.
Interviews and discussion: Tutorials and student liaison committees offer a good opportunity to discuss the
learning experience with students. If assessing a specific case study, it is often better to use a member of staff who
is not directly involved in the case study so that students do not worry that negative feedback may affect their
Feedback from both student and lecturers has highlighted areas for improvement in our case study teaching.
Some of these will equally apply to other forms of teaching, for example problem-based learning, small group
tutorials, project work.
Group working. The subject of group working comes up time and time again in student feedback. We
originally provided no formal training for group work and soon recognized that this was an area we needed to
Depth of learning. When examining student use of resources, we found that many of the research-based case
studies led students to derive all their information from the Internet. Whilst this is a valuable resource we feel that
it can often result in only surface learning. We have found that one way of addressing this is to specify to students
that we are expecting critical analysis in their work. Including a practical component is also a useful way of
achieving more in-depth study. Ensuring that there is progression of learning skills development when using a
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №3(47), 2015 г.
series of case studies is important, rather than repetition of the same skills.
The basic requirements for a successful case teaching experience are:
1. an appropriate case
2. students who are prepared to engage with the material in a discussion
3. an instructor who knows the case, has a plan for the discussion, and ready to deal with the unexpected
To be most effective, use of the case method should be embedded in the course syllabus, so that learning to
learn in this way is one of the objectives of the course, and students have ample opportunity to practice their skills
as case discussants. Going through the following steps, in order, will help you achieve that goal.
In a case discussion, students «do» the work of the discipline, rather than watch or read about how it is done by
others. By engaging in the case, students apply the concepts, techniques and methods of the discipline and
improve their ability to apply them. Case discussions bring energy and excitement to the classroom, providing
students with an opportunity to work with the range of evidence, and improving their ability to apply the
vocabulary, theory and methods they have learned in the course. Introducing the case method, like any change in
pedagogical practice, represents an investment of faculty time and energy. Advantages of incorporating the case
method in a fully lecture-based course are best understood as part of the bigger case for active learning techniques
in general.
The case method gives students the ability to quickly make sense of a complex problem, rapidly arrive at a
reasonable solution, and communicate that solution to others in a succinct and effective manner. In the course of
doing this, the case method also accomplishes a number of other things, each of which is valuable in its own right.
By exciting the interest of students, the case method fosters interest in professional matters. By placing such
things in a lively context, the case method facilitates the learning of facts, nomenclature, conventions, techniques,
and procedures. By providing both a forum for discussion and concrete topics to discuss, the case method
encourages professional dialogue. By providing challenging practice in the art of decision-making, the case
method refines professional judgement. By asking difficult questions, the case method empowers students to
reflect upon the peculiar demands of their position. The case method is a form of instructor-guided, discussion-
based learning. It introduces complex and often ambiguous real-world scenarios into the classroom, typically
through a case study with a protagonist facing an important decision. The case method represents a shift from the
traditional, instructor-centered model of education to a participant-centered one in which students play a lead role
in their own and each other's learning. Case method instructors use questions, dialogue, debate, and the
application of analytical tools and frameworks to engage students in a challenging, interactive learning
environment. Not only does this approach raise the likelihood of greater retention—it also allows for learning that
goes beyond the transfer of knowledge to include the development of analytical, decision-making, and
communication skills, and the cultivation of self-awareness, judgment, and the capacity to lead. At its best, the
case method enables students to develop what Harvard Business School Professor Tom Piper calls "the courage to
act under uncertainty." The role of the case method instructor is captured by the Latin verb "educare"-to lead out.
A good discussion leader does not seek to cover material in the classroom, but instead to guide students toward
the discovery of critical insights and uncovering of broader lessons through thoughtful questioning, listening, and
responding. The case method instructor must be well-prepared for both the content associated with each class
session and the process for guiding the participant-centered learning experience. Students act as co-creators of the
learning process in the case method. They are responsible for preparing the case in advance, first individually, and
then often in small study groups. During the class session, students are expected to participate as contributors and
as listeners to help advance their own learning and that of their classmates. Ideally, learning should continue after
class as students reflect on the discussion and apply insights and lessons in the broader context of their academic,
professional, and personal lives. The extensive preparation carried out by case method instructors prior to a class
session culminates in the real-time discussion of the case. Implementing the teaching plan involves challenges and
opportunities along two dimensions. On the one hand, the class flow provides a temporal dimension to execution
as the instructor moves through time from pre-class arrival, to the opening, through sequences of questioning,
listening, and responding, to transitions and, ultimately, to the closing of the class. At the same time, there are
discussion management issues that cut across the entire class session, including the management of time, student
participation and engagement, and the use of boards.. A case discussion class is not merely an intellectual
exercise, but also an emotional and interpersonal experience that requires trust and collaboration. To develop and
reinforce an effective case learning environment, instructors should arrive early to the classroom before every
session, at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled start of class. This practice helps support the instructor's
transition from planning to execution, enhances the instructor's relationship with students, and provides time to
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №3(47), 2015 г.
prepare the physical environment of the classroom. An early arrival allows the instructor to move psychologically
and emotionally from the self-focused nature of the teaching plan ("this is what I am going to do") and concerns
about teaching performance ("how well am I going to do?"), to become immersed in, and connected to, the
collective energy of the class.The additional time also strengthens the relationship with students. It sends a
powerful signal that the instructor truly cares for the students as individuals, not anonymous members of the class.
Talking informally with participants, instructors get to know them better and have the opportunity to sense where
they are in their hearts and minds on that particular day.
From a practical perspective, early arrival makes it possible to attend to the physical environment of the
classroom. Pre-class preparation may involve organizing notes and papers for easy reference, setting up videos or
other resources, checking classroom equipment, and perhaps pre-setting one or more boards with information the
instructor would prefer to record in advance. By allowing ample time for these activities, the instructor can avoid
delaying the start of class or interrupting the flow of the session to attend to logistical distractions.
Experienced case instructors evaluate class participation based on a student's contribution to the collective
learning during class discussions. Establishing objective assessments of these contributions can be challenging.
The quality of individual contributions relates not only to the content, but also the delivery and timing of
comments within the flow of the class discussion. More frequent participation is often a positive factor, although
excessive attempts to comment may lead to lower quality contributions and may reflect a bias toward speaking
over listening. In assessing participation, instructors should be aware of the critical role they play in shaping
student performance through calling patterns and the types of questions and follow-ups they use with individual
students. Also, the quality of the instructor's participation tracking system may significantly affect the reliability of
the overall performance evaluation.
From a student perspective, the participant-centered nature of the case method generates greater expectations
and opportunities for feedback as compared to lecture-based pedagogies. As students participate in class
discussions, they receive immediate feedback in the form of instructor and student responses to their
contributions. This type of feedback, however, may be ambiguous and indirect, leaving students uncertain as to
the impact of their participation and how they might enhance their effectiveness. To some extent, this is not a bad
thing, since it encourages students to develop their own capabilities for reflection and self-assessment. Students
may actively seek additional feedback from peers and the instructor outside of class. Ideally, instructors will be
able to provide both evaluative and developmental feedback in a manner that helps students discover further
insights regarding their strengths and opportunities for improvement.The most relevant indicators of success as a
case method teacher may only be available several years after the course has ended, as students apply what they
have learned in the classroom in their professional lives. In the meantime, instructors can continue to develop their
teaching effectiveness through openness to feedback, and learning by doing in an on-going process of
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