6. Источник развития гладкой мышечной ткани большинства внутренних органов и сосудов: мезенхима
нервная трубка
сомиты мезодермы
7. Форма гладкомышечной клетки мезенхимного происхождения: кубическая
8. Structural elements of the smooth muscle cell that contain ions of calcium: a. mitochondria
b. actin filaments
c. myosin filaments
d. Golgi complex
e. vesicles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum
9. Actin filaments of the smooth muscle cell are connected with one another and with plasmalemma by means of: a. solid corpuscles
b. mitochondria
c. lysosomes
d. cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum
e. canaliculi of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum
10. Impulse transmission from one smooth muscle cell to another is caused by: a. desmosomes (bridge corpuscles)
b. interdigitations
c. nexuses
d. adhesive belts
e. tight junctions