BA 1406
Biodiversity of Animals
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The Cellular level of the organization of animals ; Two-layer
animals; The Three-layer animals; Characteristic of vertebra;
Development of a vertebrate animal; Covers and a skeleton; Bodies
of a metabolism and reproduction; Nervous system and sense
organs; The Origin, systematization and distribution of vertebrate
-knowledge on the basic levels of the organization of animals, representations about
importance of all stages of individual development unvertebrate and vertebrate
animals, the reasons of variety of fauna and the basic laws of its formation, modern
sights at laws of development of the organic world are compared.
- The student is able to apply the received knowledge to the decision of scientific,
industrial and practical problems, to work in laboratory and field conditions.
MV 1407
Microbiology and Virology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
In a course directions of modern scientific researches in the field of
genetics and genomic microorganisms are considered. The
information, concerning the main problems of this branch of a
science from the point of view of biotechnology is resulted.
Approaches and the tendencies reflecting a current state of
scientific researches on working out of ways of their decision are
considered. Acquaints with safety problems genetic modified
industrial strains.
Selection methods and technicians which are applicable to own
scientific researches of undergraduates and modern scientific
researches are studied.
The purpose of teaching of a course: to give knowledge of
possibility of application of microorganisms in various branches of
economy: medicine, agriculture, food manufacture, pharmaceutics,
Students at the end of the course should know: basic structural and functional
features of growth and reproduction of microorganisms and viruses.
Be able to: prepare microscopic preparations for the visualization of micro-
organisms; prepare the drugs for the study of structures prokaryotic cells;
select and cultivate microorganisms;
exhibit oral and/or written presentation skills which involve the evaluation of data,
lab results or case studies within the field of microbiology.
Must own the: skills on the instruments and equipment used in microbiological
laboratories; methods of general and differential staining of cells of
microorganisms; methods of isolation and cultivation of microorganisms and
Module 3. Cell Biology and Basics of Physiology
CTB 1408
Cell and Tissue Biology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Familiar with the basic concepts of the structure and functioning of
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in vivo and in vitro. Introduction
to the features of the structure, function and formation of different
tissue systems of animals and humans.
-knowledge of the main provisions of the cell theory and methodological
approaches of analyzing the structure and function of cells and cellular organoids in
normal and pathological conditions; relation between the structure and function of
cells; mechanisms of the cell division and differentiation in normal and pathological
conditions; tissue origin in individual and historical development; morpho-
functional classification of tissues; structure and function of various tissues;
-Microscopy skills: the ability to properly handle the microscope, cytological and
histological specimens, cells and tissues, based on knowledge, be able to
distinguish between different cell types, intercellular substance, vessels,
morphological features of cell division and tissue regeneration, to correctly interpret
the structural and functional organization vital and fixed cells at the microscope in
BMF 2409
Basics of Microorganisms
The course "Fundamentals of Physiology of Microorganisms,"
As a result of the discipline, students will know: the pathways of the nutrients into
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: MV 1407
introduces students to the scientific basics of microorganisms’
cultivation and biochemical basis of their metabolic processes to
produce the desired metabolites.
the cell, types of the power of microorganisms, methods of cultivation of
Be able to: use knowledge about the needs of micro-organisms in the matter, laws
of growth and development at various ways of cultivation.
Have the skills to work with pure cultures of microorganisms used in
BAF 2410
Basics of Animal Physiology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BA 1406
The discipline gives an idea of processes of activity of an animal
organism and parts making it in their unity and interrelation with
-to know: theoretical and methodological bases of animal physiology; the
mechanisms providing interaction of separate parts of an organism and an
organism as whole with environment; about achievements, prospects of
development of physiology and its practical application.
-to be able: to apply the received knowledge and skills to development of new
biotechnological methods and receptions of management by organism
- to own methods of an assessment of a functional condition of an organism of
BPF 2411
Basics of Plant Physiology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BP 1405
The course of “Basic physiology of plants” include: structure and
function of plant cell organelles, the nature and mechanisms of the
light and dark phases of photosynthesis, the way the oxidation of
phosphorylation, the physiological role of mineral elements and
their metabolism in plants, mechanisms for delivering the cell and
movement water through the plant, mineral elements, patterns of
plant growth and development, physiological bases of plant
Competence: to know the main manifestations of life and their regulation,
mechanisms and patterns of activity of the autonomic functions of the plant,
mechanisms for the interaction of plant parts and a whole plant with the
environment, the achievements and prospects for development of physiological
science and its practical application.
During the development of undergraduate courses need to know: theoretical and
methodological foundations of Plant Physiology - the science of the main
manifestations of plant life and their regulation; mechanisms for the interaction of
plant parts and whole plant organism with the environment; the achievements,
prospects of plant physiology and its practical application.
Students be able to: apply their knowledge and skills to develop new
biotechnological methods and techniques of control of bodily functions;
-must be able to apply this knowledge to laboratory work;
-must master the methods to assess the functional state of the plants.
Module 4. General genetics and Biostatistics
GMG 2412
General and molecular genetics
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
This course covers the basic laws of genetics at different organism
level (Drosophila melanogaster - fruit fly, peas, and wheat).
Students master the genetic analysis of the interaction of alleles and
allelic genes, genetics, gender and sex-linked inheritance, linkage
of genes and crossing over, genetic and cytological mechanism of
crossingover, mutation variability, human genetics and genetic
processes in the population. Molecular mechanisms of inheritance
of traits studied at the level of analysis of the fine structure of
genes, in particular the determination of allelism and allelism test,
the molecular mechanisms of mutation and recombination of genes,
the genetic code, gene function and the molecular basis of the
interaction of genes.
- to know: the student should know the basic laws of genetics and molecular
mechanisms of inheritance of traits, genetic experiment to plan and solve genetic
- schould be able to: plan and carry out experiments with Drosophila; analyse
results of basic research and genetic findings.
BS 3413
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Mat 1301
Purpose of the course - to give knowledge of biostatistics needed to
analyze the results of scientific research, education of statistical
thinking. The course sets out the basic mathematical and statistical
methods used in biological research, are the patterns of distribution
of random variables, methods of grouping large amounts of data,
engineering calculations and evaluation of selected indicators, the
- to know the location of biometrics and the limits of its use in the biological
research, basic statistical methods and concepts, terminology and symbols of
- Be able to plan a science experiment, analyze and process the results, make
evidence-based conclusions on the basis of biometric data;
- Have the skills of statistical analysis, the ability to work with mathematical and
correlation analysis.
statistical tables.
Module 5. Basics of Biotechnology
BMB 2414
Basics of Microorganisms
2 credits/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: MV 1407 1/0/1
The course introduces with the fundamentals of design of
microbiological production process from receipt and preparation of
raw materials, obtain a seed culture, cultivation facilities to
isolation, purification and stabilization of the target products.
As a result of the discipline the student will know: methods of cultivation of
microorganisms and preservation of pure cultures; properties of the raw material
and the nutrients contained in them and ensuring growth of industrial strains of
microorganisms; the impact of factors affecting the growth of producers and
biosynthesis of metabolites; basics methods and techniques of isolation and
purification of the products of microbial production.
-Should be able to: use microorganisms as targets for biotechnology research; to
isolate objects from their environment, cultivate them in order to obtain products
and biomass.
-Student be able to use: the primary methods of studying microorganisms as objects
of biotechnology; the methods and techniques of getting a specific product.
BPB 2415
Basics of Plant Biotechnology
2 credits/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: BPF 2411
In the module technologies and the methods applied in
biotechnology of plants are studied. Ways of cultivation of plant
cells in vitro are considered. The main production technologies of
economically valuable products having application in the technical,
food industry, in agriculture and medicine are studied.
-to know production technologies of economically valuable products;
- to own methods of cultivation of plant cells and tissue;
- to be able to use the received theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various
industries, agriculture and medicine
BAB 2416
Basics of Animal Biotechnology
2 credits/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: BAF 2410
The purpose of teaching the subject "Basics of Animal
Biotechnology": the study of the objects of study and the history of
biotechnology, as well as obtaining an overall view of animal
biotechnology and its application in animal husbandry practices.
Study of animal biotechnology reserve; knowledge of the general
applications of biotechnology animals; study the possibility of
applying the knowledge gained to create a maturing of resistant and
highly resistant animals.
The students should know: general biological basis of biotechnological reserve
Be able to: use the theoretical knowledge to implement the science and practice of
have practical skills for the treatment of laboratory animals with microscopic
techniques, laboratory equipment and surgical instruments.
Module 6. Molecular biologу and Genetic engineering
MB 2417
Molecular biologу
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: GMG 2412
The course is devoted to main molecular and genetic cellular
processes. It encompasses the physical and chemical basics and
structural organization of pro- and eukaryotic genetic material. The
modern conceptions and study methods of molecular mechanisms
of replication, gene expression, recombination, DNA repair and
their regulation are taken into special consideration.
-to know: physical and chemical properties and levels of organization of pro- and
eukaryotic genetic material; the basic research approaches in molecular biology.
-to know how to: handle all equipment and materials required for lab work; explain
different approaches and methods used for investigating a molecular process from
molecular perspective.
-to have the skills: to use lab equipment; preparing lab reports.
GI 3418
Genetic engineering
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: GMG 2412
The course provides with advanced knowledge of various
approaches, methods and techniques used in production and
cloning the recombinant DNA; common genetic vectors, methods
of pro- and eukaryotic cell transformation; in vitro mutagenesis and
clone selection; characteristics of expression and regulation of pro-
and eukaryotic genetic material; applied potential of gene
engineering in medicine, plant selection, biotechnology.
-to know: mechanisms of gene expression regulation; approaches and methods of
recombinant DNA production and cloning; in vitro mutagenesis; selective down
regulation of gene expression with antisense RNA, RNA interference.
-to know how to: handle all equipment and materials required for lab work; explain
different approaches and methods used for investigating a molecular process from
molecular perspective.
-to have the skills: to use lab equipment; preparing lab reports.
Module 7. Industrial and Food Biotechnology
BBI 3419
Basics of biotechnological Industry
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BMB 2414
The purpose of the course - learning the foundations of food
microbiology and biotechnology industries. Sections of the course:
the objects and processes of the biotechnological production; the
microbiological and technological bases of fermentation industries;
technological scheme of production of the products of microbial
synthesis; production, using viable microbial cells; immobilized
biological objects; hardware, sanitary and hygienic requirements
industrial equipment and manufacturing processes.
The students should know:
techniques that provide an exception entry of microorganisms in the production
gygiene requirements for production facilities and manufacturing processes.
determine the energy of the yeast fermentation; get apple cider vinegar;
get citric acid superficial and deep way; carry out solid-phase cultivation producing
Must own
the: methods of sterilization of media and equipment; skills with the
cultures of microorganisms, maintenance and storage of production strains; ways
of growing seed; methods of laboratory simulation of production processes.
ІВ 3420
Industrial Biotechnology
2 credits/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: BMB 2414
The purpose of the course - familiarity with technological schemes
of microbiological industries, raw materials, equipment, methods,
quality control of finished products, the selection of microbial
strains with increased synthetic ability to meet production
requirements. We will study the conditions for their cultivation.
Specific topics include the theoretical and practical problems
associated with the production of microbial synthesis. Discuss
some productions technology based on the use of microorganisms
for food products and new directions in Industrial Microbiology
related with new raw materials, immobilized cells, high-yield
strains of microorganisms genetic engineering.
Students at the end of the course should:
Know: technological scheme of production of microbial bio-products;
techniques that provide an exception entry of microorganisms in the production
gygiene requirements for production facilities and manufacturing processes.
Be able to:receive the inoculum; carry out solid-phase cultivation of producers;
carry out a deep cultivation.
Must own
the: skills in industrial microbiology laboratories; methods of storage
of microorganisms; skills to maintain the production of crops; skills to produce
the desired metabolic products of microorganisms.
FB 3421
Food Biotechnology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BMB 2414
The purpose of the course is the generation of knowledge about
the use of biotechnological processes in the processing of raw
materials of plant or animal origin; industrial use of enzyme
preparations, food supplements and biologically active substances
in food production, the technologies of special purpose products, on
the basis of quality and food safety significance of microorganisms
in damage Food and requirements of sanitation and hygiene in the
food industry, the formation of practical skills in the organization
of food production with the use of biotechnology.
The student will be know about: microflora of raw materials and food products, as
well as the evils of food microbiology with nature; the role of microorganisms in
food processing raw material in the manufacture of food products; the technologies
of special purpose products.
Be able to: to apply the theoretical and practical skills in the use of biotechnological
methods and techniques in the production of food; to carry out the control of food
production and products;
To own: the methods of microbiological testing of raw materials and food products;
the use of different methodological fundamentals of biotechnology techniques in
the food industry.
Module 8. Methodology and Biotechnology of Animals and Plants
MAB 3422
Methodology of Animal
2 credits/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: BAB 2415
This course details the general biological fundamentals breeding
animals, as well as methods used in biotechnology animals,
artificial insemination, embryo transfer, genetic transformation of
germinal and somatic cells derived allofennyh animals (genetic
chimeras), genetic cloning and transgenic animals.
The purpose of teaching the course - familiarity with the latest
developments of biotechnology animals, the study of modern
approaches and methods of biotechnology of animals used for the
study of theoretical problems in biology and to accelerate scientific
and technological progress in agricultural production and public
Objectives: providing an idea of the general theoretical foundation
-to know: general biological bases of animal biotechnology, experimental
approaches to cell and embryo engineering, principles of cloning and genetic
transformation of somatic and germ cells of animals;
-to be able to: use theoretical knowledge for implementation in science and
practice; carry on well-planned experiments on animal biotechnology;
– to have an understanding of: the practical skills of work with major animal objects
- fruit fly, mouse, rabbit, sheep; with a microscopic technique; laboratory
equipment and surgical instruments.
of biotechnology animals acquire knowledge about experimental
approaches biotechnology animals: cellular and embryological
engineering, cloning, genetic transformation of somatic and germ
cells, an understanding of the application of biotechnology
techniques in the science and practice of animal husbandry and
ВHPA 3423
Biotechnology of Higher Plants and
2 credits/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: BPB 2415
The purpose of teaching course is illumination of a current state of
knowledge of biology of cultivated plant cells as object of
biotechnology and all main directions of biotechnology. Students
have to receive knowledge of methods of cultivation of plant cells,
tissue and organs in vitro, about dedifferentiation- differentiations,
about the theoretical and methodical principles use of cultivated
cells in biotechnology: for receiving important metabolites, for
clanal micropropagations and improvement of plants, for
incompatibility overcoming at the remote hybridization, for
receiving haploids, selection at the cell level, for cell and genetic
engineering, for genofound preservation.
- to know the main directions of plant biotechnology;
- to own a technique of cultivation of plant cells and tissue;
- to be able to apply the received knowledge to increase of theoretical knowledge
and also to apply them in practical activities.
Module 9. Medical biotechnology
MB 3424
Medical biotechnology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BAB 2415
Medical considering the creation of new biotechnology drugs, the
development of diagnostic methods and systems, new techniques
for the treatment of infectious diseases, methods of effective
- to have the skills of the microbiological control of raw materials and finished
products, development of new biologically active substances, products, food and
medical-prophylactic purposes;
- to have an understanding of biotechnological methods for the development of
vaccines and prevention of diseases in humans and animals, and know the basics of
the biotechnological production of medicines for humans and animals;
Module 10. Methods of biology teaching
MBT 3425
Methods of biology teaching
3 credits/5 ECTS
The module addresses the teaching of biological sciences at the
school, forms of organization of educational process, methods
and instructional techniques of the lessons of biology (ecology),
- the ability to play as a system of knowledge is logically related scientific concepts.
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