IET 2 ( Treated Physical Education )
Scientific writing
1 credit / 2 ECTS
(kaz / rus / eng)
Prerequisites: none
0 +1 +0
Students will learn about the research and their role in the
practice of human rights, fundamental concepts of research,
the use of methods of scientific knowledge, the use of logical
laws and regulations; accumulation of scientific information,
the basic concepts, algorithms for the solution of inventive
problems; protection; international certification inventions.
- Be aware of the theoretical and experimental research;
- Be able to apply theoretical knowledge to solve specific practical
- Be able to identify the object of research, formulate the goal, to
make the plan of the study.
Anatomic and topographic basis
medical gymnastics
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The course examines the physiology of children and their
physical activity: anatomical and physiological characteristics
of children age periods of development, the formation of
motor skills, age norms physical activity , the value of the
optimal level of physical activity for physical development
and health of children and adolescents, hypokinesia as a
factor impairments in the development of physical and
children's health.
knowledge of anatomical and physiological, age and gender into
characteristics of the organism healthy and sick people and athletes
depending on the type of sport;
ability carry out medical control and medical-pedagogical
observation by persons engaged physical culture and sports in the
different periods of age;
possession to the measurement indicators of physical development
and of functional tests;
PhEETh 1503
Physical exercises in exercise therapy
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Gym1407
The course examines about the history of development of
therapeutic exercise, and the role of exercises in of
rehabilitation therapy of patients at different stages. As well
as clinical and physiological studies, therapeutic exercise
appointment, forms and means of physical therapy, physical
therapy principles, classification, dosage of exercise.
knowledge of the Physiological substantiation of therapeutic action
of exercise methods exercise therapy of diseases and injuries;
indications and contraindications for physical culture and timing of
their release in the event of illness;
ability make a plan workouts persons engaged in physical culture
and sports with taking into account their functional condition;
possession the procedure, therapeutic exercises and massage at
different stages of rehabilitation of patients;
EThC P 2504
ETh in pediatrics
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: ATBMG1502
PhEETh 1503
The course examines the organization of carrying out
exercise therapy in children's hospitals: hospital, clinics,
kindergartens and schools, children's homes regulations.
especially the organization of exercises depending on the age
of the children and nosological forms of of the disease, etc.
knowledge of the methods of determining the physical
development and assessment;
ability make up to precis procedures of exercise therapy for
various diseases in children and adults;
possession of medical and educational supervision in classes with
application of physical exercise in medical and preventive and
sports facilities;
Basics of massage (general and
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: ABSM 1413,
The purpose of discipline - to form students' understanding of
the general principles and methodical rules of using the of
massage in sports, recreational, practice and competition
knowledge of the mechanisms of action of massage on the
individual organs, systems and body as a whole; hygiene basics of
massage, indications and contraindications for its implementation;
classification and varieties of massage, basic massage techniques
and their effects on the human body;
ability to carry out hygienic massage session, the session prior and
restorative massage in particular sports;
possession of the basic techniques of classic massage;
SB ETh 2506
Scientific basis of ETh
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HPh(ga) 2416,
The purpose of discipline - the development of scientific and
practical knowledge on issues therapeutic exercises (LFK),
the organization of medical monitoring in order to evaluate
functional status of athletes and persons engaged physical
knowledge functional of research methods and their evaluation;
the ability to analyze and generalize the factors and causes of
injury, diseases, functional disturbances in the process academic,
professional and sporting events;
possession of measurement of physical development and functional
Methods of improvement of an
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: ATBMG1502
PhEETh 1503
The course examines the general and specific goals and
objectives in the field of physical education, athletic training,
recreation and motor rehabilitation as part the harmonious
development of the personality, the strengthening of her
health and physical perfection
knowledge of problems of rehabilitation of patients at different
stages of physical rehabilitation techniques;
ability to determine the general and specific goals and targets in the
field of of physical education, sports training, recreation and motor
possession of performance of procedures physical therapy and
massage at various stages of rehabilitation of patients;
Private techniques exercise therapy
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: ATBMG1502
The course examines the particular methods physical culture
and curative rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the
digestive system, diseases of the blood and of chronic
radiation sickness and with illnesses exchange, kidney and
urinary tract, in diseases and damages of the musculoskeletal
system, etc.
knowledge of the organization of rehabilitation patients at different
stages of physical rehabilitation techniques;
ability to undertake rehabilitation patients at different stages of
physical rehabilitation techniques;
the ability to define a group of health, taking into account the
disease and to make recommendations for physical training and
selection of a particular sport;
possession of skills of drawing up outline of the procedure physical
therapy in various diseases in children and adults;
EThMT 3509
Exercise therapy and massage in
4 Credits / 6 ECTS
Prerequisites: ABSM 1413,
ATBMG1502, PhEETh 1503
The course examines the issues of disease and injury in
athletes. Prevention and rehabilitation of sports injuries and
performance: physical factors, hydro-balneotherapy, massage
and physical therapy, etc.
knowledge of methods of physical therapy and massage, methods
of rendering first aid to the victims during the procedures of
physiotherapy and sports training;
ability to perform a medical procedure by means of physical
therapy in a variety of health care, educational and sporting
knowledge of methods of rendering first aid to injured during
physical therapy treatments and sports training;
Private massage techniques
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: ABSM 1413,
ATBMG1502, PhEETh 1503
The course provides information about the anatomical and
physiological bases and of hygienic basics of massage, indications
and contraindications for the meeting, the classification of massage.
Are imparted skills in technique and special methods of
provisional, reductive massage and massage for damage and
diseases associated with the sport.
Knowledge of the basic peculiarities of application of massage in
sports and tourism, as well as in the treatment of injuries and
diseases associated with them.
ability to hold a session of massage therapy for common injuries
and diseases related to sports and tourism;
ownership of private methods a session hygienic and sports
Theory and organization of Adaptive
Physical Education
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: PhEETh 1503 ,
The aim of the courses is to familiarize of students with the
structure of discipline, forms of social adjustment and
rehabilitation people with disabilities by means of physical
culture, in the courses teach the advanced concepts of
environmental physiology, physical and chemical regularities
occurring in the organism, an adaptation. of the notion of
knowledge of natural sciences fundamentals necessary for
professional work in physical culture and sports, the ability to
apply skills in adaptive physical education and the work of with the
disabled, the possession of medical and biologic applied questions
allowing to decide scientific and practical problems of physical
culture and sports.
Medicinal herbs and BAS 's
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline is to teach of students the
knowledge, skills and expertise in the field of analysis and
quality control, as well as standardization, officinal kinds
plant materials and products used in the pharmaceutical
industry for the production of drugs of natural origin.
knowledge of the requirements of ND on the official views of
medicinal plant materials, animal products, rules of representative
sampling of raw materials for the of quality control of raw
materials in the warehouses and drug stores, the characteristics raw
material base of medicinal plants of blanks and organization
medicinal plant materials, systems of state events on rational and
use and protection of medicinal plants
ability to use the scientific popular scientific literature and
normative documentation associated with analysis and quality
control of medicinal plant materials; define by morphological
characters medicinal plants in the living and gerbarizirovannom
Innovative entrepreneurship (by
2 Credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline - the acquisition by students of
knowledge and practical skills in the field of innovation
management at the firm level, adoption and inform decisions
on how commercialization of research and innovation in the
face of uncertainty and risk, the development of tools to
evaluate costs and outcomes of innovative business skills to
justify the choice of sources and tools innovation financing,
organization and management of companies, specializing in
- To know the current trends and types of economic development;
- Be able to assess the economic situation of the economic entity in
the market and choose the strategy and tactics of innovative
behavior, which allows to obtain and maintain a competitive
- Own methods of calculating the total and the commercial
viability of innovative projects.
Intellectual Property Law
2 Credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline - to give an idea of the intellectual
as a sub-sector of civil law rights, to familiarize with the laws
intellectual property issues and its practical application, to be
guided in the preparation of documents such as an author's
contract documents for the registration of a patent, as well as
rights to other intellectual property rights.
- To be able to navigate in order protect the rights of authors,
- Be able to drawing up the author's contract documents for a
patent, as well as rights to other intellectual property rights.
Biorythms and sport
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HPh(ga) 2416,
The course provides theoretical and practical knowledge
about biorhythms and their effect on athletic performance and
health in sports and recreational activities and training
knowledge of human biorhythms, and how they affect sports result
and health in the process sports and recreational activities and
Training lessons.
ability to use them in the sphere of recreation, of a sports activities,
well as in the chosen sport
Basics balanced diet of athletes 3
Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HPh(ga) 2416,
The purpose of of discipline - to generate students'
knowledge about the meaning of a complete of balanced
nutrition in ensuring the health and the high human
performance, including in the conditions of sports activities.
knowledge of the physiological hygienic value the nutrients and
the factors that determines level of needs of the organism in these
substances, the basic principles of good nutrition, feeding habits of
athletes of various specialization;
• the ability to use the received knowledge for the organization of
human rational nutrition, including in the the diverse sports;
possession of skills of of drawing up food ration for people
different gender, age and type of activities including athletes of
different specialization;
Functional method of studies in sport
medicine and exercise physiologist
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HPh(ga) 2416,
The course examines issues of the organization of medical
examination of persons dealing physical exercises and sports.
Features of methods of a medical examination depending on
by individual kinds of sports activities: sports anamnesis,
assessment of health and functional status of of the organism
during physical exertion the circulatory, respiratory,
neuromuscular, of gas exchange, the neuromuscular
apparatus in view sports specialization.
knowledge of the features of the medical control over includes
teenagers and dealing sports.
knowledge of the anatomical and physiological characteristics a
female organism and reactions to an exercise stress, women's
sports morphotype.
knowledge of the validation Criteria of test results.
ability to apply the methods of testing: bicycle ergometry, step test,
treadmill test .
knowledge of methods of biochemical and immunological control
in sport and exercise therapy.
Physiology of high mountains
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HPh(ga) 2416,
The course examines modern concept of environmental
physiology, physical and chemical regularities that occur in
the organism, an adaptation, of the notion of homeostasis.
knowledge of the of issues about the physiological mechanisms
ensuring the regulation to the maintenance of homeostasis of the
Prophylaxis sporting traumatism 3
Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HPh(ga) 2416,
The course examines issues: the causes and prophylaxis of
sports injuries, of sports injuries classification, organization
of first aid athletes with acute injuries in the conditions
training and competition the content of the system
rehabilitation of athletes, stages and rehabilitation means,
renewal time playing sports after of acute diseases, the value
of dynamic observations at training session after the illness.
knowledge of the factors and of causes of injuries, of diseases, of
functional disorders in the process academic, professional and
sports activities;
possession of the procedure, of medical gymnastics and massage at
different stages regenerative treatment after the athletes injuries;
Optimization of the recovery process
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: HPh(ga) 2416,
In the courses teach the current understanding about the
mechanism fatigability discussed issues of fatigue in
muscular work of different intensity, geteroronizme, the
vegetative processes of recovery and impellent function the
dependence of recovery processes on the nature of of
intensity muscle activity and age.
knowledge of the of classification of funds restoration and increase
sports working capacity.
knowledge of pedagogical, psychological, medical and biological
means of restoration.
ability to use the physiological and pharmacological means of
increasing performance of athletes.
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