Салыбекова Ф. М.,Торебай Д. Н.,Сартаева К.,Сванова Д., Адилова А. Н., Сержан Н., Булекбаева Л., Турсынгали Н., Суюбердиева А. А

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Приложение 1

Паспорт тестовых заданий, экзаменационных билетов №___________

Факультет ________Филология______________________________________
Кафедра Современных языков и природоведения ______________________
Специальность Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка
Форма и язык обучения очное/ казахский/русский
Курс _3 Группа Фи -20-3р1,2,3/ 3к1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
Дисциплина «Специализированный профессиональный иностранный язык»
Семестр 6
Количество кредитов ___4_________
Общее количество вопросов: 125

Разработал преподаватель: Салыбекова Ф.М.,Торебай Д.Н.,Сартаева К.,Сванова Д., Адилова А.Н., Сержан Н., Булекбаева Л., Турсынгали Н., Суюбердиева А.А.

(подпись, Ф.И.О., должность)

Заполняется преподавателем, ответственным за разработку

Specialized professional foreign language
(Специализированный профессиональный иностранный язык)

125 вопросов (50, 50, 25)

1 уровень

1. Compose an essay on the topic: What kind of conflicts can take place at school and what are the constructive ways to solve a conflict?

2. Compose an essay on the topic: Think of a place that is special to you in some way – for example, a city or specific place in a city such as park, a beach, or a café.
3. Compose an essay on the topic: Think of a song or a movie that presents a romantic vision of a place. How does it describe the place?
4. Compose an essay on the topic: What are some places in your country that have special attraction for tourists?
5. Compose an essay on the topic: Is free speech a fundamental human right?
6. Compose an essay on the topic: When you want to translate something into your own language, what is your favourite resource? What kinds of things do you usually translate?
7. Compose an essay on the topic: Are there any natural or man-created places, or landscapes in your country that have inspired stories or songs? What makes those places special?
8. Compose an essay on the topic: Could you think of anyone who can be described as legendary? Why are they considered legendary?
9. Compose an essay on the topic: What types of goods are companies in your region or country famous for?
10. Compose an essay on the topic: Are you worried about the sustainability of the planet? Why, or why not?
11. Compose an essay on the topic: In what ways has treatment of various diseases changed over the past 100 years?
12. Compose an essay on the topic: What kinds of breakthroughs, or innovations do you think will happen in the next 100 years?
13. Compose an essay on the topic: Do you anticipate any big changes in your life in the near future? If so, what are they?
14. Compose an essay on the topic: What kind of people do you think are most likely to survive in a real-or-death situation?
15. Compose an essay on the topic:Do you think your name is a good name for opposite gender too, or only for one gender? Explain your reasons.
16. Compose an essay on the topic: Talk about some rules your parents had for you when you were a child. Were the rules the same for you younger or older siblings?
17. Compose an essay on the topic: What are some hand-made products that are sold in your country? What are they made from?
18. Compose an essay on the topic:What are some possible consequences of committing a crime?
19. Compose an essay on the topic:What are some things that can make a person vulnerable to illnesses?
20. Compose an essay on the topic: What kinds of things can a person show or do to prove his or her identity?
21. Compose an essay on the topic: What are some distinctive travel destinations in your country or region?
22. Compose an essay on the topic: Have you seen any ads or commercials that promote tourism in your country or region?
23. Compose an essay on the topic: Does tourism pose any problems for communities in your country?
24. Compose an essay on the topic: Do private schools offer higher quality education or are they just prestigious?
25. Compose an essay on the topic: What role do you think human capital plays in the development of countries?
26. Compose an essay on the topic: What consumer products does your country import and export? What natural resources are used to make those products?
27. Compose an essay on the topic: Do you think gender (being male or female) is something we are born with or learn?
28. Compose an essay on the topic: As people age, they often become more aware of their own mortality. How do you think this might affect their behaviour?
29. Compose an essay on the topic: Could you think of any book, or books that had a major impact on science or society? Why were they significant?
30. Compose an essay on the topic: What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of state and private schools are?
31. Compose an essay on the topic: Could you think of any jobs that are predominantly male-dominated?
32. Compose an essay on the topic: Which problems in your city do you think people should focus on right now?
33. Compose an essay on the topic: What changes in technology do you think are inevitable over the next decade?
34. Compose an essay on the topic: Why is it important to think critically when you get information from websites?
35. Compose an essay on the topic: Think of some innovators that you are aware of. What are some of their personal characteristics?
36. Compose an essay on the topic: What realistic changes would you make to your country’s attitude towards education?
37. Compose an essay on the topic: How to prevent bullying at school?
38. Compose an essay on the topic: How have schools changed since your childhood?
39. Compose an essay on the topic: Should religion be taught at school?
40. Compose an essay on the topic: What should children be taught at school to be prepared for ‘real world’?
41. Compose an essay on the topic: What do you think about educating boys and girls at separate schools?
42. Compose an essay on the topic: What should be done to improve the quality of education at schools?
43. Compose an essay on the topic: What will schools be like in 20 years?
44. Compose an essay on the topic: Who is more responsible for employment: a government or a person?
45. Compose an essay on the topic: Is it better to be a boss or a subordinate?
46. Compose an essay on the topic: How do you measure success? Is it possible to teach success?
47. Compose an essay on the topic: Which does success mostly depend on: luck or hard-working?
48. Compose an essay on the topic: What do you think of replacing all national laws by international laws?
49. Compose an essay on the topic: Is the health care in your country getting better or worse?
50. Compose an essay on the topic: How would the world be different if we never consider beauty?

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