бором сейчас, вы можете выполнить свои измерения. 6. Она внесла
предложение поехать за город вместе. 7. Он произвел на нас очень
хорошее впечатление.
Ex. 3. M ak e up sh o rt dialogues according to th e m odel.
Model'. —
A request.
An answer. (+, -)
E xam ple:
— Give me your pen, please.
— Here you are. (Sony, but I’m writing just now.)
Ex. 4. G ive d etailed answ ers to th e following q uestio n s:
1. What is the essence of Avogadro’s principle? 2. In what way can
Avogadro’s principle be used? 3. What do you know about the molccular
motion? 4. What is the principal difference between gases, liquids and
solids? 5. What is the difference in properties between crystalline and
non-crystalline solids?
D iscuss th e follow ing topics:
1. The Characteristic Features of Gases, Liquids and Solids.
2. The Difference of the Molccular Motion in Various States of a
3. The Influence of the Temperature and the Pressure on the
State of
a Substance.
A compound o f oxygen and another clement (metallic or non-mctallic).
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