Section III Ex. 1. Respond to the statements and questions, using the following
expressions: / hope so; so it is; it is; it would be wrong to say so; Pm o f the same opinion. 1. I think wc speak too much about water, there arc many other
interesting liquids. 2. Barium sulphate is insoluble in water. 3. The occan
is an aqueous solution, isn’t it? 4. It was in the occan that the first living
organisms developed. 5. Could wc obtain a solution o f quartz? 6. Thus, in
conclusion wc may say that the term “insoluble" in water is not accurate
when wc speak about silver chloride. 7. Water is usually callcd the
“universal solvent”. 8. Soon wc shall lcam the structure o f water and then
wc shall clcarly understand the nature of its properties.
Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into English.
Тысячи компонентов различных веществ растворены в воде оке
ана. — Да, это так. 2. Наверное, прошло много времени, прежде чем
живые организмы вышли из океана на сушу. — Я тоже так думаю.
3. Свойства растворов хорошо известны, и мы тоже скоро будем их
изучать.— Надеюсь. 4. Есть вещества, например, сульфат бария, кото
рые не растворяются в воде.— Было бы неверно так говорить, потому
что он растворяется, только очень мало. 5. Структура воды уникальна.
— Да. 6. Теплоемкость воды необычно высока. — Да, это так.
Ex. 3. Make up short dialogues according to the model.
Model: — A request — A clarifying question. — A statement. — An answer. Example: — Could you help me with my homework?
— What is the difficulty?
— 1 can’t understand this rule.
— Г11 try to explain it to you.__________
Ex. 4. Give detailed answers to the following questions:
1. What can you say about water in nature? 2. What is the composition
of water? 3. What properties make it a unique liquid? 4. What is the structure
of water interesting for?
Ex. 5. Discuss the following topics:
1. The Physical Properties o f Water.
2. The Structure of Water.
3. Water as a Universal Solvent.
A part of a solution which is present in greater amount.