Lesson 8
ГРАММАТИКА: Составное глагольное сказуемое. Формы инфинитива
и их значения. Модальные глаголы и их заместители.
Section I
Ex. 1. Pronounce the following words:
в середине и в конце
слова не произносится
but: [f]
high, light, slight, night, might, weigh,
thorough, thoroughly, brought
tough, enough, laugh
sit, such, solution, mass, serve, student, list,
substance, selenium, discover, sister,
sulphur, less. same, several, iust. so. similar
is, as, has, these, boys, ores, please, pens,
she, shall, shop, should, show, reddish,
share, short
nevertheless [.nevodo'les], giant [’d
aiont], tellurium [to'ljooriom],
selenium (si'li:ni3m), variety [vo'raioti], curious ('kjuorios], conductivity
[.kondAk'tiviti], colloid ['kobid], gelatin fd sc b tin ], hydrazine ['haidro,zi:n],
hydrate ('haidrcit], suspension [sos'penjn]
Ex. 2. Read the following words and say what Russian words help to
understand their meaning:
elementary, interesting, giant, valence, allotropic, characteristic, variety,
electrical, condition, colloid, gram, gelatin, hydrazine, hydrate, minute,
observe, protective, serve, suspension
Ex. 3. Pay attention to the following way of word-building:
red + -isli —
> reddish (красн-ым + -оват(ый) ■= красноватый)
greenish, bluish, yellowish, pinkish, brownish
основа слова + -/и / -> прилагательное
useful, beautiful, helpful, careful, truthful, thankful, peaceful, successful
основа слова + -sion Цп), fen] —
conversion, suspension, inversion; division, explosion, corrosion
Ex. 4. Arrange the following words in the alphabetic order and find their
meaning in a dictionary:
textbooks, nevertheless, ores, infer, alike, pieces, coating, flame,
peculiar, curious, varies, prolong
Ex. 5. Find the meaning of the words or expressions with the italicized
words in a dictionary and translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Selenium is well worth studying. 2. It is worthwhile reading this
textbook. 3. We compared the atomic weights o f many elements.
4. Selenium has an atomic weight o f78.96 as compared with 32 for sulphur.
5. His respect to his tcachcrs was great. 6. In this respect selenium differs
from sulphur.
Text 8 A
The element selenium usually receives scant* attention in elementary
textbooks, probably because it is o f little importance commercially.
Nevertheless, it is an interesting substance and well worth studying.
Selenium was discovered by the Swedish giant among chemists,
The clement is not abundant, but it is to be found in various ores.
* scant — скудный
Selenium is the sister element of sulphur, forming with tellurium the
elements occurring in Group VI. It has an atomic weight o f 78.96 as
compared with 32 for sulphur. From the fact that the atomic weight is
more, wc may infer that selenium should be less active than sulphur. Its
valences arc: +2, +4, and +6, the same as those of sulphur. It can be found
in several allotropic forms, just as sulphur docs. It will be helpful to
remember that the two elements arc very much alike in their chcmical
properties and so the reactions of sulphur arc similar to those of selenium.
A piccc of amorphous selenium is rather hard and quite brittle, just as
sulphur is. The dark colour of the clement, the silver-grey coating on its
surface arc characteristic. Another variety of the clement is red.
The element is both odourless and tasteless. It bums as readily as
sulphur docs, with a reddish-blue flame and the peculiar odour. In working
with selenium, beware* of the odour of its hydrogen compound; it is worse
than that of hydrogen sulphide.
One curious property of selenium should be mentioned. The substancc
varies in its electrical conductivity according to the amount of light that
falls upon it. Wc should remember that sulphur is a nonconductor. An
experiment shows that selenium differs in this rcspcct.
Under proper conditions selenium can form a colloid. One gram of
selenium dioxide is dissolved in 500 ml of water. To 50 ml of this solution
wc add, after heating, 10 ml of a onc-pcrccnt solution of gelatin, and then,
drop by drop,* 60 ml of hydrazine hydrate (1:2,000 o f water). Wc must
remember to keep it just below the boiling point for 16 minutes. The
beautiful peach-pink** colour of the colloid is to be observed. The colloid
can be made without gelatin, but the protective colloid serves to prolong
the life o f the colloidal suspension.
Words and Word-Combinations to Be Memorized
according to, alike, be alike, allotropic, amoiphous, another, coating, colloid,
compare, as compared, condition, conductivity, conductor, differ, drop,
elementary, fall, few, a few, gram, heat, hydrate, importance, keep, mention,
nevertheless, ore, piccc, proper, quite, rather, readily, in this respect, selenium,
several, silver, sulphur, sulphide, surface, suspension, tellurium, textbook,
variety, vary, be worth (while).
Ex. 6. Give the Russian equivalents for the following:
elementary textbooks, receive attention, be of importance, probably,
nevertheless, bccausc, be worth studying, among, in various ores, the sister
clement, as compared with, be less activc, be more activc, several allotropic
forms, just as, remember, be very much alike, be similar to, amorphous
* b e w a re — остерегаться
** p e a c h -p in k — псрсиково-ргоовый (чист)
selenium, piece, rather hard, dark colour, the silver-grey coating, on the
surface, another variety of, both... and..., bum readily, be worse than,
mention, electrical conductivity, according to, fall upon smth., remember,
be a conductor, be a nonconductor, differ in some rcspcct, under proper
conditions, heating, a one-percent solution, drop by drop, the protective
colloid, prolong the life
Ex. 7. Give the English equivalents for the following:
вероятно, иметь большое промышленное значение, тем не менее,
интересный, среди химиков, в различных рудах, атомный вес, по срав
нению с, быть более (менее) активным, такая же валентность, не
сколько аллотропных форм, быть полезным, быть очень похожим,
довольно твердый, темный цвет, покрытие на поверхности, как... так
и..., при работе с, в соответствии с, непроводник, в этом отношении,
при надлежащих условиях, однопроцентный раствор, защитное по
крытие, продлить жизнь
Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.
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