Lesson 10
ГРАММАТИКА: Формы н употребление сослагательного наклонения.
Section I
Ex. 1. Pronouncc the following words:
с + e ,i,y
place, act'd, central, presence, city, per cent,
except, circle, c/nema, century, precipitate,
decide, December, face, necessary, pcace, pencil,
cycle, cyclic, cylinder, receive, process
become, active, compose, occur, direct, combine,
compound, electrode, application, react, prospect,
collect, nitric, cold, according, effect, can, zinc,
consider, picture
commercial, socialist, coefficient, special, effici
ency, especially, dissociate, associate, sufficient,
calcium, glacial, society, specific, specimen, dis
sociation, association
such, which, chair, change, children, each, much,
rich, March, teach, choose, touch
chemist, chcmistry, chemical, characteristic,
chlorine, chloride, mechanical, technical
catch, watch, switch
back, black, clock, hockey, quick, ticket, attack,
check, nickel, thick
b) laboratory [lo'borstn], curiosity [.kjuorf
available [o'veil obi],
exhibit [tg'zibit], anhydrous [asn'haidrds], dilute [dai'lu:t], equation [i'kwei/эп],
hydroxide [hai'droksaid], residue [‘rezidju:], approximately [o'proksimoth]
Ex. 2. Read the following words and say what Russian words help to
understand their meanings:
gram, laboratory, mineral, per ccnt, characteristic, group, oxide,
combination, halide, stable, hydrate, clcctrodc, potential, conccntratc,
reaction, metallic, volt, spectral, line, analysis, method, extract, zinc,
indium, material, collect, mass, cadmium, filter, filtrate, result, neutralize,
basic, sulphite
Ex. 3. Pay attention to the following way of word-building:
основа слова + -ate [eit] [it] —» существительное
sulphate, filtrate, precipitate, nitrate, carbonate
- ) [it] прилагательное
accurate, immediate, appropriate
- » [eit] глагол
operate, separate, evaporate, precipitate, investigate, correlate,
dissociate, formulate
основа слова + -у
watery, healthy, ordinary, necessary, spongy
основа слова + -able, -ible —> прилагательное (со значением воз
[cibl] able, stable, unstable, enable
[ibl] possible, sensible
[obi] agreeable, probable, capable, considerable, desirable, available
Ex. 4. Give the initial forms of the following words and find their meaning
in a dictionary:
attempted, applications, quantities, exhibits, places, lies, series,
extracting, ores, considered, leaving, boiled, analyses, composed,
precipitated, halides, supplies, salts, curiosities
Ex. S. Define the meaning of the italicized words.
No commercial applications of indium were attempted for many
years. 2. Their attempt to obtain pure indium was a success. 3. The available
supply of indium at that time was only one gram. 4. Some compounds o f
indium were supplied for further analysis. 5. In(OH)j is precipitated from
an indium salt solution. 6. When KOH was added to an indium salt solution,
a precipitate of In(OH)j was formed.
Text 10 A
Indium was regarded as a laboratory curiosity for many years and no
commercial applications were attempted until 1924. It would hardly be
possible to think of its application, for the available supply at that time
was only one gram, with no immediate prospects of more.
Indium seldom occurs in a mineral in quantities over 0.1 per ccnt.
Several methods of extracting indium from its ores should have been
considered. According to one of them, indium-bearing zinc metal was treated
with a quantity of dilute H:SQi which would dissolve almost all the material,
leaving a residue of zinc. On this residue there was collected a spongy mass
composed of lead, copper, cadmium, tin, arsenic, iron, and indium. Nitric
acid was used to dissolve the spongy mass, after which the solution was
evaporated with sulphuric acid. Lead sulphate was left behind on the filter.
The filtrate was treated with NHj(aq) to precipitate In(OH)3 and Fe(OH)3
which were dissolved in HC1. The resulting solution was approximately
neutralized and boiled with NaHSOj, which precipitated the basic sulphite,
In:(SO})} *In(OH)3 *5H;0. The basic sulphite was dissolved in sulphuric
acid and pure In(OH)} was obtained by the addition ofNHj(aq).
Indium exhibits properties characteristic of the aluminium group.
Indium burns in air with a blue flame to form the scsquioxidc, ln:0 }. If
it were heated in the presence of halogens or sulphur, direct combination
would take place. In each case indium goes to its highest oxidation state.
The other halides (InX and InX:, where X is a halogen) have been prepared,
with the possible exceptions of InF and InF:. Only the halides, InX), arc
stable in the presence of water. There are three tri-fluorides of indium, the
hydrates of the compositions InFj*3H:0 and InF3*9H;0 and the anhydrous
salt, InFj. Most indium compounds are soluble in water.
W o rd s an d W o rd -C o m b in atio n s to Be M em orized
acctic acid, addition, almost, aluminium, analysis, anhydrous, approxi
mately, attempt, available, basic, boil, case, collect, compose, composition,
dilute, direct, clcctrodc, equation, evaporate, cxccption, exhibit, cxtract, filter,
fluoride, halide, hardly, hydroxide, indium, laboratory, lie, mass, material, most,
nitric acid, oxidation, per ccnt, potential, precipitate, prevent, regard, residue,
salt, seldom, scries, sulphite, soluble, supply, take placc, volt
Ex. 6. Give th e R ussian eq u iv alen ts fo r th e following:
attempt applications, regard smth. as, hardly, be available, immediate
prospects, over 1 per ccnt, exhibit properties, bum with a blue flame, in
the presence of, take placc, in each ease, oxidation state, with the cxccption
of, be soluble in water, in the electromotive series, an clcctrodc potential,
dilute acid, react with the evolution of hydrogen, together, concentrated
acid, acctic acid, according to the equation, to have some cfTcct on smth.,
to dissolve almost all the material, the resulting solution
Ex. 7. Give the English equivalents for the following:
в течение многих лет, едва ли возможно, в количестве свыше
цента, рассмотреть, несколько методов, разбавленная серная кисло
та, почти все вещество, на фильтре, получающийся раствор, прояв
лять характерные свойства, горсть на воздухе, прямое соединение,
происходить (иметь место), в каждом случае, за исключением чего-
то, в присутствии воды, безводная соль, большинство соединений,
концентрированная кислота, по уравнению (согласно уравнению),
спектральный анализ
. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.
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