Text 8 В
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Selenium Compounds
The element (selenium) can combine with the metals, just as sulphur
can, forming sclenidcs. Let us grind some selenium to powder in a mortar.
After that, wc should take 10 grams of this powder and grind it with
7 grams of iron dust, a proportion o f 80 and 56, the approximate atomic
weight ratio of the two elements. Then, wc must pour the well-mixed
material into a dry test-tube and heat it. Ferrous scicnidc is formed, the
action proceeds somewhat less vigorously than that between iron and
sulphur. When the tube has cooled somewhat, wc can break it open and
remove a grey-black product which much resembles ferrous sulphide.
Selenium will unite similarly with zinc and with other metals such as
coppcr and lead.
Selenium dioxide may be formed by the combustion of the element.
The dioxide is white and can dissolve readily in water
to form selenious
acid just as sulphur dioxide dissolves to form sulphurous acid:
HjO + ScO; —
> H’ScOj.
When selenious acid is treated with chlorine or potassium perman
ganate, sclenic acid is produced; the proccss, of course, can be callcd
oxidation, the reaction proceeds just as it does with sulphurous acid.
lumps of ferrous selenidc arc transferred to a small flask connected to a
train of bottles containing solutions o f a number of different metallic salts,
for example, those of cadmium, cobalt, nickel, arsenic, and antimony. Any
excess of gas which may escape is led into the flue. Add some hydrochloric
or sulphuric acid to the material in the flask, and presently hydrogen
selenidc forms and bubbles into the liquids in the various bottles. Various
selcnidcs can be formed.
Упр. 4. Действительно ли текст
В содержит ту информации», кото
рую вы ожидали в нем найти? Скажите, что было для вас новым.
Упр. 5. Разделите текст на тематические части и озаглавьте каж
дую часть.
Упр. б. Скажите, что говорится в тексте:
способности селена реагировать с металлами;
) о реакции се
лена с железом; 3) об образовании диоксида селена; 4) об образовании
селенистой кислоты; 5) о получении селеновой кислоты.
Упр. 7. Найдите в тексте отрывок, гае описывается получение селс-
нида водорода; переведите его на русский язык.