редкая категория, быть интересным, в темноте, по какой-то при
чине, сам элемент, как всякий другой алхнмик, искать что-либо, на
на мысль, проводить ряд экспериментов, желтоватое вещество,
заметить какое-то свойство, держать в секрете,
метод выделения фос
фора, вообще, только в 1737 году, получать элемент из, имеющееся
оборудование, даже сегодня, современное оборудование, быть ядо
витым, обращаться с, держать (хранить) под водой
Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.
at, with, of, on, by, for
1. Phosphorus is one ... the most interesting ... all the elements.
2. Phosphorus has a peculiar property ... glowing ... the dark. 3 .... some
unexplained reason man has always been interested ... any substance ...
phosphorescent properties. 4. Phosphorus was first prepared ... 1669 ... a
German alchemist Brand. 5. Brand earned ... a series ... experiments to
obtain phosphorus. 6. Brand kept the details... the preparation... phosphorus
... secret. 7. The method ... isolating phosphorus was made known ... the
world... general only... 1737.8. Brand prepared phosphorus... very limited
equipment and knowledge. 9
present phosphorus is not isolated... ease.
10. Phosphorus should be kept... water when it is n o t... use.
Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the word
1. Hydrogen atom contains only one electron and one proton. 2. Red
phosphorus is more stable than the white one. 3. An element is a substance
which consists of only one kind of atoms. 4. The salts formed by
acid arc called chlorides, the ones formed by sulphuric acid
arc called sulphides. 5. Chlorinc exists in two isotopic forms: the one has
the atomic weight of 35 and the other— of 37.6. Phosphorus is one of the
elements of Group V. 7. Reactions of dilute acids and the conccntratcd
ones arc not alike. 8. Phosphorus exists in several allotropic modifications,
yellow and red arc the most common ones. 9. The chemical
properties of
ozone are similar to those of oxygen, but one must point out that ozone is
more chemically active. 10. Phosphorus is readily dissolved in carbon
disulphidc, one part of it will dissolve nine parts of phosphorus. 11. This
modem apparatus gives more accuratc results than the old one and it is
much easier to handle.
Ex. 10. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to the verbs
may, might, could, ought.
1. Phosphorus may be fascinating, but it is also intensely poisonous.
2.Whcncvcr you may work with phosphorus, remember, it must not be
handled with bare hands. 3. The instruction was quite clcar so that the
students might perform the analysis themselves. 4. Such unexpected results
Ex. 7. Give the English equivalents for the following:
might be accountcd for by the fact that the substancc was not very pure.
5. However slow the reaction may procccd, it gives a good yield. 6. They
suppose they could finish their scries of experiments by Friday. 7. The
calculations ought to be done after cach scries of measurements. 8. Important
as this question may be, wc have no time to discuss it now. 9. In order that
the glassware might be used, it should be thoroughly washed. 10. The
author gives a very detailed description of the properties of cach clement
lest anything may be missed. 11. It is quite dear that the reaction could go
to completion after some heating. 12. The methods o f preparation of
phosphorus could have been mentioned together with the description of
properties. 13. The experiment ought
to be repeated several times, so that
you could get some results to compare. 14. In the middle of the 18th ccn-
tury it was discovered that phosphorus could be obtained from bones.
15. Oxygen and hydrogen could be obtained by the clcctrolysis of water.
16. The question how many elements arc essential to life couldn’t be
answered with ccrtainty. 17. Some generalizations ought to be made about
the role of various elements. 18. The schcmc of the proccss is given in
addition to the photograph so that the reader may understand it better.
19. Such research might tell us about the carbon chcmistry. 20.Thcsc
observations reveal chcmical mechanisms that could only have been
uncovered by studies of reactions at high energies.
Ex. 11. T ra n sla te th e scntcnccs in to English.
1. Фосфор обладает интересным свойством светиться в темно
те. 2. История фосфора не мснсс интересна, чем сам элемент. 3. Фос
фор был впервые приготовлен в 1669 году, но метод его приготов
ления стал известен миру только в 1737 году. 4.
Как и все алхимики,
свои метод приготовления фосфора Бранд держал в секрете. 5. Не
обходимо помнить, что фосфор очень ядовит. 6. Известны несколь
ко аллотропных форм фосфора. 7. Фосфор нелегко выделять даже
при современном оборудовании. 8. Одна из форм фосфора — это
желтоватое воскообразное вещество, такой фосфор называют жел
тым или белым.
Ex. 12. M ak e up questions to th e italicized p a rts o f th e sentences.
For some unexplained reason, man has always been intrigued by any
substance with
phosphorescent properties (3). 2. It was
soon discovered
phosphorus could be obtained
from bones (3). 3. Its peculiar
property o f
glowing in the dark placcs phosphorus
in a special and rare category (3).
Ex. 13. A nsw er th e follow ing questions:
What is the most interesting property of phosphorus? 2. When
was phosphorus first prepared? 3. What kind o f substancc is it? 4. What
methods were used to prepare phosphorus? 5. Why is it ncccssary to be
careful working with phosphorus? 6. How must phosphorus be kept when
it is not in use?