Indium cannot be plated on ferrous metals directly. However, by first
coating the iron or steel with a metal such as zinc, cadmium, or some
similar metal which has a higher clcctrodc potential than the iron or steel
and indium plate could be deposited successfully. After such a plate is
deposited the article is baked at a temperature slightly above the melting
point of indium for several hours. The indium and the other non-ferrous
metal diffuse into one another, to producc a uniform plate which would
not chip or peel and which would be non-porous.
Indium can be plated directly on non-ferrous metals. Generally, the
plate is diffused into the base metal by the method mentioned above. Such
coatings are more resistant to certain kinds of chcmical attack than the
base metal and arc usually harder.
Упр. 4. Что нового вы узнали из текста 10 В?
Упр. 5. Разделите текст на тематические части и озаглавьте каж
дую часть.
Упр. б. Скажите, что говорится в тексте:
1) о сферах применения индия и его соединений; 2) о сплавах индия
с другими металлами; 3) о применении индия в медицине.
Упр. 7. Найдите в тексте место, т е говорится об особенностях нане
сения слоя индия иа металлы. Переведите этот отрывок на русский
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