P art T w o
Lesson 13
ГРАММАТИКА: Подлежащее. Существительное в функции подлежаще
го. Местоимение в
функции подлежащего.
Section I
Ex. 1. Practise your pronunciation.
a) period ('pionod], ancient [’einjont], civilization [.smlai'zeijn], China
['t/aura], India ['indjo], Greece [gri:s], Egypt [*i:d3ipt], quintessence [kwin'tesns],
elixir [l'likso], technique [tck'nkkj, iatrochcmist [ai'astrdo'kemist], pursuit
[pa'sju:t], phlogiston [flo'dsiston], subsequent ['sAbsikwont), qualitative
['kwohtstiv], quantitative ('kwontitotiv], identify [ai 'dcntifai], urea [ juano]
b) there\are, injheNhistory, a^'theoryyOfNnumbers, could^be^'vchanged,
'oneuof„\w hich, and0the0\answ er, 'this0isuth e\d atc,\p ro v ed wthat,
c) There are 'five 'periods | in the 'history of\chcmistry.
Ex. 2. Pay attention to the structure of
the following words, translate
them Into Russian:
a) collcctivc, elusive, native, quantitative, qualitative, imperative
afternoon, anything, football, nevertheless, iatrochcmist, meanwhile,
thrcc-dimcntional, withstand, quintessence
c) tcchniquc, unique
Ex. 3. Define the meanings of the word
matter in the following sentences:
1. During the phlogiston period men postulated a hypothetical
2. Biology is the scicncc of the physical life of living
matter. 3. What is the
matter with you? 4. Wc haven’t discusscd this
matter yet. 5. No
matter what
method of preparation was used, the substancc should be pure. 6. It is a
ideas for combination as expressed in valcnce*, and the studies of molecular
structure until the thrcc-dimcntional models appeared.
Gradual determination o f physical properties of the elements indicated
a periodicity of property expressed by the periodic law which has withstood
the onslaught** of the discovery of the subatomic particles which make up
the nucleus and outer clcctrons of the atom.
W ords a n d W o rd-C om binations to Be M em orized
accurate, A. D., ancient, approach, assume, comprise, date, definite, determine,
effort, express, force, gain, goal, gold, gradual, improve, inorganic, matter, model,
organic, outer, particle, principal, problem, prove, qualitative, reliable, require,
stimulate, subsequent, synthesis, technique, there be, until, urea, withstand
E x. S. G ive th e R ussian equivalents fo r th e following:
the history of chcmistry, an ancicnt period, comprize, civilization,
develop, a philosophical approach to, a theory o f numbers, a theory of
elements, propose, the alchemical period, the principal goal, base metals,
change to, introduce, pure substancc, an improved technique, devote, during
the period, postulate, a hypothetical matter, require, gain in weight, the
answer to the problem, identify a substancc, synthesis of urea, produce a
compound, reliable measurements, stimulate the effort, accurate weight,
until, gradual, withstand smth., subatomic particles
Ex. 6. Give th e E nglish equivalents fo r th e following:
древний период, в истории химии,
метод изучения материи, атом
ная теория, теория элементов, теория чисел, земля, вода, воздух, огонь,
главная цель, превратить в золото, чистое вещество, требовать, уве
личение веса, очень легкое вещество, последующее открытие, совре
менная химия, качествснный/количсствснный анализ, определить
вещество, органическая/неорганическая химия, синтез вещества,
доказать, получить соединение, надежный метод, закон сохранения
массы, определить точный вес, последующие попытки, новая модель,
постепенный, указывать на периодичность, открытие частиц, состав
лять ядро, внешние электроны
E x. 7. F ill in th e b la n k s w ith prepositions w here
1. There arc five periods... the history... chcmistry. 2. A philosophical
approach... the study... matter was developed ... Greece. 3. Alchemists
thought that there was a way ... which base metals could be changed ...
gold. 4. ... the phlogiston period men postulated a hypothetical matter.
5. G ain... weight... calcination... metals le d ... a search ... a very light
* as expressed in valence — выраженный валентностью
** has withstood the onslaught — выдержал атаку