is defined (is dcscribcd) as the smallest part of a compound
that can exist as a free and separate substance.
Слова к тексту:
the very — сам no ссбс; equal — равный; determine — определять;
relative — относительный; strictly — строго; it makes no claim — не пре
тендует; perfectly — совершенно; entity — нечто реально существующее
Text 12 В
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Chemical Symbols for Representing Compounds
It is a short step from using a symbol for an element to using a
for a compound. However, it is often forgotten that the very act of writing
the formula for a compound assumes the law of constant composition.
HgO originally meant “some of a compound containing equal numbers of
mercury and oxygen atoms”. A formula used in this way is referred to as
an empirical formula, for it contains only the cxpcrimantally determined
ratio o f the relative numbers of atoms of different elements in the
compound, but makes no statement about how many atoms there are in
one molecule. An empirical formula should be written with brackets (HgO);
to show that it makes no claim to represent one molecule of the substance;
but for inorganic solids where there is seldom a method of determining *,
the brackets are never used.
A molecule of a compound is defined as the smallest part of a compound
that can exist as a free and separate substance. For crystalline solids in
which one atom is surrounded by several
equivalent neighbours, the word
“molecule” has no well-defined meaning. Thus, the formula HgO refers
to a gram-molccular weight of mercuric oxide, whereas the gram-molecular
weight is the sum of gram-atomic weights of the elements in the proportions
in which they occur in the compound. For example, zinc has a gram-atomic
weight of 65 g and chlorinc a gram atomic weight of 35.5 g, so the gram-
molecular weight of zinc chloride (ZnCb) is 135 g.
For gases, the molecule is a perfectly real entity, and the molecular
weight of any volatile substance defined as
weight of 1 molecule
weight of V
atom of carbon 12
can be measured experimentally. Therefore the formula NHj can either
refer to one molecule of ammonia, containing one atom of nitrogen, and
three atoms of hydrogen, or, alternatively, to one gram-molccular weight
of ammonia.
Though the terms “gram-molccular weight” and “gram-atomic weight”
arc no longer used by chemists, it is interesting to know how the idea
developed. At present, (he term “mole”
(mot) is usually used to name the
quantity of a substancc.
Упр. 4. Оправдались ли ваши предположения насчет отличия по
содержанию текста 12 В от текста 12 Л?
Упр. 5. Разделите текст на тематические части и озаглавьте их.
Упр. 6. Скажите, что говорится в тексте:
1) о том, что необходимо было знать, чтобы написать формулу со
единения символами; 2) о значении эмпирической формулы; 3) об упот
реблении скобок при написании эмпирической формулы; 4) как опре
деляется молекулярный вес летучих веществ; 5) что обозначает формула
Упр. 7. Найдите в тексте отрывок, где дается определение молеку
лы и описываются особенности употребления формул для обозначения
твердых веществ. Переведите этот отрывок на русский язык.
Ex. 1. Check up if you remember the ways of expressing time.
It is two (o’clock).
It is ten minutes past (after) five.
It’s ten past five.
It’s five-ten.
It’s a quarter past (after) four.
It’s fifteen minutes past (after) four.
It’s four-fifteen.
It’s half past two.
It’s two thirty.
It’s a quarter to eight.
It’s seven fortv-five.
It’s five (minutes) to three.
It’s two fiftv-five.
a. m.
до полудня
p. m.
после полудня
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