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Keywords: health literacy, public health awareness, public health.  Introduction

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health literacy, public health awareness, public health. 
Nowadays, people need to actively take care of their health and 
make informed decisions. This requires accessible, easy-to-understand and reliable 
health information that is also adapted to people's needs. Accordingly, there is the 
acquisition of the necessary knowledge, motivation and skills, including access to 
health information, and thus understanding and evaluating it, designated as health 
literacy. Personal health literacy is therefore "the extent to which people can find, 
understand and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and 
actions for themselves and others". In this context, it should be emphasised that 
health literacy is always a matter of content and context. This means that the ability 
to work with health information depends on the context in which it is to be applied 
to health-related decision-making. Priorities are changing and consequently, people 
are increasingly taking responsibility for their health, as a consequence, health 
literacy is becoming an increasingly timely topic. Studies by Kristin Hjorthaug 
Urstad., Randi Andenaes., and Astrid K. Wahl et all (2020) have demonstrated an 
association between low functional and poor health-related outcomes, such as 
increased hospital admissions and re-hospitalisations, lower participation in 
preventive measures, worse self-management of chronic conditions, worse disease 
outcomes, lower functional status and increased mortality. 
Materials and methods:
We searched and analyzed scientific articles in the 
Pubmed, Wiley, Elsevier and Springer Link database using the keywords health 
literacy, public health awareness, public health, health promotion. Search depth 5 
years. The total volume of analyzed scientific articles is 55, of which 28 were 
selected for writing this literature review. 
Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines health literacy as the 
personal characteristics and social resources that individuals and communities need 
to access, understand, evaluate and use the information and services needed to make 
health-related decisions. To develop health literacy measures and generally assess 
the impact of demographic, socio-economic and behavioural determinants on health 
literacy in the world. Today, people need to actively take care of their health and 
make informed decisions. This requires accessible, easy-to-understand and reliable 
health information, which is also adapted to people's needs. The relevant necessary 
knowledge, motivation and skills, including accessing, understanding and evaluating 
health information, have been conceptualised as health literacy. Consequently, 
personal health literacy is "the extent to which people are able to find, understand 
and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions for 
themselves and others". In this context, it should be emphasised that health literacy 
is always substantive and context-specific. This means that the ability to handle 
health information depends on the context in which they are to be applied to make 
health-related decisions. 

People are increasingly being given responsibility for their health and, 
consequently, health literacy (HL) is becoming a topic of growing interest. Overseas 
studies have demonstrated an association between low functional health literacy and 
poor health-related outcomes, such as increased hospital admissions and re-
hospitalisations, lower participation in preventive measures, poorer self-
management of chronic conditions, poorer disease outcomes, lower functional status 
and increased mortality. We know that limited literacy skills are often associated 
with poor understanding and management of health conditions, underuse of 
preventive health services, higher rates of hospital admissions for preventable 
conditions and poor overall health status [6]. Populations with low health literacy 
are more likely to have difficulties in understanding different types of health 
information, both in assessing its reliability and source, difficulties in understanding 
medical language and professional terms, and difficulties in acquiring skills to 
control their health. 
Limited literacy skills are known to be often associated with poor 
understanding and management of health conditions, underutilization of preventive 
health services, higher rates of hospitalizations for preventable conditions and poor 
overall health. Evidence of a social gradient in health literacy has been found in all 
published national population-based surveys. Health literacy is an intermediate 
determinant of health, but not a panacea for addressing health inequalities caused by 
the misallocation of opportunities and resources. 

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