Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

Exercise 61. Translate the sentences into Russian paying

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

Exercise 61. Translate the sentences into Russian paying 
attention to the use of the Passive Voice:
1. This lecturer is invited to deliver a course of lectures in civil 
law at our University.
2. A lot of young lawyers are trained at our University every 
3. Such criminal cases are usually tried by district courts.
4. Appeals against sentences and decisions of courts of first 
instance are examined by courts of second instance.
5. The criminal case was decided according to the laws of the 
6. The accused is guaranteed the right to defence.
7. The hearing of the case will be postponed.
8. Penalties are imposed on convicts according to the law.
9. The man was arrested by the police, but now they have re-
leased him.

A Grammar of English Practice Book for Law Students
10. The verdict was given by the jury and the sentence was 
passed by the judge.
11. His appeal was rejected by the higher court last week.
12. The unlawful decision was appealed against by the procura-
13. She was represented by her lawyer at the trial.
14. The case of robbery was solved in August.
15. I think the verdict will be brought in tomorrow.
16. The convicted person will be imprisoned.
17. The indictment is read out to the accused at the beginning 
of the trial.
18. Many rules relating to employment are set by statute.
19. The trial was criticized by many as perversion of justice.
20. Henry Brown was awarded damages for the injury he had 
21. He was convicted of manslaughter and sent to prison for 
eight years.
1. When someone is placed on a community service order, the 
court requires an offender to perform unpaid work in their spare time 
and contribute to their local community.
2. When the accused is found guilty and sentenced to imprison-
ment he or she is put in prison for the crime.
3. When a convict is put on probation, he is given a period of 
time when he must behave well and not commit any more crimes in 
order to avoid being sent to prison.
4. If the prosecutor fails to prove that the accused person is 
guilty beyond reasonable doubt, the verdict of “not guilty” is rendered 
by the jury.
5. The defendant was given a suspended sentence for the car 
theft while intoxicated.
6. Last month two high-level employees of the PQH Corporation 
were arrested for fraud.
7. These businessmen were accused of having developed a 
complex scheme involving investors’ money.
8. The accused was found guilty of fraud and obstruction of jus-
tice and sentenced to three years’ imprisonment.

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов
9. The legal process that concerns relations among nations is 
called international law.
10. The influence of the Napoleonic Code was somewhat di-
minished at the start of the 20th century by the introduction of the 
German Civil Code in 1900 and the Swiss Code in 1912.

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