Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов
Exercise 57. Translate the following sentences paying at-
tention to the functions of Participle II:
1. The case of burglary considered by the magistrates last week 
was very complicated.
2. The act committed by the juvenile was defined as a crime.
3. When taken to prison the convicted appealed against the se-
verity of the sentence.
4. The apprehended person was kept in prison.
5. If asked, say that the contract was signed long ago.
6. Aimed at reforming convicted persons, punishment should 
not cause physical suffering or humiliate their human dignity.
7. Adopted several years ago the law on press is widely used 
8. The jurors selected last month have considered several crim-
inal cases.
9. The policeman informed the arrested offender of his right to 
10. The investigated crime was believed to be a very serious 
11. David had his ear pierced. He did it because it annoyed his 
12. I’m having the car serviced on Monday.
13. He had his driving license endorsed by the police for dan-
gerous driving.
14. I’d like my tires checked, please. And the tank filled.
15. I’d like the contract (to be) signed today.
16. They won’t stop arguing until interrupted.
17. The owner of stock shares, unless restricted by contractual 
agreement, may freely transfer those shares to anyone.
18. Shareholders have the right to receive dividends if declared.
19. The information received is being carefully examined by the 
most representative international bodies.
20. Look at that window broken during the act of burglary.
21. Occupied by his thoughts the defendant didn’t hear the law-
yer’s question.
22. The House of Commons is an elected body; it consists of 
650 Members of Parliament (MPs) who each represent a particular 

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