Сборник упражнений по всем разделам английской грам- матики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных

This is … tree and that is not … tree.  It’s … bush.  10

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9. This is … tree and that is not … tree. 
It’s … bush. 
10. I am … boy. I am … pupil. I study 
at … school. 
11. My sister is at … work. She is … 
secretary. She works for … new company. 
12. This is 
… very difficult question. I don’t know … answer to 
13. Do you see … little girl with … big ball in her 
… hands? She is … pupil of our … school. 
14. There 
was … beautiful flower in this … vase yesterday. 
Where is … flower now? 
15. Last year we were in 
Geneva. It is … exciting city to visit, but … very 
expensive place to live.
Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания:
in the middle
in the corner
to the right
to the left

Упражнение 12
Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. There is … jar of … delicious orange marmalade 
in … middle of … shelf. 
2. There is … big … box of 
… cereal to … right of you. 
3. There is … bunch of 
… bananas on … table. Don’t keep them in … fridge. 
4. There is … loaf of … white … bread on … upper 
… shelf of … fridge. If you want your … bread to 
be fresh, keep it in … fridge. 
5. Is there … bag of 
… flour in … cupboard? 
6. There was … bottle of … 
drinking water in … corner of … kitchen. 
7. There 
is … thick red … carpet in my … room. … carpet is 
on … floor in … front of … sofa. 
8. Where is … table 
in your brother’s … room?
— His … table is near … 
9. I can see … fine … vase on … shelf. There 
are … lovely … flowers in … vase. 
10. They have no 
… piano in their … living room. 

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