Short term lesson plan/Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Lesson structure/Сабақ құрылымы

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Lesson structure/Сабақ құрылымы

Stages/ Time

Teacher actions/ Мұғалім әрекеті

Student actions/Оқушы әрекеті


Resources/Қолданған материалдар

Beginning Сабақтың басы

T: Good morning, pupils!
P: Good morning, teacher!
T: How are you today?
P: Fine, thanks!
T: What day is it today? P: It is Friday
T: What date is it today?
P: Today is the 20th of April
T: What is the weather like?
P: It is warm and sunny.
T: Well, thank you! Take a sit.
Checking up the home task
- What was your home task for today

Tongue twisters (phonetic exercise)

Spider netting
Pupil, passing the textile thread to each other, wish good luck for today

Students greet the teacher

answer the question

children wish each other good words in return

Self Assessment
Verbal Assessment
Peer Assessment
Group Assessment
Criteria Assessment

The date on the blackboard

Middle of the lesson/
Сабақтың ортасы

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