Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

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A Noble Profession пособие

Exercise 11. Work in the groups of four. There are four stories below. Each should be read by a different student. Together you decide which person you are going to help.

Decide how you would help people. Write a short paragraph, five to six full sentences. Make a detailed plan. Here are some questions that will help you.

  • Who are you going to help and why?

  • What kind of event would you organize? (For example a school play, a football game, a concert, etc.)

  • Where and when is it going to take place?

  • How would you attract people? (Advertising your event, interesting activities, etc. )

  • Who would attend an event? (Students, their parents, teachers, anyone, etc.)

  • How would you earn profit? (Sell tickets, charitable donations, selling something etc.)

Helping people

  1. Jane, age 22, is a young professional tennis player who came from a small village but is on her way to become the first one ever to represent her country at the Olympics. One day, she fell and suffered severe spinal injuries. She now needs a very expensive surgery she has no money for, or she will stay in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

  1. A family of six, parents (Kate and John) and kids, Rose (15), Danny (10), Hannah (7) and Max (2), have suffered a great tragedy. Their house burned down with all their belongings so they are homeless now. The children had to leave school since only the dad has a job and education for all of them is very expensive. They need a great amount of money to get a new place to live and to get back on their feet.

  1. Harry (12) and Ginny (21) are brother and sister who lost their parents in a car accident. Ginny is 21 so she can legally take care of her brother but she doesn’t have a job and a place for them to stay. They have nobody to help them. They will have to be separated into two different families unless she finds enough money to provide for them both.

  1. Mr. Wilson (52), is one of the most favorite and beloved professors at the University of California. He has done a lot of scientific research and has been helping his students all his life. He has been diagnosed with a serious heart disease that made him unable to teach anymore. Because he is all alone, his students want to raise money for his expensive treatment so he can come back to the University.

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