Социальный работник молодая профессия, которая быстро развивается и охватывает новые сферы жизни. В связи с развитием общества, появлением новых реалий потребность в социальных работниках постоянно растет

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A Noble Profession пособие

Social Perception. Social perception is the process by which people come
to know and evaluate one another. In this research topic, social psychology deals
with forming impressions and making attributions, and stereotypes and prejudice.
Researchers in social perception study how we form impressions of each other,
how we explain the causes of our own and other people’s behaviour, and how
we form stereotypes and prejudices toward social groups.

Interpersonal Behaviour. A third topic of social psychology concerns
interpersonal behaviour, the ways that individuals interact with one another. Social
psychologists in this area are especially interested in group processes, “antisocial”
(aggressive, competitive) behaviour, “prosocial” (helpful, cooperative) behaviour,
and interpersonal attraction. So the main research aspects are the following: group
processes, aggression, altruism, and interpersonal attraction.

Exercise 8. Put down words and word combinations from the text you are going to use while giving its short summary.

Exercise 9. Go through the text and get ready to speak according to the following items.

1. Social psychology origin.

2. Modern social psychology founder.

3. Social psychology after World War II

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