Ключевые слова: Профессор К.К.Жубанов, профессор Ф.Ш.Оразбаева, языковая коммуникация,
коммуникативный метод, методика преподавания казахского языка, учебник казахского языка,
программа казахского языка, принцип комплексного обучения, методическое наследие, духовная и
научная связь.
Аnnotation: In the article, the author, analyzing the works of Professor F.Sh. Orazbaeva, which gives the
scientific foundations of communicative learning and uses the comprehensive teaching principle, notes that in the
textbooks and programs in the Kazakh language for secondary schools K.K.Zhubanov written in the 30s years of
the twentieth century, there are elements of communicative learning and integrated learning. The foregoing
indicates the scientific and spiritual connection of the methodological heritage of K. Zhubanov and F. Orazbaeva.